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![]() Savage_ScreenMonkey wrote: Ive been considering the idea of placing a restriction on teleportation magic (specifically on teleport and Grt. teleport). Something similar to how faerzress works in the underdark of the FR. My reason to do this stems from the way that some of the adventures imply that the PC's should travel and explore from place to place either on foot or with the Sea Wyvern, but mainly from the fact that I really hate the idead of just grt. teleporting to Sasserine (Or where ever) so the PC's can buy and sell stuff. I was already planning on adjusting treasure but I know my player's are going to want to buy certain things and that this will eventually require them to do this. This is basiclly what happened in our SCAP and while I was just a player in that campaign it still drove me nuts! I guess long story short what do you folks think. Am I just being a sore sport or what. be greatful you dont have a crafter that just creates what magic items they need. ![]()
![]() Dude you dont have to play the APs as they come out, I am running the age of worms, my group has just started the the seconed part. the group I DM for get together once a week for about 4 hours and they could care less if its 3 parts or 12 parts all they care for is that it is interesting Chris Manos wrote:
![]() I kinda use the pre-rolling
I have met some DMs that dont hide any roll they make and ask the player to make a spot check and if they make the DC then they have a chance to disable it. ![]()
![]() when I was in Korea, our chaplin was the DM, But later on this guy steve said that he was a DM as well, Opting for some darker adventuring, we created characters Steve said he didnt care about alignments,or role-playing stuff, so we created hack and slash characters, every thing seemed fine until we encountered 4 vampires in the middle of the day out in the middle of a forrest, followed by a white dragon that night, the next morning with some orcs, that afternoon with a troop of Drow still outside this went on for about another hour befor we just asked steve what we were doing. he said he was rolling random encounters for us until we got to the villiage that was supposed to be about a month travel and that was only two days... I dont mind playing from the hip but damn, steve even had certain critters he liked and so naturally they were unbeatable... even with high level characters... ![]()
![]() What I did was improvize... I had some lack wits figure if its to hard then why bother... I think it was designed that a first level rogue would not be able bypass the doors as how the open locks DC is to high even if you were to take twenty, your party should be able to find a key then that one will let them find the next... hope this helped
![]() Koldoon wrote:
Go to Wizards.com or wizards of the coast look for character portraits... you have to browse each catagory... and its free ![]()
![]() Were can I get this DMGenie?... I have set-up a database to generate my critters but I would like to try this dm genie software out... I dont want to be a RICHARD but the critter database that was mentioned earlier only has beasties that my adventuers have or will encounter during a game... but any one that has access can do it... I just based the tables on the stat blocks... |