Vinroot the Drunken Treant

Chillergy's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


That's fine with me, as long as fellow DM's and I have a place to collaborate and discuss this adventure, I'm two session in and loving it so far.

Just didn't wanna step on any toes calling this a "gm discussion thread". Not being official and all.

I know The Liberation of Locus-1 is a standalone adventure, but will it receive its own section on these forums for GM's to ask questions and discuss things like the 6 part adventure paths?

Quick Question~

What's the range of the gravity pumps that makes everything "down" while inside the divinity? Right when they enter A1's door that requires the orange access card?


I have a few minutes here, so I'll try to be quick~

I'm having trouble picturing exactly how the Disposal (M4) should play out. What did you guys do with it?

A few things that are making me ponder is:

It says after 2 rounds of door activation, the trap activates. So you would make 3 tentacle attacks to targets within 20 feet of the door of M4. It also states "creatures grabbed is pulled into area m4 at the end of the round".

Did you guys have the tentacles roll a Grapple following the "hit" to "Initiate" then a secondary one to pull them in? Or just auto pull in the same round as the trap activates?

I'm just wondering if I just give these tentacles some health if ideally they are there long enough to be hacked at.

Personally I just picture it as a swift single action, but adjudicating actions with grapple in a trap scenario has me a tad confused here.




Thank you so much. Searching for this was difficult because of the synonymous naming.

Been dead here awhile, but here this goes~

Furkas Xoud has metamagic mastery (1/day) under his SQ's.

Isn't this a feat that requires 3 other metamagic feats? How does he have this learned, and if he does. Which metamagic feat is selected? he doesn't have any under his feats.
