
Clara Fremlin's page

69 posts. Organized Play character for numbat1.


| HP 32/53 RP 4/8 SP 4/4 Hero 1/3 | AC 23 TAC 20 | F: +8, R: +8, W: +11| Perc: +9, +1 Initiative


Female NG Human (Ulfen) Cleric 5

About Clara Fremlin

Clara Fremlin
Female human cleric 5
Good, Human, Humanoid
Percep +9 (+10 to initiative rolls.)
Defense HP 53 Spell Points 4 Hero Points 1 Res 8
TAC 19; AC 22
Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +11
Speed 20 ft.
Cleric Divine Spellcasting Prepared (CL 5th)
. . 3rd—fireball, searing light
. . 2nd—restoration, sound burst (2)
. . 1st—bane, burning hands, create water
. . 0 (at will)—chill touch, daze, detect magic, disrupt undead, light, shield, stabilize
Str 12 (+1); Dex 14 (+2); Con 12 (+1); Int 14 (+2); Wis 18 (+4); Cha 16 (+3)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +5, Diplomacy +8, Medicine +9 (+10 to Administer First Aid, Treat a Disease, or Treat a Poison), Religion +10, Sarenrae Lore +7, Society +7, Survival +9, Thievery +6
Feats Cantrip Expansion, General Training, Holy Castigation, Incredible Initiative, Natural Ambition, Quick Identification, Rapid Mantel, Selective Energy, Steady Balance
Languages Common, Sylvan
Other Abilities anathema, channel energy
Other Gear chain mail, dagger, minor bottled lightning, scimitar, sling, backpack, belt pouch, cold iron sling bullets (cold iron) (10), compass, expert healer's tools, flint and steel, lesser elixir of life, mirror, religious text, silk rope (foot)s (50), standard antidotes (2), standard antiplagues (2), vial, waterskin, [i]wayfinder[/i], wooden religious symbol, purse (7 gp, 184 sp)

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