ChromaticVelleity's page

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My first SF game is coming up this Friday. I'm excited, but also afraid I'm going to blow it even before the first adventure begins.

Anyhow, the GM allowed us to roll stats using the rules in the book. If we weren't happy with the roll, we'd go to point-buying.

So, in front of the GM and another player I rolled the following without modifiers:

17, 17, 13, 10, 10, 8

My concept is a technomancer with designs on eventually being the next big YouTube (equivalent) celebrity - an Icon.

I'm thinking either Goblin or Ysoki. They add some neat quirks to the concept. So if I'm reading the books correctly my Ysoki stats (after the modifiers) could look like:

18, 18, 14, 10, 8, 8
18, 18, 12, 10, 10, 8

With Intelligence and Dex as the high numbers, Cha as the third.

My Goblin (after the modifiers) could end up:

17, 17, 16, 10, 10, 8

Again, with Int and Dex as the high numbers and Cha as the third.

Not having played the game yet, I'm wondering if those two 18's are woth burning some of the racial bonus points.

I'm also wondering if having 3 high stats overpowers the value of the two 18's.

And heck, I'm wondering whether or not there is a stat spread or race I should be considering that I haven't? Help/advice?