
Christine Brockley-Blatt's page

Goblin Squad Member. ****** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 103 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 20 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Stay safe

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Dear all our wonderful GMs,

Here is the April and May Briefing!

April 2018

May 2018

Big thank you to Dave “Brock” Brockley, Dave Harrison, Carol Tierney, Chris Manning, Matt Lewis, William Boyle, Jack Amy, Jeff Cook, and Thomas Baird.

let us know what you think!

Best wishes and hugs

Chris BB

Venture-Captain, England - Brighton.
PFS/SFS Organised Play

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After August 2019, could V1.0 PFS be given to a 3PP at some point if the call for Pathfinder ed1 did not deminish. Say to create a series of 'Pathfinders Under Cover' adventures for 1e characters, which centered around missions that (if successful) would have no impact on the world at large? That way they could be run in parallel with PFS but have no effect on the story line. Getting your cover blown would lead to the character being reported as dead, so high stakes.

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The March edition of our GM briefings can be found here:

March 2017.

Big thank you to our Editorial team:
Dave Harrison, Dave “Brock” Brockley, Carol Tierney, Chris Brockley-Blatt, Chris Manning, Matt Lewis, William Boyle, Jack Amy, Jeff Cook, and Thomas Baird.

It is accurate as far as we know it at the time of release. Any comments, admissions, or anything apocryphal should be reported to the Editor — Dave Brockley . All but one of the Pathfinder agents involved in the process of bringing you this intel are now once more in good health.

4/5 5/5

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The February edition of our GM briefings can be found here:

February 2017.


January 2017.

December 2016.

Big thank you to our Editorial team:
Dave Harrison, Dave “Brock” Brockley, Carol Tierney, Chris Brockley-Blatt, Chris Manning, Matt Lewis, William Boyle, Jack Amy, Jeff Cook, and Thomas Baird.

It is accurate as far as we know it at the time of release. Any comments, admissions, or anything apocryphal should be reported to the Editor — Dave Brockley . All Pathfinder agents involved in the process of bringing you this intel are now once more in good health.

4/5 5/5

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Tonya Woldridge wrote:

I accidentally left Chris Blockley-Blatt off the 5* list. Rubit edited the blog to include her and I'm giving a shout out so all may know of VC Chris' place upon 5* island!

Thanks Tonya, I appreciate it. Thanks everyone.

Congrats to the other 5* GMs.


4/5 5/5

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The September edition of our GM briefings can be found here:

October 16 Briefing.

Big thank you to our Editorial team:
Dave Harrison, Dave “Brock” Brockley, Carol Tierney, Chris Brockley-Blatt, Chris Manning, Matt Lewis, William Boyle, Jack Amy, Jeff Cook, and Thomas Baird.

It is accurate as far as we know it at the time of release. Any comments, admissions, or anything apocryphal should be reported to the Editor — Dave Brockley . Almost no Pathfinder agents were seriously harmed during the process of bringing you this intel.

4/5 5/5

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The September edition of our GM briefings can be found here:

September 16 Briefing.

Big thank you to our Editorial team:
Dave Harrison, Dave “Brock” Brockley, Carol Tierney, Chris Brockley-Blatt, Chris Manning, Matt Lewis, William Boyle, Jack Amy, Jeff Cook, and Thomas Baird.

It is accurate as far as we know it at the time of release. Any comments, admissions, or anything apocryphal should be reported to the Editor — Dave Brockley . No Pathfinder agents were harmed during the process of bringing you this intel.

4/5 5/5

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Shifty wrote:
brock, no the other one... wrote:

Define what you mean by 'intro kit' - a starter pack for PFS players?

Along with that:

A PFS Number
A Welcome to Pathfinder Boon
A Sheet with email contacts for the VOs and a page on where you can find our Meetup.
(Like HMM mentioned above)

You could even go all out and make a pile of the four minis required (Wiz/Rog/Clr/Ftr) and let them keep their mini as well.

At the Southern Lodge in the UK which has only been running a few months now, I have started putting together a "New Player" pack based on the journals from Lucas.

It includes:
Laminated New PFS number card - so it looks special and has my contact details and lodge meetup details on the back as well as paizo and PFS UK websites
A welcome to Pathfinder boon, which I sign and date on their first game played.
A pathfinder character sheet.
an ITS
A crib sheet of what to do after the first game.
magic item slot sheet
a map of Golarian

I am working on to improve this with Lucas' help.

Any thoughts?

4/5 5/5

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Second edition of our GM briefings can be found here:

August briefing

Big thank you to our Editorial team:
Dave Harrison, Dave “Brock” Brockley, Carol Tierney, Chris Brockley-Blatt, Chris Manning, Matt Lewis, William Boyle, Jack Amy, Jeff Cook, and Thomas Baird.

It is accurate as far as we know it at the time of release. Any comments, admissions, or anything apocryphal should be reported to the Editor — Dave Brockley . No Pathfinder agents were harmed during the process of bringing you this intel.

4/5 5/5

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Final Charity Total from Paizocon UK 2016 was £1246.75.
So I have made a donation of £1200 (including Jim Torbet's and Mark Billnness' separate donations) to Birmingham Children's hospital and £46.75 to Warhorn to help them.
You are so generous and a set of awesome players, it my pleasure to organise for.
Well done!

4/5 5/5

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Congratulations to all the 5-star GMs, especially Chris M.

It was a great game on Saturday!

4/5 5/5

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I just wanted to thank everyone who voted for Dolgar in the PFS mini contest. I am very honoured to have him displayed with other minis form such talented members of our society.

Thank you to Tonya and Paizo for the competition and for the lovely prize.

It was a wonderful surprise on a really rubbish day.
Thank you!

I am so honoured to be part of a wonderful society with so many talented people!


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Brilliant, thank you! Merry Christmas

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Thank you for the congrats... I will keep endeavouring to deliver fantastic games, cons and food.

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Thank you everyone for the kind words.

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Hi everyone, its Chris, VL and Warhorn Mistress for PaizoCon UK 2015.
We currently have less than 35 tickets left for this year's PaizoCon UK. So please register at Warhorn below sooner, rather than later for your ticket. The games are filling up as well as the Wonderfully Planned Magical Dinner on the Friday night. (remember to send me your receipt after paying to get you cleared quickly).

Warhorn is here:

All details are now available on the PaizoCon UK website:
Also we have definite confirmation from Aston about how to book your discounted accommodation. You are advised to call their Reservations Team to book quoting the following:
Call: 0121 204 3726 (Reservations)

Note: If you have already booked through the website, please give them a call to check you are on the right rate and that you have booked breakfast.

Any problems, contact either myself or Dave.
looking forward to seeing you in Aston.
Big hugs

4/5 5/5

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Hi there! We are back again with the PFS Games Day down in Sunny Worthing, seaside town on the South Coast of the UK. Now its better and bigger than ever with over 15 hours of Game time, with 2 sessions starting at 12 noon on Saturday and 10am start on Sunday.

£15 for the Saturday per person, including a lunchtime buffet and £5 for the game session on Sunday. Profits will be going to charity.

Slot 0 is a Friday night dinner and trip to see Avengers: Age of Ultron (paid for separately) Contact me for more details.

To sign up, click on the warhon link below.


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Feeling Paizocon UK withdrawal already? Looking forward to future cons coming to you in the UK...
(Forgive me if I do not mention all of them)

Shadowcon 23-24 August 2014 in Ealing, London
Exciting gaming all weekend with West London's Shadowwarriors Gaming club

OddCon 10-12th October 2014 in Telford
Relaxed gaming con in Telford with a twist. PFS games found here:

Tickets and accommodation here:

3XPL -28-30th November ST Neots, Cambridgeshire
PFS convention in Cambridgeshire - Friday night social, 3 slots on Saturday and then the 5-99 special on Sunday. Celebrating Philip Lucas' birthday:

Also appearing at Indiecon 7-9th November for a number of slots.

Please sign up and if you want to GM at any of these, please message me so we can talk scenarios.

4/5 5/5

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I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who came to Paizocon UK (and reiterate what Dave has said).

To the awesome GMs, to the wonderful players and my tables, Thank you.

To Dave, Rob, Tonya and Pete, for supporting me and in some cases (Harrison) putting up with my nagging. I am going to miss my fellow Wyrd Sister, Tonya so much.

Thank you to my support team of Brock (no, the other one) and my parents for looking after my son.

It was an awesome weekend.

I also want to say thank you to all those who have sent emails and messages of thanks to me today. My grandfather died 10 days before Paizocon and yesterday was his funeral. While we did not have any undead to battle (much to my son's disappointment) it was hard. Your messages made me smile and feel appreciated on a dark day. I found the resolve to stand up and give his tribute. Thank you.


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A couple of points from Dave's minion here:

I now have two seats free at Paizocon UK if anyone is interested in joining us. It may be a case of 'tell us what characters you have and we'll slot you in, but you'll need to take what we give you' as tables are now set. Please message me or email me if you know of someone interested.

Everyone who is coming should have should have an email concerning the travel advice form Aston. If not, message me.

If you are a GM and you are running Horn of Aroden, Merchants Wake, Carin of shadows, Stranger within, The Special, or Assault on the Wound, you should have had a map zip file from me in the last week or so. If not, please message me. I want to ensure emails got through.

If you are running something else and need help with maps or such, please let me know.

Have a safe Journey and see you there.


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All the weekend and Saturday only tickets have now been sold for Paizocon UK 2014 and so only Sunday only tickets left. Please contact me through the warhorn site if you don't have a ticket and wish to be placed on the waiting list for possible returns.

Please, please to help the Masterminds of Evilness that are Dave and Pete plan out the tables can you put your character class and level into Warhorn.

I need this done as soon as you can as they will be working through June to sort out all 115 tables. Failure to do so will not only bring stern looks from myself or Tonya but you will be asked to play a pregen if you are allocated a table and you don't have the appropriate character for it.

The absolute last date is 30th June.

thank you

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my pleasure - Plans for ConTRAPtion 2015 are underway. Date 2nd and 3rd of May 2015

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ConTRAPtion 2014 is a games day and a half with a slight twist. Set in Sunny Worthing on the south coast of England, the con begins with a slot 1 game on Friday 2nd May and a night out for curry and to see a Marvel movie at the local cinema. Then on Saturday 3rd May, the games start at noon at the Charles Dickens Pub and run through to midnight over two sessions, giving plenty of time for socialising and the now traditional “Beheading of the Goblin!” (1).

Tickets for gaming are £15 per person, which includes a lunch time buffet. Cinema tickets and curry will be optional. We will be serving up a few Season 5 and older scenarios, giving you over 15 tables of PFS heaven with the UK’s top GMs and time to have a splash in the sea. Only a few places are left, so email Chris ( or visit for more information.


(1) No live goblins will be harmed in this process.

4/5 5/5

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Hello Southern England.

My husband and I are looking into starting up a PFS games club here on the South Coast of the UK.

Initially it will be held once a month at our house, near Worthing (W. Sussex), on either a Wednesday or Tuesday evening, or on a Sunday. We are hoping to grow membership and then run more frequently than monthly and, if people are willing to pay a small per-game fee, eventually move the club to a larger, rented location (pub, village hall, etc.). Please post below (or PM me) if you are interested in being part of the South Coast Lodge.

4/5 5/5

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noticed this... free dessert!

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ruemere wrote:

41. You tend to discuss your violent machiavellan schemes in a middle of a crowded bus.

Just come back from an indian restaurant where I and my better half were discussing my plans for the continuation of of Council of Thieves game... What do you mean everyone was giving us funny looks, hon?

45. When your husband tells you you have a better perception score than he does.