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RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 1,180 posts (4,194 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters. 11 aliases.
Atapax's Carrion Crown Atapax's Kingmaker Campaign DragonSon's Wrath of the Righteous GM Valmoon's Skulls And Shackles Wrath of the Righteous AP Cthulhutech Organized Play (inactive) DaWay's PFS Hellknight's Feast (inactive) DaWay's PFS The Confirmation (inactive) DM NomadSage's CoCT (Maybe) (inactive) DM NomadSage's Curse of the Crimson Throne (inactive) DM NomadSage's Jade Regent (inactive) DM NomadSage's Jade Regent - Night of Frozen Shadows (inactive) DM NomadSage's Jade Regent - The Brinewall Legacy (inactive) DM NomadSage's Jade Regent - The Hungry Storm (inactive) Dungeon Master S's "The Glass River Rescue" (inactive) GM Frost's Q18 Student Exchange (inactive) My Final Way (inactive) PFS- Way of the Kirin, 4-21 (inactive) Skull and Shackle++ Prelude: The Formidably Maid (inactive) Skull and Shackles++ (inactive) The Wake of the Avatar (inactive) Year of the Risen Rune PbP (inactive) [ACO] PF2e B15 - Treasure off the Coast (P4) (inactive) [PFS] PbP Gameday 5 - Scenario 7-00: The Sky Key Solution subtier 1-2 (inactive)