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![]() seekerofshadowlight wrote: People having trouble remembering 1-2-1 A minor annoyance to the DM (me), but I'm watching the movement in any case for AoO, so I'll correct if there's a mistake. 1-1-1 is friendlier, but in the end I'd prefer hexes. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --Statting up NPCs, including skill points too fiddly for DMs statting up monsters/NPS (but not PCs--most players seem to like the customization) But I *like* fiddling with my NPCs! No wait, that sounded odd... :) seekerofshadowlight wrote: --Grappling Pathfinder fixes this. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --Turning I have used Unearthed Arcana variant (static turn DC vs. check), but Pathfinder remake of the ability is way better. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --Calculating XP from CR Never been a problem and I use the FR variant (individual XP). seekerofshadowlight wrote: --AoOs too confusing/too many instances to remember I agree that there's perhaps too many different actions that provoke AoO. The list needs to be trimmed down a bit. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --Too many iterative attacks, contributing (along with SR, miss chance, crit confirmation, etc.) to too much die-rolling Concealment miss chance is a bit annoying, but you can pry iterative attacks from my cold dead fingers! :) seekerofshadowlight wrote: --Players' turns taking too long to resolve due to multiple die-rolls often being required Indecisiveness makes turns long. Not knowing the math makes turns longer. Teach your players to calculate the effects of buffs and feats while others are taking their turn. Easier than ThAC0! (Which was simplicity in itself, btw. I'll never understand why some people had difficulties with it.) seekerofshadowlight wrote: --CoDzilla (though only if deliberately and expertly exploited) This I agree with. The problem with divine casters is that they know all spells for their class automatically, even from splatbooks the DM decides to add to the campaign later. The amount of available combos is staggering. Divine casters really need "spells known" tables. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --Infinite summoning (A summons B summons C summons...) This needs to be addressed although it's rarely a problem with reasonable players. Calling needs to be difficult and time-consuming. Gate needs to be split into two: the portal spell to other planes and the uber conjuration ritual. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --Fighters not keeping up as the party level increases My single high level melee player plays a fighter/barbarian/battlerager and he's a melee monster punishing anything that stays close to get a full attack. However, pure fighters need help. More and better feats is my answer. Especially feat chains that end up in good and useful feats and not "Great" Cleaves. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --Scry-Buff-Teleport-Fly combo repeated ad nauseum, and campaign-breaking spells/magic in general (for some this includes resurrection et al) Scrying is too easy and reliable. Overall, there's a lot of spells that still need work although Pathfinder addresses many issues in A3. I remember Monte Cook saying something along the lines that spells 3.0 PHB were a bit of rush job and it still shows. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --Identify Identify should be Knowledge Arcana check. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --XP for crafting Pathfinder fixes it well although I never had issues with this. I thought it to be a neat way to make PCs think twice about the really expensive items and spells even if they had the gold to make them. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --buffing etc., especially remembering which buffs/effects/modifiers are affecting whom and for how long Some are problematic, some are not. It's more of an issue with individual spells (like heroes feast), unnamed bonuses and spell durations which need to be reconsidered. This also relates to divine casters knowing ALL spells and combos. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --useless skills (use rope, craft [baskets], etc. YMMV) Pathfinder will fix this. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --familiars and animal companions often crappy but time-consuming if used in combat Pathfinder fixes. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --save or die Pathfinder... :D seekerofshadowlight wrote: --suckitude of multi-class spellcasters I never considered this to be a huge problem. You trade big spells into a plethora of small spells. It's a choice and nowadays you can alleviate CL problems with feats like Practiced Spellcaster and multiple Prestige Classes. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --HP can vary too much due to fact that they are rolled (YMMV) Give everybody max die result, if it's a problem. No variation (yay!) and longer combats too. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --Spell prep takes too long; spell-list resource management too cumbersome Again those all-knowing divine casters and their exponential options! seekerofshadowlight wrote: --Necessity and ubiquity of munchkin magic items (Belt of Strength +3 etc.); Munchkin = rule breaking and true here too. There is a reason why all stat increasing items and spells are in even numbers*. However, this should be spelled out in DMG. * +1 CON item would make only 50% of people healthier in game, which is strange. What about wishes and level increases you say!? Special cases and 5 + 5 = 10 ;) seekerofshadowlight wrote: inclusion of lots of magic items in the CR math Not a problem when the DM knows this. CR is a guideline, not a numeric promise of a balanced and exciting fight. It's a DM tool that he should learn to use. seekerofshadowlight wrote: --DR as a primary focus of most combats past a certain level (golf-bag syndrome) If you lack a correct weapon, be creative and use that Power Attack. 3.5 DR numbers are low and easy to plow through. My 2 cents... ![]()
![]() YULDM wrote:
We also use the above method for pretty much exactly the same reasons. More hitpoints make slightly longer fights and it seems to me that Pathfinder already tries to do this. Pathfinder PCs have slightly more hitpoints and healing which makes combat last a bit longer and reduces the need to rest often. For NPCs and monsters I use static hitpoints: D4 = 2
This way PCs have 0.5 x lvl more hitpoints on the average, but I can live with that. :) ![]()
![]() DeadDMWalking wrote:
I agree that this is a pretty bad problem. How about changing Rage cost to 2 points/round no matter the "degree" of Rage? Barbarians would just use the best rage available like in 3.5. Using this change, a 1st level barbarian with CON 14 would rage 4 rounds per day, i.e. a single combat, but the number goes up rapidly when the character levels up. ![]()
![]() If you want to keep Find the Path, make it find the path *out* of something not *to* something. Change the description like this: "The recipient of this spell can find the shortest, most
The spell enables the subject to sense the correct
Find the path can be used to remove the
This divination is keyed to the recipient, not its
![]() Jason Bulmahn wrote:
This change would remove the worst offender of my rules sensibilities. It makes sense that a temporary buff from a spell is not mighty enough to overcome DR. Combine this with Kirth Gersen's expanded table above and I'm happy. ----------------
I also agree that enhancement bonuses should not affect weapon type-based DR. A rapier will slip through skeletons ribs, no matter how sharp it is. I'd still house-rule DR/magic so that each +1 shaves 5 DR off the total, but that might be too much for the basic rule? ![]()
![]() I was originally going to voice my dislike of Combat Feat mechanic, but then I found out that it's already going to go away. Should've checked the forums before diving into the rules. :D There aren't many issues left: Combat Expertise
Deft Shield
Double Slice
Furthermore, I don't like this feat because it forces a light off-hand weapon on dual-wielders. Two medium sized weapons are a fantasy staple and this feat makes it even more painful choice, especially because... Two-Weapon Rend
![]() Kirth Gersen wrote: The only down side I can see is the potential for it to get a bit difficult to keep track of in the midst of a big fight with demons, for example, all of which have different DR, when all the characters with different "plusses" on their weapons. I can only speak for myself, but we've been playing with this rule since a few months after 3.5 release, and I've never had problems with this. If I have problems remembering PC details, I make little cheat sheets (post-its) about theirs skills/abilities/items/whatnot at the beginning of each session. I also just realized that my post above should've gone to "New Rules Suggestions" -forum... :( Should I crosspost it there, or is that frowned upon? ![]()
![]() Adding my 2 coppers... My suggestion for DR system (from my current house rules): Unchanged: x/-
Changed (everything else): x/magic(special)
Example 1:
normal weapon --> reduce 10 from damage
Example 2:
normal weapon --> reduce 15 from damage
If multiple specials are needed, you need both to ignore the DR. If you have only one of required specials, count the weapon as +1 higher. Using DR like this, I'd personally also modify the DR numbers on some creatures a bit higher. Not as high as in 3.0, but a bit depending on the creature. Some (great wyrms, demiliches, etc.) should even be fully vulnerable only to +5 weapons. That is, have a DR of 25/magic. PS: This also scales to Epic levels. DR: 10/Epic is just DR: 35/magic (+7 weapon)... ![]()
![]() I don't think this is a mistake. Like mentioned above, spell-like abilities use Charisma and this makes sense as they are like mini-sorceries. I believe Gnome Ninja found a rules consistency issue in rogue magic talents. They should also use Charisma. All that said, DCs of low CHA wizards are pretty lame. Maybe Wizard (and Rogue) spell-likes should be exceptions to the general rule... ![]()
![]() BARD 1)
FIGHTER Armor Mastery is sort of sudden on 19th level. A strong full blown ability that suits fighters, but some sort of progression for earlier levels would be nice. Maybe 1/- and 3/- included in the two earlier Armor Training improvements on levels 11 and 15? PALADIN Lay on Hands doesn't heal enough per single use to be useful in combat at higher levels (until you get Heal). Maybe paladins should get an ability to burn multiple uses of lay on hands at one go (full-round action?). Two on 6th lvl, three on 9th, etc... ? Heal would cost 6 uses with this progression, but it's still more hit points + extras than 6 uses of regular lay on hands. ROGUE 1)
![]() BARBARIAN 1)
9) Mighty Rage is too expensive. Under 3.5 rules a lvl 20 Barbarian with CON 30 (in rage) can rage 6x13 = 69 rounds. In PF the same character has 162 rage points = 40 rounds of mighty rage. This assuming he doesn't use other rage powers at all. Barbarians should be able to mighty rage *and* use the other rage powers a bit more. I think a rage cost of 3 is more in line. EDIT:
![]() Hello all, This post is my first on the forums and my series of feedback on Pathfinder Alpha 3 will soon follow on the appropriate categories. First, let me thank everybody in Pathfinder team (and playtesters) for an already excellent revision of 3.5 ruleset. Almost all of the changes are in the right direction (imo of course), yet not too intrusive as to change the game too much. Backwards compatibility is highly appreciated. Also, the notion of public alpha/beta releases for the ruleset is a brilliant idea. Whoever though of this first deserves a gold-plated d20. :D Feedback on Races: ELF + 1/2 ELF : Keen Senses
GNOME: Defensive Training
1/2 ORC: Orc Ferocity
HALFLING Languages