
Christen Demetri's page

6 posts. Alias of TheDragonMistress.


"Yes, be off, I shall see y'all some other time here, good luck." He pushes the Marenian into the group and ushers you out of the door.

"Gaston lives on the outskirts of Ashite, in a large strange tower, you can't miss him. Tell him you're the adventurer's I sent."
He chuckles, "As for me, I am from the capital of Elaria--and I'm sick and tired of all this dragon s##&. This lady's town was attacked, and I watched it all...." He trails off and spots her, motioning her over.

"Well um," He scratches the back of his neck, "She's like a cleric but different--like she doesn't worship any god...she claims she pulls energy from around her and uses that. But y'know, she a Marenian, they are always strange."

He seems a bit overwhelmed by the Dwarf's aid, but accepts it as he makes the pain subside some. He smiles and says and puts down 20 gold,
"This should cover the boat ride off of the island, plus one more--" He looks around swiftly, "Where is that damned girl anyway? Y'all happen to see a youngish looking woman, probably about yae tall?" He gestures a height to about his chest, "Blue hair? She's just a little intimidated easily."

The man coughs a little bit and orders a drink before answering, "I don't know where y'all've been the past 50 ish years, but the Dragon Warfare shouldn't be new to you," He takes a drink and wipes his scruff, looking to the side for a few seconds.
"Look, there was an attack on the town Ashite, 4 hours of travel by foot from here. It wasn't bandits or goblins, it was the Dragonkin--the beasts that are coming out of nowhere. I need you to go see a man there, his name is Gaston and he knows way more about Dragons than probably anyone on this world."
He sighs,"You may be wondering why am I not doing this myself, well," He pulls up his shirt and exposes a large gash wound along his torso, "I am in no shape, that is why I called you. Please, talk to him, help that town and its people, and come back to me."

"Aye, hello, it seems you are the ones who answered my call," He chuckles, "I am Christen Demetri, from Elaria, and I have a job promising 200 for the each of you."