
Coel Katteran's page

No posts. Organized Play character for catdragon (RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32).

Full Name

Coel Katterran




Mechanic 2










Absolom Station


Castrovellian, Commonb, Kasatha, Ysoki



Strength 10
Dexterity 15
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Coel Katteran

Coel is a third-generation spacer, not that she cares. But she is following in the footsteps of both her father and grandfather who were also in the field of starship engineering. She is considered a natural in the field of engineering, and she quickly graduated from the fleet academy, where she was assigned to the theoretical propulsion study group. Though her superiors gave her much in the way of latitude in approaching her ground-breaking research, her headstrong nature and her penchant for bending the rules often lead to conflicts between herself and the team. Despite this, her work has spoken for itself, as she has delivered innovations to the fleet that could one day change the face of space-faring civilization forever. That is, if the stick-in-the-mud superiors would just open their hide-bound eyes and see the innovations she created.

Finally this got her drummed out of the navy and now she seeks works as a free-to-hire spacer, engineer, and fix-it. The Starfinders were quick to snap her up, though they have taken great pains to make it seem as if it is they that are doing Coel the favor, not the other way around.

Coel is 23 years old, standing 5’ 7” tall, and weighing 132 lbs. She wears the standard women’s spacer's uniform in the customary engineering green colors over a long coat where she keeps her various tools. She keeps her reddish hair worn long down her backside.

Smart, intelligent, and headstrong; Coel has a remarkably bright intellect to her, and drives herself to innovate on a constant basis. Her drive and passion for her work makes her at times hard to keep up with, and she has a grave dislike for both protocol, and for people that get in the way of her work, a trait that has garnered her a fair share of conflict between her and her superiors. Lastly, Coel has a tendency for overworking herself at the expense of her social life, often putting in countless off-hours on her own working on various projects of one sort or another.

Both of Coel’s parents are alive and well (though Coel has no idea where or what they are doing at the current time), and are on good terms with their brilliant daughter. She also has a nine-year old brother named Wynn who hopes to one day follow in his big sister’s footsteps, make his own ships, and go off on his own adventures. Mostly, Coel ignores her youngest sibling.

Though Coel is an engineer first and foremost, she is not without the ability to defend herself in the field. She is trained in small arms tactics, as well as the use of heavier long-arms and armor. In battle, she uses her exocortex to track a particular target and focus her fire upon that single foe until they are downed.