
Ciela Blackbriar's page

1 post. Alias of Mith'aj the Tactful.

Dark Archive

When logged in to my Paizo (this) account, top-level forum browsing does not populate. That is, if I navigate to:

... here, for instance ...,

... or here ...,

there are no threads that load below the list of APs/subforums. However, if I click on a specific AP/subforum name, the forum populates as normal. This occurs for all top-level forums. This is not the behavior I was experiencing, say, a week or two ago.

If I am logged out of my account, this behavior does not occur. My forum settings are flattened, defocus-ed and I'm hiding no threads. I have toggled the last three settings to no avail.

Windows 10 64-bit, using Google Chrome 48.0.2564.109 m, though this occurs on Ubuntu 14.04 with Chrome as well.

Any ideas? Thanks!