Roy Greenhilt

Col Arana's page

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Full Name

Camus [Viprys]











Special Abilities

Sword Scion, Bastard


Neutral Evil




Common, Elven, Sylvan, Undercommon


Mercenary Financier

Strength 14
Dexterity 12
Constitution 11
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 14

About Col Arana


AC: 16 (10+Dex (2)+Chainmail (4)+Shield (1)
Fort: +2
Reflex: +4
Will: +2
HP: 15 (d10)

Half-Elven Traits:

Elven Immunities
Base speed: 30 feet
Low Light Vision
Multitalented (Slayer, Sorcerer)
Keen Senses
Elf Blood


* Indicates a Class Skill

Diplomacy: 2 (+4)
Bluff: 2* (+7)
Disguise: 1* (+6)
Intimidate: 2* (+7)
Knowledge (geography): 1* (+6)
Perception: 2* (+6)
Sense Motive: 2 (Skill Focus)* (+9)
Stealth: 2* (+6)
Survival: 2* (+6)
Sleight of Hand: 2 (+3)

Background Skills:

Knowledge (nobility): 2
Profession (Financier): 2*


Skill Focus (Sense Motive)
Weapon Focus (Long Sword)

Class Skills:

Martial Weapon Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Light Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency

Study Target
Slayer Talent: Foil Scrutiny

Deity Bonuses:

+2 trait bonus to bluff checks when attempting to cause enmity between groups or individuals

Background/Physical Characteristics:

Many moons ago, Camus was conceived by the union of a human nobleman and an elven woman. Born out of wedlock, with his elven heritage clearly distinct in his features, Camus was a bastard-born child, and his noble father refused to acknowledge him as his own. To make matters more insulting, when his father had a son by his wedded wife, he named the boy-- Camus's younger step brother, his heir. Camus, meanwhile, left without a name, or an inheritance, was forced to spend many of his days fending for himself. And with every passing day, his desire for what was rightfully his, rose. With a level of base cunning, and an aptitude for fighting, Camus found himself falling in amongst the Blackjacket mercenary gang, hoping to use the group as a stepping stone to greater things. He found himself in a position where he was able to handle the finances of his particular unit. Distributing pay, arranging for orders, and better funding. The like. But he has always been looking out for a chance to raise his status in the world. So when the opportunity for a pioneering expedition-- a way to start making a name for himself, came about, Camus jumped on it without hesitation, and set out on his new quest.

Camus is a dark haired youth, with the noted elven ears common to his kind. He is sallow skinned, and boasts a five-o-clock shadow, covering his lower jaw and cheeks. He has slender elven features, tempered by human muscle with amber colored eyes. He stands approximately five foot six in height. When possible, he likes to dress in finer clothes, to mark his noble heritage, despite being disowned by his father, perhaps as a means to spite his patriarch.


85 Gold 5 sp
Masterwork Long Sword: 1d8 damage. Critical: 19-20/x2. +1 Enhancement bonus (4 lbs)
Masterwork Chain Shirt (+4 AC, +4 Dex bonus, -1 Armor penalty) (25 lbs)
Masterwork Light Steel Shield (+1 AC) (6 lbs)
Light Crossbow (1d8 damage. Crit: 19-20/x2. 120 feet) (8 lbs)
Crossbow Bolt (Drow Poison)x1
Backpack (Common) (2 lbs)
Area Map (2 lbs)
Flint and Steel
Mirror (1/2 lb)
Dagger: 1d4 damage. Critical 19-20/x2(1 lb)
Kumis (wineskin)

Total Encumbrance: 48.5 lbs (Light Load).

Other Notes:
+7 Attack Bonus when using his masterwork Long Sword.