Jakaw Razorbeak

Ciabola's page

21 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.

Ive seen it stated in different places that Aug Summons feat does not effect Eldolons <ritual> and the Daily summon spells <spell like ablity>. Is this true??

also considering the Spirit Summoner archtype cuz our dm does not allow more then one summon active at a time so losing the daily summons isn't huge. anyone played this archtype or have suggestons??

Starting a new game in a few weeks and looking at playing a samsaran wizard. The race ability to steal spells from other arcane lists in interesting. The problem is I don't really have time to dig though all the spell lists looking for good or useful spells.

Thinking of playing a teleportation wizard, but open to suggestions. I don't need to be broken just fun.

So here I am asking for suggestions. I already think I am grabbing the cure light and maybe heal spells, But no ideas for anything else.

Im looking to build a Tiefling Bloodrager who uses the bite from the background and the claws from the demon bloodline. Id like focus on natural attacks and grappling if it can be done. My questions are

1 what feats should i look into?

2 what stats should i focus on?

3 gear?

4 can you use a touch attack spell in grapple with a natural attack? i know you can use a natural attack with a touch spell.. just not sure about grapple. also does gaining a grapple count for touching to set off a held spell??