Dwarf Wizard

Cliff Etters's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (51 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Lantern Lodge

Hey there awesome Paizon Customer Service! I'm reaching out to you regarding Order 3465829. I seem to have decided to purchase both the Iconic Heroes sets #2 and #3. And that's cool.

The uncool part is that I rather foolishly put them in the same order, the aforementioned Order 3465829. I'm assuming that the reason the Iconic Heroes Set #2 hasn't processed is because both sets are in the same order and it cannot be fulfilled until the #3 set is available.

Is there any way to separate the two and bill me for each? Or will I need to cancel this order and then reorder them again, only separately this time?

Thanks in advance for the help with my derpitude!



Lantern Lodge

I need to move the Iconic Heroes #1 from my sidecart and have them processed, and shipped to me, please.

Lantern Lodge

The spell for Instant Armor states: "When armor is played on any check, discard this card to recharge that armor instead of discarding, burying, or banishing it."

Would this apply for Oloch's use of armor to beat a healing into a character? Are powers considered "checks?"

Lantern Lodge

I have a perplexing question: Kyra's ability to reveal a card with the Divine trait to effectively Cure a character at her location states that you "then discard the card you revealed."

It seems pretty straightforward especially when you reveal a Blessing or a Divine Item like Holy Water, they go straight into your discard pile.

But what if you reveal a spell with the Divine trait? Do you get to attempt to recharge it instead of discarding it? The Spell card itself usually states something to the fact that you if you can make a check at a certain difficulty, the card is recharged instead of discarded AND that text never makes reference to the spell being cast only recharging instead of discarding.

I apologize if this question has been asked and answered elsewhere, I tried searching the forums several times in several different ways, but my Google-Fu was weak.

Thanks in advance for the help!