
Cloudwalker's page

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I think Colette's feedback is excellent and very helpful. Mocking people for giving negative feedback isn't very nice. GM's should observe failures of the system and report their impressions.

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I reached the same conclusion too. Intelligence is pretty much useless unless you use it for class features. Not only it has much weaker effect on skill numbers, many traditionally int skills moved to other stats. I don't see a non-int based character raising it ever.

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I pretty much agree with the top post. 4-degrees of success,3 action economy, feat structure(even though naming every option a feat is a bad idea) are quite good, content on the other hand... Everything seems to be uninspired, restrictive (signature skills, combat feats locked to classes,lack of any means to swap unwanted class features,... ) or simply poorly thought(spells and abilities that are actively harmful to their users, widely unbalanced choices,...). It seems to be we would need very radical re-writes before we can enjoy the new system.

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I only took a glance but there are so many spells with glaring problems it made feel sad. Main problems seems to be spells so heavily nerfed they dont do the thing they suppose to do, spells that only work on critical fails, spells that heightening basically does nothing. 30 feet range(even short range was 35-75 feet it was still considered a dangerous position), concentration(when it isn't needed at all) and terrible damage output seems to plague the spell list.

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Furthermore adding spellcasting to a dragon weakens its melee proves. Dragons are supposed to be strong in melee AND sorcery. I can appreciate a dial mechanism to make different dragons better at each but a on/off switch isn't the solution.

As many of us become aware one way or another spell schools are completely arbitrary. Same spell can be assigned different schools with very little effort. Yet I like the school system and I think with few changes it becomes workable.
I know agreeing on a school for every spell is hard to impossible so I am asking for your house rules on the subject.
Worst offenders I see are conjuration(healing) spells, necromancy should be school of both positive and negative energy so it should include these spells. Mage armor should be in abjuration. Ki arrow is clearly evocation. And these are from first level.

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Grimmy wrote:

Imagine you have children you love, and you know one day you will have to give them up for adoption. (You are terminally ill, or your country is becoming unsafe for you, or them, or something like that, I don't know.)

For years you are waiting to meet someone you can trust with guardianship of your beloved children.

One night you meet this weird guy who waggles his fingers, and you reallize... This is him! The trusted friend you have been waiting for.

3 days later the spell wears off and your children are gone and you reallize, that guy wasn't your friend he was a total creep.

That's what it would be like.

Are you guys saying that is fine and good, you gave your children to a trusted friend out of free will, like you always wanted too?

The spell just sped things up?

Where is the disconnect happening here?

Actually there is nothing evil in using spell like this, it is simply a form of deception which is chaotic but not necessarily evil. To give an example lets imagine caster was actually a CG wizard. Wizard hears this guy's problem and wants to help him and his children, but there is a big problem our wizard is a ugly, creepy looking guy with no social skills (he has a golden hearth though) so if he tried to use non-magical methods he will fail and cant help the guy. But being a wizard he uses charm person then takes custody of the kids, protecting them. Sure it was VERY chaotic yet it wasn't evil, in fact it was even good.

Of course caster can be evil bastard too but it is nothing to do with charm person. Used as a from deception like this charm person isn't more evil than disguise self.

Yes I did but skill points gained when adding a class is wrong(it only shows base ranks),in the video even character without a class have a positive score for load yet in mine it shows 0. Do I need to make memory use changes? I don't get errors(as in things load fine) but maybe I have to start it with some commands?

As far I know dispel DC isn't related to save, it is about caster level so you should look into that. For example if caster lvl of the wizard who casted wall of fire is 7 your caster lvl check should past 18(11+7) to dispel it.

I was looking for a character generator with good interface yet many of them are too annoying to deal with and slow. Pcgen seems good yet I couldn't manage to make it work. It doesn't seem to accept my some of my stat selection no bonus skill points from intelligence but bonus languages and hit points work fine, maximum load of character is 0 and so. Can anybody help me with this problem or is there any other free program I can use?

As you quoted yourself an encounter can be anything, an encounter taking years at game time can be resolved with 2-3 rolls at the table. Longtime it takes doesn't make it bad design.
Rules you first quoted still doesn't use it as a duration or use limit mechanic which i originally said i think doesn't exist. But parting shot feat is a clear case so i was wrong(should look more closely next time). Still i think it is not a good mechanic as it is inconsistent with rest based or gametime based abilities. You could use it 3 times in a minute in many short encounters but cannot in 1 min long fight twice uhh...

Daniel Chaplik wrote:

I'm not sure where you drew that conclusion from. The encounter mechanic is the entire game, with the sole exception of down time and time skips. Encounters are even defined on page 397 of the Core Rulebook, and the Game Mastery Guide goes into further detail.

EDIT: And now that Ultimate Campaign is out, I guess things like the kingdom rules also exist outside the encounter mechanic.

Yes it exist as a gamemastering term, what i meant was it doesn't exist from rules or verisimilute perspective. When an encounter starts or end? Depending on this ability can take rounds to days to "recharge". Unlike World of Darkness or similar systems there is no spell or ability with 1 encounter or 1 scene in duration line. Encounter is a vague term, a battle of wits between 2 characters can take months but acts as a encounter (you calculate apl and cr, award exp after it ends) it isn't a duration or use limit mechanic. There isn't any power that use it as such i am aware of.

I really like some of the abilities but probably wont use the class as is. Lucky (Ex) have a problem though there is no encounter mechanic in pathfinder,limited to only once per encounter doesn't make much sense. You can limit it to 1/round or 1/ 10 min or so.

I houserule a lot so have many spell houserules at low levels:
colorspray: all durations reduced, 2d4 and 1d4 to 1 round
invisibility: Any action out of your personal space break invisibility
summoning break it after creature summoned. Without a houserule like this everyone debate over what is hostile action and it breakes immersion
silence: target is fixed point in space or creature(with will save), no rock throwing
i may even make original spell 3lvl and swap it with with zone of silence(reduced to 1min/lvl) as it was spell's original intent not anti-caster nuke
resist energy: scales as 10/15/20 instead of 10/20/30