
ColourOutofSpace's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Scarab Sages

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Nathan Hartshorn wrote:
ColourOutofSpace wrote:
(Mmm ... 546 GP! What can one buy with such riches?)

To name a few...

Chalk, Alchemist's Fire, Rope, Potions of CLW, Rope, weapons, Rope, armor, Rope, candles, Rope, and BACON (sometimes if the GM is nice).

Oh, also everyone needs rope.

Thanks for the advice!

Will definitely be buying bacon! Always thought it would come in handy.

Scarab Sages

Nathan Hartshorn wrote:

Firstly: Wonderful name, lovin' it.


Maybe I should be playing another RPG then??

Scarab Sages

Nathan Hartshorn wrote:

The sheet given there is a Season 5 sheet. Each scenario comes with its own chronicle sheet, and the sheet has evolved as time has gone on. Do you know what season of scenario you were playing? Or the name of the scenario (should be on chronicle sheet)?


"Tide of Morning"

Thanks for the help everyone.
I won't look so starry eyed at all the goodies next time!

(Mmm ... 546 GP! What can one buy with such riches?)

Scarab Sages

RainyDayNinja wrote:
The gear listed on the chronicle sheet isn't stuff you now have, but rather stuff you can now buy for the listed price, without worrying about Fame limits. Normally, your total Fame puts a cap on how expensive of an item you can buy (although the cap is usually high enough you won't have to worry about it). You should definitely check out the Guide to Organized Play for details about that.

****This response was being typed out while all the previous replies were coming in. Ignore it. I get it now! Thanks.****

The thing is the sheet in the Guide looks nothing like the sheet I was given, which comes from the scenario itself.
It clearly states "Items Found During This Scenario". That does not appear on the Chronicle Sheet in the Organised Play guide.
The closest it comes to this is referenced below:
"Step 7: Cross out any treasure items the party didn’t find
in the scenario and mark any special boons the players
did or did not earn (U); additionally, if you’re running the
lower subtier, always cross out all of the items listed for the
higher subtier. Return the Chronicle sheet to the player."
This states nothing about purchasing the items, just crossing the stuff we didn't find.

Scarab Sages

El Baron de los Banditos wrote:
The GP listed in the box on the right is how much you get. The items listed are things you can buy. Page 35 of the Guide goes over the chronicle sheet breakdown.

But the sheet states:

"Items Found During This Scenario".
If they're found, why do I need to buy them? And from who!
This makes no sense.

Scarab Sages

At the end of my second PFS game, I got a Chronicle Sheet. Second PFS game you ask?! Yep. First one I played, we all died. Was then told my character wasn't good enough to be saved from being thrown into the local river. Not enough frickin' Prestige Points!!
Second game, I survived! (Yeah!)
Got a Chronicle Sheet with gold gained and items found.

What do I do with it all?
Can I sell all the items I can't use? (Magic stuff, seeing as I'm a simple Fighter!) Or can I bring it to the next game and give it to another player/character who can?
Can I buy stuff with the gold and just deck myself out in all the best stuff my character can handle?

With all that GP, it's like my character is a kid in a bloody lollie shop! (Candy store to some:)

Scarab Sages

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

Just to clarify:

If you choose Skill Focus (Stealth), it always adds to your Stealth skill... it's not just for one roll and then it's gone forever.

So if you took Skill Focus (Stealth) and Skill Focus (Perception), it would add a permanent +3 to both of those skills.

But you could not take Skill Focus (Stealth) twice on the same character to get +6 on that skill.

That makes more sense!

When I wrote "can only use this feat 'per skill' once", I really meant for one round!!
You're saying I can apply it once per skill, but it's there throughout the campaign.

Can I still change it during the campaign?

Thanks for the clarification.

Scarab Sages

This is going to be one of the most mundane questions posted here, but I just gotta ask it!

The Skill Focus feat states:
You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects
do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a
new skill.

Does this mean that my character can only use this feat 'per skill' once? ie. My character can't use this feat on the Stealth skill, then the Perception skill, then back to the Stealth skill.
It can only be used on Skill(1), Skill(2)....Skill(n) and that's it?


Scarab Sages

Thanks for all the replies!! (This messageboard needs emoticons!)

I was really more concerned with coming back after 25 years and basically starting again!
I will have to get in touch with the local PFS group. Which I've discovered isn't that far from home. :)

Thanks again to all who responded.


Scarab Sages

Speaker for the Dead wrote:
You're not too old but don't assume you know anything about the rule system. There have been a lot of changes! Roleplaying is still the same though, and that's the fun part :-)

For the last 6-8 months of read through the Pathfinder Beginner Box set and the D&D Beginner set. I've started reading the Core Rulebook also.

(As well as other misc. things to do with gaming!)
The rules have become more complex, I'll give you that. But at heart, the rules are still the same!

My problem isn't wanting to play, it's trying to find a group here in sunny Melbourne to get involved with.
I may have to try the Roll20 website to see if there's a group willing to allow a middle-aged noob to join! :)

Scarab Sages

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How old is too hold to start to play RPGs like Pathfinder?

I know it's a strange question, but I'm tempted to get back into RPGs after a 25 year hiatus! After that length of time, to me it's like I've never played before.
The last thing I remember playing was the Middle Earth Role Playing game. Before that was D&D. That was with a bunch of guys I went to uni with. When we ultimately went our seperate ways, I remember the games being quite fun.

A year ago I was introduced to the Castle Ravenloft board game, and my interest in RPGs began again. It took me a year to get myself confident enough to play again, but am I too late?
Is 45 too old to play?