Full Name |
Chumwi Mtiwa |
Race |
| Prepared Spells: 4th: dispel magic, restoration 3rd: fireball, lightning bolt, searing light 2nd: faerie fire, loose time's arrow, spider climb 1st: fear x2, gust of wind |
Classes/Levels |
| Focus Spells: goodberry (2/2 focus points) | Perception +15E | Speed 25ft (Woodland Stride) | Current conditions: | ◆◇↺ |
Gender |
He/Him | N human leaf druid (Magaambyan attendant) 7 | hp 78/78; Hero Points 2/3 | AC 25 (26 w/shield; hardness 20 @ lvl 7); F+12E R+13E W+15E |
About Chumwi Mtiwa
Pronouns He/Him
PFS# 855-2006
Faction Vigilant Seal
N human leaf druid (Magaambyan attendant [Rain-Scribes]) 7
medium, human, humanoid
Perception +15
Speed 25 (Woodland Stride)
Languages common, druid, elven, jotun, mwangi, sylvan
STR 16 (+3), DEX 14 (+2), CON 12 (+1), INT 14 (+2), WIS 19 (+4), CHA 10 (+0)
AC 25
Fort +12E, Ref +13E, Will +15E
...+1 striking staff of fire +13 (two-hand 1d8); Damage 2d4+3 B
...Dagger +12 (agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft., versatile S); Damage 1d4+3 P
...Javelin +11 (thrown 30 ft.); Damage 1d6+3 P
...Holy Water +11 (thrown 20 ft.); Damage 1d6 Good + 1 Good splash
...Sling +11 (propulsive, range 50 ft., reload 1); Damage 1d6+1 B
...Javelins 5
...Sling bullets 20
Source druid
Order leaf
Primal Spell Attack +15E, Tradition DC 25
Prepared Spells
...4th dispel magic, restoration
...3rd fireball, lightning bolt, searing light
...2nd faerie fire, loose time's arrow, spider climb
...1st burning hands (staff of fire), fear x2, gust of wind
...Cantrip (4th) detect magic (archetype), disrupt undead, electric arc, light (1st; wayfinder), produce flame (staff of fire), ray of frost, scatter scree, shield, stabilize
Focus Spells 2 focus points
...4th goodberry
Ancestry Adapted Cantrip, Sense Allies
Class Enhanced Familiar, Magaambyan Attendant Dedication (Rain-Scribes), Woodland Stride
General Toughness, Untrained Improvisation
Skill Battle Medicine, Natural Medicine, Quick Identification, Skill Training
Acrobatics +12T
Arcana +11T
Aspis Consortium Lore +11T
Athletics +12T
Crafting +9U
Deception +7U
Diplomacy +9T
Herbalism Lore +11T
Intimidation +9T
Medicine +14T
Nature +17M
Occultism +9U
Performance +7U
Religion +13T
Society +9U
Stealth +9U
Survival +15E
Thievery +9U
Magical Items +1 striking staff of fire, +1 hide armor, boots of elvenkind, feather token (ladder), goggles of night, healer's gloves, minor healing potion, holy water, primeval mistletoe, scroll of earthbind, scroll of heal (3rd) x2, scroll of neutralize poison, scroll of searing light, wayfinder
Mundane Items backpack, bag of ripe berries, bedroll, chalk x10, dagger, familiar satchel, flint and steel, healer's tools, holly and mistletoe, javelin x5, rations (2 weeks), rope (50ft), sling (20 bullets), soap, tindertwig, torch x5, waterskin, winter clothing, wooden religious symbol, writing set, 190gp, 4sp, 7cp
Scenario Resources - PFS #4-09, GM DougH:
Scroll of airwalk (school of Spells)
Vampire killing kit
Scroll of fireball
Spell Templates