Chosen of Iomedae's page

14 posts. Alias of Steelfiredragon.


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what we all have here is a failure, a Failure to communicate.

and heavy handed egos, and too much pride, and too much I and all those who agree with me are right and everybody else is wrong.

which is all fine and good and all. BUT there is one Problem.

it is not very Paladin like.

also stop it with divine grave being so uber powerful already and using it to justify your momma cries of power gamming. it is NOT that powerful on its own and no powergamer is going to drop 2 lvls just for that, power gamers would have high knowledge of the rules, settings, feats and everything and would take all the best stuff and make his or her character the most powerful he or she can without making a mess of things. this does not usually mean making characters with MAD multiclass builds.

look into a key hole while you read this however , you still will only see what you want to see and ignore everything else; save your own views.

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too true.

at least that is the answer he is no deity.

he should stick to decaf though

Ubercroz wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:

I'd also like to take the time to point out that when the paladin's code says not lie, it means to those one the street, in town, travelling with etc and does NOT likely mean tell the truth to the bbeg or answer evil chick's questions when she interagates him.

it does mean that when and if said evil guy surrenders that said paladin will take him prisoner and not kill him while he's in his custody.

Unless he is a paladin of justice in which case he will render a fair and impartial judgment and then execute the sentence with a calm and level head, knowing that justice has been served.

No, a paladin of Justice would not stoop to being the judge jury and executioner as he's know that is not justice but revenge.

Iomedae is justice and what you state is not justice but revenge

You were strong in life, always vailiant and just. You will find your way to the halls of our Lady Iomedae and sit at teh table of our fathers. Should we meet again on this side of the line than we'll raise a mug and lift our swords once more.

Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
There are still the other three guards from the bar fight to deal with, but they haven't done anything I can justifiably behead them for yet. There is also the guard captain, who looked the other way while this sort of behavior occurred. I need to deal with her somehow, too.

maybe they got her too...

oh and a... the two guard chumps didnt deserve death, they asked for it and got what they asked for. beat by a girl. hahahahahahahahahaha

Oh by Iomedae...

I think you might have to just tell her that your character now worships Iomedae.

you could also tell her that the weapon was forged by a cleric of Torag and thus has no link whatso ever to SArenrae.

but unfortunately this has problems too and is not likely to solve anything..

there is no such thing as death, it is just another step in life...

Bruce Lee is da bomb and his pathfidner character is a herald of Irori

ummm the wrold wound was created by a demonlord/prince whatever,aRoden closed it and when he died it reopened....

I would imagine it would be an interesting high level/epic module to ahve a party inter the abyss/hells?? and damamge whatever infernal mayham that is causing it....

funny thing about Aroden's prophecy...

it was said that Aroden would return when humanity completed its greatest accomplisment.
closing the world wound would do this, but the funny thing about prophecies is that they never happen quite how one expects and I doubt that golarion's humanity forfilled their end.

and the translation could also have been wrong, it could actually have been after such date ARoden will return after humanity completes its greatest accomplishmnent

to the populace of Golarion ARoden is dead, in actuallity he is sitting back watching them.......


hate to bring it up.. but Golarion is not a black and white world, there are a whole lot of grey in it.

playing to a high fantasy ideal of a paladin is a twisted as they come.. as the opinion changes of what the code of conduct means, to what is and what is not a lawful, dishonnerable, good, tactic.

Iomedae's nickers and her bossom I swear...

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Aroden's nor dead, you Blasphemers

Asomedus imprisoned him inside the maelstrom hurricane off the coast nearby the mwangi.

all one has to do is a: Ressurect the scarlet crusader by going back in time, clone her dead corspe, raise the real one and bring her back with you.

praise her name while in the kingdom of TAldor in front of the king

or in Cheliax in front of the black roses....

once she is empowered she can dispell the prison and ARoden will be back in power and destroy the thriced damned house of thrune.

Yeah you can tell those Cheliaxan dogs I said that, and they might even kill you for the trouble of spreading it as a heresy.

they might even come after me for saying it.

but a problem they have, and that is I'm to busy hiding where they can't easily get to.

This base class doesn't do anything for me.
I'd sooner play a bard.

nice wallpaper...... maybe I will get it when my desktop can go online again...(I hate downloading things on my laptop)

I never saw that he had one.

he's LG

which would mean if he had one, she must be ln, ng or lg.

she might be dead too

tsk tsk

the cavalier still screams mounted combat, and I disdain mounted combat.

I do my mounted warfare by flying carpet.

I would of been happier if the cavalier and the anti paladin were cut