Colorsprayftw's page

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Thanks on the Natural 11! It’s pretty grassroots so it’s nice to have some folks listening in.

We also just went live on iTunes! Natural 11 Podcast on iTunes. We just uploaded the pilot episode and we are working on addressing the sound issues. It’s been fixed on episode 3. Should be uploading the first episode soon!

Sometimes strange party makeups can be fun. My COTCT group is a psychic, a blood rager, a vigilante (zealot) and an alchemist. Is it odd? Sure but that makes it a bit more unique

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Hey! I purchased the anniversary hardcover from my FLGS and am about to start running this AP but I noticed that the interactive maps are only included in the entire PDF bundle. Since I use a projector/tv setup this is not a great option for me since I need to essentially buy the entire book again to be able to project it. AFAIK I think this might be the only AP with the interactive maps not sold separently. Has anyone else run into these issues or found a solution? I am hard pressed to buy the PDF at 45$ USD (I’m Canadian sonourndollar isn’t great in comparison) all over again when the other interactive maps are available separately and for much less.

Funny this came up. I’m in the process of organizing a crew for a CORCT podcast for January. Will be live and in person and should be a lot of fun with different people from different gaming backgrounds. I am still new at audio editing and figuring out the process of setting up a podcast but have been recording our serpents skull games to practice on. I’ll post here when we are up and running. stay tuned!

Interesting that this comes up I have seen the illusory wall debate many times but we had a similar type of situation come up at our last session in Shattered Star. A creature used the spell deeper darkness and in response our swashbuckler who had an artifact that allowed him to make a major image at CL 25 created a small sun to counter the deeper darkness. I wasn't sure about this as an optio. But we ruled on the fly to allow it to keep things moving. How would something like this be ruled? I'm not sure that an image would be enough to counter the very real deeper darkness.

I'm not sure if its the best but I know part 3 of Mummy's Mask has a large portion about the Great Library of Tephu in Osirian. Very large with many secret and ancient sections.

Thanks! So if it were not the mythic version than you would not threaten correct?

Hey. This recently came up in our Mummy's Mask campaign where the mythic Roc used mythic telekinesis to grapple and pin the party paladin. I can't seem to find anything anywhere about if you threaten within your reach (roc is 20 foot) while grappling telekintetically at a distance. Is there a specific ruling on this anywhere? Thanks!