Baron Hannis Drelev

Clyde Reinhart's page

181 posts. Alias of CrusaderEm.

Hello all! My friend is running a Rise of the Runelords game, and it has likely fallen to me to play either a melee damage dealer, or possibly a tank. I wrote up a concept for a character that is a little out of my norm, and was hoping I could get some advice on him. This game will be 15-point buy.

Human Samurai CN (Sword Saint)
STR 16
DEX 13
CON 12
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 14

Feats:Power Attack, Improved Bullrush.
Order of the Cockatrice

Equipment: Katana, Four-Mirror Armor, 6-8 Combat Scabbards.

Next level I plan on picking up Equipment Trick: Heavy Blade Scabbard. I'm sure you can see from here where I'm going with this. There is a lot this character can do with this many options with one feat and that many scabbards. I eventually want to pick up Improved unarmed strike and probably Crane style, but other than that, he needs more defense feats to be a guardian type character(for his own glory of course).

Any suggestions for future feats? Also what do you think the action is to pick up my scabbard after an Iaijutsu Strike? Same as a weapon? Quick draw might be worth it at that point(I know it's a prerequisite for Scabbard Hurl, but my DM might be ok with Weapon Expertise being the prereq).

Hello, my DM suggested I post my fighter build here for advice seeing as how it's my first attempt at playing one, so here it goes.
It's 15 point buy and I'm trying to focus on a balance between being a good defender and bludgeoning everything to death with my shield bash.

Str 16 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 8
Human Heart of the Wilderness variant trait. First level feats: Weapon focus: longsword, shield focus, combat reflexes
From there I'll pick up Stand still, twf, improved shield bash, missile shield, shield specialization, shield slam, disruptive, greater shield focus, bodyguard, spell breaker, shield master, ray shield, greater shield specialization, in harm's way, then the rest of the weapon focuses and specializations for longsword. Then probably pick up vital strike and teleport tactitian, but I don't think the AP goes past 15th level.

So what do you guys think? Any areas I need improvement or am I laying on the shield too thick? I was considering getting weapon focus shield spikes instead and choosing close weapon group as my main.

One thing I wasn't sure about was that I had planned on using a mithril heavy shield to bash. Would I still incur the -4/-4 or does mithril heavy still count as heavy? I guess I'm ok with using a light shield if I have to.
He's currently equipped with scalemail, a longsword, a spiked gauntlet and a heavy steel shield I don't plan on bashing with until I have the feats to back it up. I'll probably pick up a bow too just because.
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.