Full Name |
Chryzylyxymandia El' Elandrielle |
Race |
Eladrin |
Classes/Levels |
1 |
Gender |
F |
Size |
Medium (smallish) |
Age |
Young |
Alignment |
Neutral (Nature) |
Location |
Forgotten Realms |
Languages |
Elven, Common |
Strength |
8 |
Dexterity |
13 |
Constitution |
15 |
Intelligence |
14 |
Wisdom |
10 |
Charisma |
17 |
About Chryzylyx
Strength 8 (-1)
Dexterity 13 (+1)
Constitution 15 (+2)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 17 (+3)
AC 15 (Leather +2, Int +2, lev +1)
Fort 13
Ref 13
Will 13
HP: 21
Bloodied: 10
Healing surges: 8 per day
Amount per surge: 4
Initiative: +3
Move: 6 squares (run 8 squares)
Carrying 42 lb (80 lb max)
Basic Ranged attack:
Hand Crossbow Attack +4, damage 1d6
(4) Dagger +4, damage 1d4
Basic Melee attack:
Longsword Attack +2, damage 1d8-1
Pact Blade +1 Attack +4, dam 1d4 (1d6 crit)
Special abilities:
Eldritch Fey Pact
Misty Step Pact Boon - Instantly teleport 3 squares if cursed enemy = 0 hp
Prime Shot - +1 to hit if no allies closer to target
Shadow Walk - Move 3 squares in a turn gain concealment
Warlock's curse - Minor Action, extra 1d6 damage (1 per turn)
Longsword Proficiency
Languages Common, Elven
Eldritch Blast - 1d10+3, Range 10, Cha vs Reflex
Eyebite - 1d6+3 Psychic, Range 10, Cha vs WIll (invisible to enemy 1 turn)
Witchfire - 2d6+3 fire, -4 to hit 1 turn
Fey Step - Move Action teleport up to 5 sq
Thunderwave - 1d6+2 Int vs Fort 3x3 square blast, push all back 0 squares (+1 wand)
Armor of Agathys - 12 temp HP, any adjacent enemy 1d6+2 cold
Ethereal Stride - Move action teleport 3 squares, +2 all defenses
Ritual Caster -
Arcane Initiate [Multiclass Wizard] - Thunderwave
2 Comprehend Language (Arcana)
2 Tenser’s Floating Disk (Arcana)
2 Endure Elements (Arcana)
Acrobatics +2
Athletics +0
Arcana +10 (trained)
Bluff +4
Diplomacy +4
Dungeoneering +1
Endurance +3
Heal +1
History +3
Insight +1
Intimidate +9 (trained)
Nature +1
Perception +1
Religion +3
Stealth +2
Streetwise +9 (trained)
Thievery +7 (trained)
Backpack 2lb
Bedroll 5lb
Flint and steel
Pouch, belt
Journeybread (10 days) 1lb
Rope, silk (50 ft.) 5lb
Sunrods (2) 2lb
Waterskin 4lb
Candle (10)
Ritual book, components 3lb
Thieves’ tools 1lb
25 gp
Background and personality:
Height: 5'-5"
Weight: 100 lbs
Chryzylyx is small for Eladrin, but what she lacks in the physical realm, she makes up for in the metaphysical. Energy courses through her veins and her skin flickers constantly with the scintillating ripples of her innate magic. Her large eyes are like the starlit voids of space, and her bluish hair moves constantly in a breeze few feel in the material world.
She is on a journey to explore the world, and her desire is to meld the real and feywild into one seemless place. To this end, she searches endlessly for ways to increase her wild fey powers.[/spoiler]
Eladrin of ancient origins, her family descends from the feywild itself, and Chrzylyx is more fey than mortal. She crackles with the eldritch powers and her skin is scintillating in radiance.
To harness that energy and bring her beloved feywild more into the world is her main desire. To do that she remains neutral ina fey-nature sort of way.