
ClassicHero's page

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I remember a fantasy roleplaying video game for the visually-impaired I noticed while browsing kickstarter not too long ago. It was successfully backed, but I don't know much more than that. I did, however, find a link if you'd like to check it out...

A Hero's Call

Hi Mercurion,

Thanks for your reply and the offer. For now, I'm holding-out for a face-to-face game, but if that turns out to be a lost cause OR if I find a couple more players wanting to do the same, I'll message you to see if you're still interested. Thanks again.

Hi. I just turned 50, but I don’t feel like it. I’ve been interested in D&D since the first edition, and I’ve kept up with each edition since (except 4th), collecting Player’s Handbooks, creating characters, and reading forums, but I’ve never actually played much. Because of that, I think I’m still a newbie in many ways, and I’d like to do something about that. I’d like to join a small, local group of mature, patient players for a mix of roleplaying and action, with characters who start at 1st level and work their way up. So what kind of player am I and what kind of game am I looking for? I like story and detail, exploration and discovery, problem-solving and yes, fast-paced combat. I try to keep up with the rules. I prepare ahead of time. I try to take the game more-or-less seriously, like a drama rather than a comedy, and I like to get things done. Of course silliness happens sometimes, but most of the time I play it straight, and I like groups who work together. I’m hoping to find a game to play for a few hours every other Saturday night. Is there a group out there for me…near me…when I’m available? If so, please reply, or message me. It's time to find out what this game is all about. Thanks!