Chretondra Battlesword's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Terry M.


Shadow Lodge

Hag’s Tooth
Aura moderate necromancy; CL 7th
Slot face; Price 35,000 gp; Weight --
This ugly, dark, hollow tooth looks like something that was thrown away with the garbage. When in fact, this tooth came from a sea hag. The smell will turn any stomach so before the user can wear it, they must make a DC 15 will save in order to be able to put the tooth into their mouth. Should the person fail the save, then you are sickened for ten rounds. Once worn, the user can then put the tooth on without having to make another save.

When worn for 12 hours over an existing tooth, the wearer can use speak with dead twice per day. When worn for 24 hours over an existing tooth, the wearer has the ability to cast the spells speak with dead twice per day, and command undead and animate dead once per day. The wearer of the Hag’s Tooth is affected as if she has Undead Master feat, Ultimate Magic. Thus, the caster’s level is considered four levels higher when considering the number of hit dice the user can animate. When casting command undead, the duration of the spell is doubled.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Undead Master Ultimate Magic, animate dead, command undead, speak with dead spells. Cost 17,500 gp