About Clover IgbyStatistics:
Female Halfling Oracle (Dual Cursed) 6 / Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 1
NG Small Humanoid Init +8; Senses Perception +7
Melee +9 (Finesse) Ranged +9
Urban Sleuth (Campaign):
Fate's Favored (Faith):
Lessons of Chaldira (Religion):
FEATS Deific Obedience (Bonus):
Dodge (Monk Bonus):
Weapon Finesse:
Risky Striker:
Extra Revelation (Time Flicker):
Diverse Obedience:
+2 Perception (Halfling)
Languages Taldane, Halfling, Varisian Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Halfling: Small:
Fleet of Foot:
Fey Thoughts:
Adaptable Luck:
Keen Senses:
ORACLE: Mystery (Time): Bonus Spells:
Curse (Deep One):
Curse (Powerless Prophesy):
Uncanny Dodge (Ex):
Revelations: Misfortune (Ex):
Temporal Celerity (Su):
Erase from Time (Su):
Time Flicker (Su):
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ Orisons (7 Known | (At Will) Detect Magic
1st (6+2 / Day) Bless
2nd (5+1 /Day) Ashen Path
3rd (3+1 /Day) Bestow Curse (Mystery)
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Consumables: Acid Flask x2
------------------------------- Magic Items: +1 Short Sword (Mithril)
-------------------------------- MWK Dagger (Cold Iron)
Money 13 GP 2 SP 1 CP
1. Clover’s family owns a small inn by the docks in the Yolubilis Harbor district. The place caters especially to sailors and other seafaring types. It has been Igby family owned and operated for three generations, if one includes Clover. 2. Just over 130 years ago, Clover’s great-grandfather Tolnulles jumped ship in Kintargo and made it his new home. In doing so he founded a new branch of the Igby family. There are several other branches of the family in coastal locations throughout Cheliax, including in Remesiana, Westcrown, Hinji, and Corentyn. Clover even has a few yokel cousins in the hamlet of Blackcove. The Igby Halflings have always been involved to maritime, or maritime adjacent occupations. 3. Great-grandpa Tolnulles managed to buy the inn after saving up several years of gambling winnings. 4. Since Tolnulles and until Clover, the Igby family has all been strait-and-narrow types. Good at running the business, careful to keep their noses clean, and generally content with a quiet life. Clover is a throwback, with a personality more like her great-grandfather’s. 5. The inn has always been a seafarer-friendly establishment, and Clover is the seafarer-friendliest member of the family in a very long time. Not all sailors are scoundrels, but plenty of scoundrels are sailors. If one was willing to spend the time to learn what there was to learn from all the guests coming through, there was a lot of tricky stuff one could pick up, and Clover did. 6. While Clover will eventually be one of the inheritors of the inn, nobody expects she would actually run and manage the place. Her co-inheritor and brother Caldert will be the de facto proprietor. It’s hard for anyone who knows the siblings to imagine Clover to be able to give running the place the kind of sustained focus and attention that would be required. 7. Appearance and Personality:
Height: 3'1" | Weight: 32 | Hair: Light Brown | Eyes: Green Appearance
Personality |