
Clantock's page

6 posts. Alias of Lord Manticore.


" does happen occaisonally, but I've never seen cogs before."

"Just let me know when you are ready. Unless there's another large group coming in, we shouldn't be going anywhere where there's not a bar around." Clantock says this with a grin, as if he's already planning out his coinage. Perhaps with the good Lady Elsbeth, perhaps...

You happen to look up, and notice for the first time, that the clouds are not right, not right at all. The clouds (if that's what they truly are at this point) are shaped like gears, and are slowly rolling (like wheels) across the sky.

Clantock laughs heartily. "There's nothing written, boss. It's all honor system around here, and that's something you'd better get used to. If one of my orcs goes bad, it's my job to kick his ass. If I leave you on the hook, it's your job to find me and kick my ass. If we work well together, then perhaps we'll work again. It's that simple."

He looks in the direction of the inn, "When do you think we'll start on buildin'?"

Ruul Spiritskin wrote:

Ruul snorts and whispers back.

"Armpit is generous. An armpit joins the arm to the body. This place is something much worse."

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Facing Ruul, Clantock says, "Aye, the Camp is the buttcheek to the Desolation's ass, it is in my opinion. But if you're looking to keep your strength up, you may have access to our equipment, and I can find a fair wrestler or two for you to work with."

Turning to Elen, he replies, "You might think that what I'm offering is too much, but if your boyfriend here were anyone else, I'd start off at three times that much. You might want to keep that in mind." You hear no malice in his voice, just business.

The orc sighs warily. "I'm Clantock, and I lead this pack of orcs out on the Desolation. I understand that one of mine was healed by your cleric there." Pointing at Elen, he continues. "Your right, building isn't exactly our cup of grog, but my orcs can use the work. I've got twelve orcs, plus myself. I'll charge you the same as if we were travelling out there, he nods his head towards the tundra, it'll be 1 gold per orc per day, myself included. If we get hired on for an expedition, I'll try to give you at least a day's notice. It doesn't get much fairer than that, beast."

You notice that, now that Clantock is talking to you, there are no other orcs within ear shot. You figure that this is a common occurance with him negotiating.

Elen Emerwen wrote:

I don't think Ally would bother providing a translation, it's pretty clear from context then. :D

What do we see in this mercenary compound?

The place is a bit of a mess. Trash is strewn across the grounds, the mercs themselves look a little worse for wear (even for orcs), and some of their weapons look a little rusty. You see almost a dozen of the orcs, when one of them comes out of the shack.

This one is a bit taller, but doesn't look very intelligent for all that. He does walk directly to Ruul, however, and says "What do you want, minotaur?" He says this in a manner that shows he is the leader, but at the same time, offers you a bit of respect, in that you are a fellow 'monster' and you're capable in a fight.