The man coughs a little bit and orders a drink before answering, "I don't know where y'all've been the past 50 ish years, but the Dragon Warfare shouldn't be new to you," He takes a drink and wipes his scruff, looking to the side for a few seconds.
"Look, there was an attack on the town Ashite, 4 hours of travel by foot from here. It wasn't bandits or goblins, it was the Dragonkin--the beasts that are coming out of nowhere. I need you to go see a man there, his name is Gaston and he knows way more about Dragons than probably anyone on this world."
He sighs,"You may be wondering why am I not doing this myself, well," He pulls up his shirt and exposes a large gash wound along his torso, "I am in no shape, that is why I called you. Please, talk to him, help that town and its people, and come back to me."