
Christopher Fuller's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 30 posts (41 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 23 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Lantern Lodge

Hello. I recently received my copy of in Hell's Bright Shadow and several pages had two pages printed on a single page. i.e. Page 24 had page 2 printed over it as well. This has affected a total of 9 pages in the book. How do I go about getting a replacement copy?

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Grats Sean!!! Thanks for being a big part of the San Diego community and for all that you do!

Thanks for coming out!

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Grats Bobby! Well deserved! Be sure to head on down to San Diego and show us your skillz!!

Lantern Lodge 5/5

A picture is worth a thousand words. This is the picture I mentioned in my previous post: here. (Spoiler for True Dragons of Absalom chronicle).

Of all the things the player could have done Saturday night at Gen Con, he chose to play PFS. This was the result. I understand peoples' reservations that people will use this change to do stupid things but a competent GM is able to control the flow of their game and should be able to deter players from doing such things. I would be greatly saddened if this policy turned away players not only from the great game that Paizo has created but a wonderful hobby.

At the end of the day, this is a game. That's all it is. It's a game that we as GMs are responsible for ensuring our players' enjoyment. Which is good because that ultimately makes more money for Paizo so they can continue to create a game we all enjoy.

Lantern Lodge 5/5

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Two point I would like to make as general feedback for Gen Con.

1. The audio visual were great! However, I was running at Blue 25 on Thursday night, which was one of the front corners of the room. Many of the tables in the wings were not able to see the screens or hear the speakers. I know a lot of time and effort went into the AV presentations, as they always do but many of the tables in my area did not get the benefit of them. I understand that more screens and speakers cost dearly but I wouldn't mind having the benefit of them as a GM and for my players regardless of where we are assigned to sit. Many of the tables around me and myself included got a bit lost between acts III and IV due to our inability to see and hear what was going on.

2. Please reconsider you policy about character death when the player is forced to play a pregen character like in True Dragons of Absalom or Serpents rise, and here's why: Many new players were sitting at these tables for the first time, with no real experience with the character they were playing or the game in general. On Sunday morning the GM at the table next to me found a True Dragons chronicle and on it in red ink was the word DEAD! Underlined twice. On top of the chronicle was a brand new, never to be used again pathfinder ID number. This is a player that will never come back to your game! As a business model this is a poor policy. Gen Con is designed to attract new players in a competitive market. I believe Paizo can do better on this one.

3. That being said I had a great time, met many great players, reconnected with some players from previous years in will be returning for my fourth year as a Tier I GM next year.

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Walter Sheppard wrote:

Then I topped it all off with a Sunday night game for Sean Goodman and his gang: Amir, Chris, and the Gores, Athurva and Joanna. Easily the craziest table I’ve had the privilege of witnessing since my last 13+ module.

Stupid rat warren, stupid Desna, stupid Champion of Time.

Wait a second, I thought Sean Goodman, Amir and the Gores were my gang?
Had a great time playing with you Bobby, and Steve!

Lantern Lodge 5/5

OMG! It's Sean Goodman! (Insert celebrity swoon)! Seriously this guys got some serious game. If you have a chance to sit at Sean's table take it.

Lantern Lodge 5/5

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Robyn Nixon wrote:

I am pleased to announce the newest of the growing ranks of 5 Star GMs within the Los Angeles CA Grand Lodge: Art Severance.

Congratulations Art! Always good to have another SoCal 5 star. Soon we will be ready to take over all of California!!!!! (Insert evil laughter here)!

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Eric Brittain wrote:
Maybe Mr. Fuller it is simply the case that you are standing closer to him each and every time.

I am creepy like that.

Lantern Lodge 5/5

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Please allow me to bump this! Congratulations Brian! Well played sir!

Is it just me or does Brian get taller everytime you see him?

Lantern Lodge 5/5

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Congratulations Joanna, One of my favorite people (Pathfinder or otherwise) You've earned every star and then some! On behalf of the SD community, and Amir, Thank you! May there be many more cats, rangers, Wil-o-Wisps, perma-deaths and other fun things in your future!

"Death begets Knowledge"

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Getting ready to run this in SD, Thank you for the clarification of the puzzle, it was driving me crazy! I have two questions concerning the Allip encounter.

1. The DC for Ghalcor's Touch of Insanity is 19 at tier 5-6, yet at tier 8-9 it is only 18. Haven't been able to figure out why the DC is lower at the higher tier.

2. Relentless Compulsion: How often is he able to use this ability? Or is it just once and done?

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Does anyone know if Paizo has published a poster sized map of Absalom? I remember a smaller one in First steps but have yet to see a poster sized one. A poster sized map would be very helpful when running games that are set there.

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Plenty of great games to be enjoyed this weekend being run by a variety of talented judges, and that Athurva guy....

Lantern Lodge 5/5

wakedown wrote:

It's also a little known fact...

Athurva's as deadly at running scenarios as the dreaded Vyle Bard.

He has no qualms about offing his VL's characters. :)

Another little known fact...

Is a big fan of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal!

Also an amazing GM but that's a well known fact in San Diego.
Like Eric B. says if you get the opportunity to sit at this guys table take advantage of it. FAIR WARNING: you might not make it out alive.

Athurva...thanks for coming out!

Lantern Lodge 5/5

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Just wanted to give a quick shout-out to David Montgomery VL Boston, ran our level 15 Siege of the Diamond Gate table. This guy knows his Sh** and is a great roleplaying judge, took our crazy table and just ran with it.

Thanks man and many props!

"So what is it that Farene the Far Traveled does?" "I flip up these 3 cards."

Lantern Lodge 5/5

YAY! Congratulations Joanna! And Congrats on your 4th Star!

Lantern Lodge 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Is this a feat tax for a good feat or something? I can't see why anyone would WANT to take it.

I know a guy that has 2 thumbs and would take it on his Maagambyan Arcanist/Witch...THIS GUY!

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Patrick your presence at the the table will be missed, you are a fun and insightful player to sit at the table with and I enjoyed playing with you...even when you whooped me during Dalsine Affair!

Best of luck in Ohio!!

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Opening this feat up to several other classes makes perfect sense, what if a witch loses it's familiar? Or if the magus, or alchemist lost their spellbook or formula book.

This ruling would also allow classes other then the wizard to take the Magaambyan Arcanist prestige class (that actually references the witch in the text).

I agree that this is more of a clarification then a "House Rule"

Lantern Lodge 5/5

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Tristan Windseeker wrote:

The proposed system will put a strain on event organizers in terms of mustering to balance tables.

Suppose the following NOT hypothetical example from a recent convention (Patrick, you know what I'm talking about). There is a table going off at Tier 3-7. One GM and six players are present. Two players are level 6, two players are level 7, and two players are level 3. This creates an APL 5 table.

With the new system, one of the following would occur:
1) The two level 3 players would have to play up, and experience an enormous amount of risk and greater consumable expenditure with no reward.
2) The four level 6 or 7 players would have to play down, and be punished in terms of wealth earned.
3) The two level 3 players would have to play pregens, and not get to play their characters.
4) The four level 6 or 7 players would have to play different characters (which was not an option for several players at the table), and would not get to play the character they wanted.

At least previously, the level 3s would be rewarded for surviving a much greater challenge (even if they needed some help). This new rule punishes players for an unavoidable circumstance: new and old players without a lot of available characters playing together.

As such, I am against this new system. In fact, I am personally against capping WBL in general. I would be interested in seeing how many players have actually managed gaming the system and getting to always play up (did they find a group that will always tolerate having a lower-level character along?).

Why not instead simply find a way to disincentivize seating players of mixed levels together that does not involve punishing someone? Perhaps loosen the pregen rules in some way? Or allow playing an "older" version of a character and getting to obtain the high-tier wealth if you're forced to play down?

This is a scenario that comes up more often then you might think.

I totally agree with Mr. Windseeker.

Lantern Lodge 5/5

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I believe one of the most important qualities of a good game master is to help your players create memories of a good experience. Memories that they can take away from the table and cherish for a lifetime. So that years down the road while swapping stories of the game table with their friends (and you all know you do this) they can say, "man, I remember this one time I got to do this amazing and heroic thing". To allow them as players to stand tall against the oncoming darkness and say, "not today". Isn't that why people play this game, to be larger then life and do something amazing? To do the things that they may never get to experience in real life? To stand up from prone with 2 HP left and crit the big bad sending him down for well deserved dirt nap?

The great thing about doing this is that it doesn't require you to be the best rules guy, or the best tactician or role player all you need to do is make sure your players walk away with a smile on their faces, having given them their time to shine and by allowing them to be heroic, even if it's only for the short time while they're at your table. If you've ever had a table of players applaud you at the end of a session you know you've done them a great service. That in itself is the best reward you can hope for as a GM. Something we can all strive for.

And yea it's a bit sappy, but what can I say, I had a good day.

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Had a blast at Condor last year, hope to see everyone again!

Lantern Lodge

I got into Anvil Pounders on Shieldmaiden a few days ago, been trying to get an invite for my 90 Prot warrior "Quiggins".
My playtime is a bit off hours though since I usually work 3-11PM Pacific time. I'll keep trying until I get a chance to catch someone with invite powers to the guild online:)

Lantern Lodge

I'll transfer Quiggins the 80 Gnome Protection Warrior over tonight.

Lantern Lodge 5/5

I'm not sure, I was planning on getting in on my good looks alone.

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Sunshine, gaming and boons? Sounds like fun to me!

Lantern Lodge

Pan wrote:
Took it on my Halfling Barogue at level 3. No regrets awesome feat. Not dying when dropped while raging comes in handy.

When your raging HP Boost > Then your CON score. Usually about level 3:)

Lantern Lodge

I'm interested in making a Witch with the Magaambyan Arcanist prestige class from Paths of Prestige. One of the requirements for taking the prestige class is the Spell Mastery feat which has a prerequisite of 1st level wizard. Therefore according to the current rules in place my witch would need to take a one level dip into wizard to qualify for the prestige class, however upon reading the class features it specifically mentions the witch and the usage of the witch's familiar, leading me to believe the original intention of the prestige class was to make it open to more then just wizards. Is there going to be any clarification or errata concerning this in the future?

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Congratulations Eric! Thanks for making SD such a great Pathfinder community! I'd sit at your table any day sir.

Thanks for the honor of sitting in on #151.