
Cicattrix's page

Organized Play Member. 42 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Liberty's Edge

To help you understand some of the decisions I took, I must tell you a few things:

- I never played a roleplaying game and I started to learn about D&D and Pathfinder from octomber 2008.
- I have read a few scenarios and modules, especially those two based on Mwangi. And I have read the setting books also.
- I did not named the ruins and I did not chosen a starting town point knowing that Paizo will provide all this if it was the case. Is their world and the fall of on ancient civilizations is something that I supose have a clear entry in their world database.
- I suposed that Josh would like more a kind of ruin crawl with some of those ancient peoples ghost and some abberations, but I liked more the "jungle journey" feeling.
- I knew that I take a great risk using some special Golarion features, aka Darklight organization, the Pathfinder Chronicler PrC and the Unseen Lizardfolk. But the setting was so right for the Unseens and the Darklights with their devils servitors were such a great villains. Beside this, because my goal was to susprise the players (not to TPK them like others I`ve heard!), the little trick with those two Pathfinders tempeted me too much to not take the risk.
- I thought that it could be an issue with the fact that they required too much space for the stats, but, scenarios being pdf only, I considered that the number of the pages would not be a problem..
- Maybe I upped too much the Unseens CRs, but I took in consideration that they are not normal CR1 Lizardfolk, their cameleonic ability being a great advantage in battle.
- For the sake of the "jungle feeling", like was the Pygmy encounter case, I wanted to put a Deinonychus pack feeding with the Mwangi and Unseen corpses. followed by one/two Megaraptors attracted by the battle noise. But I was affraid that there will be no time for that fight and i dropped the scene. Also, I did not knew also what plans have Paizo with the Dinosaurs in their world, as they tell almoust nothing about them in their setting books. Untill now, from what i know, they were used only in J3, wich is based in an isolated area. My suposition was that or they are very rare, living in a kind of Lost World valleys, or the Mwangi Expanse is full of them, being on top of the food chain.
- Derhii, the flying apes form J3, could be an interesting options for at least the second encounter but their are described as related with the fallen flying city and, like in the dinos case, I suposed that this is how Paizo want them. If I used them, I would make them the fourth party of the plot and put them to chase the PCs for killing their patrol.
- I did not had the space to write it, but, to keep the PCs in suspanse and emulate the jungle conditions, I have developed a kind of cross DC, wich would be used at the begining of each act and would determine the health condition of the PCs at the start of the encounters. One was the Fortitude check, in order to stat their non-lethal HP, and the other was a kind of Luck Check, from wich the PC with the lower score would have taken some penalties/damage, from an "hazard table", as if he/she was attacked by some animal or have been injured by some jungle things.
- A few details about the devils from Darlight party... The Crepitus (from LB1) uses invisibility to steal the eggs. Those two barbazu were summoned by the erinyes Tertalha and were charged to carry Marcus and the eggs.

I will end here by thanking you for your time...

Liberty's Edge

Forgive my innocence, but is there a definition for the "fell song"?

I am new to this game genre and, untill now, I had succeded in the fight with the rules and some monsters, but I didnt reached yet the library with spells and the reliquary with magic items. So I don`t know if this "thing" exist in the OGL or is something Paizo loremasters will reveal it later to us. Can anyone get me out of this mistery?!

Many thanks!