Male shirren spacefarer mechanic 9
CG Medium humanoid (shirren)
Init +6;
Senses blindsense (vibration) 30 ft.;
Perception +17
Defense SP 72
HP 60
RP 9
EAC 26;
KAC 28
Fort +8;
Ref +12;
Will +8
Resist cold 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee survival knife +13 (1d4+4 S; operative, thrown, analog)
Ranged glamered aphelion laser rifle +15 (3d6+9 F; critical burn 1d6) or
. . survival knife +9 (1d4+4 S; operative, thrown, analog) or
. . tactical semi-auto pistol +13 (1d6+4 P; analog) or
. . frag grenade I +9 (explode [DC 14]) or
. . incendiary grenade I +9 (explode [DC 15]) or
. . smoke grenade +9 (explode [DC 25])
Offensive Abilities combat tracking, overcharge, overload (DC 19), override (DC 19)
Str 10 (+0);
Dex 18 (+4);
Con 15 (+2);
Int 20 (+5);
Wis 14 (+2);
Cha 8 (-1)
Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +11, Bluff +1, Computers +20 (9 ranks), Culture +13, Diplomacy +3, Disguise +0, Engineering +20 (9 ranks), Intimidate +1, Life Science +8, Medicine +10, Perception +17, Physical Science +18, Piloting +6 (0 ranks), Profession (Electrician) +15, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +12, Survival +4
Feats Barricade, Helpful Telepath[COM][COM], Iron Will, Nimble Moves, Skill Focus (engineering), Weapon Focus (longarms)
Languages Akitonian, Castrovelian, Common, Dwarven, Eoxian, Jinsul, Kalo, Kasatha, Pahtra, Sarcesian, Shirren, Skittermander, Vesk, Ysoki; limited telepathy 30 ft.
Other Abilities artificial intelligence, bypass, custom rig, defender of the fleet, dream whispers, exocortex, expert rig, memory module, miracle worker 1/day, nightvision processor, overclocking, remote hack (DC 28), scoured stars survivor, surviving companion (sharktopus), t-shirt reroll, theme knowledge, visual data processor, wireless hack
Combat Gear frag grenades I (3), incendiary grenades I (2),
mk I serums of healing (2), smoke grenades (3);
Other Gear white carbon carbon skin (upgrade: jump jets, mk 1 thermal capacitor),
glamered aphelion laser rifle with 1 high-capacity battery (40 charges), survival knife, tactical semi-auto pistol with 9 small arm rounds, basic medkit, battery, engineering tool kit, holoskin, industrial backpack, jump jets,
mk 1 ring of resistance, titanium alloy cable (50 ft.), credstick (346 credits);
Augmentations mk 2 synaptic accelerator (intelligence)
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