Chetiin appears relatively well-dressed, by goblin standards. His clothes, dark in color, contrast his pale grey-green skin and white hair. Under a cloak, he wears two bandoliers a few of the loops obviously filled with daggers. Sewn into his clothing, however, are pieces of boiled leather to provide protection without screaming "I'm a rogue" any more than his knives already do.
Chetiin's personality is, in a word, aloof. He speaks only when he feels it is necessary, and only rarely makes small talk. This, combined with his callous nature, lead people to believe he is cruel. Although he is willing to kill to achieve goals, he does not revel in the killing itself. He does, however, enjoy killing the way any craftsman enjoys their product: muut, as a matter of professional pride.
Chetiin was raised by the Shaarat'khesh. He was raised by them, indoctrinated into the ways of clan by his teacher, a tar'khesh, to be a tar'khesh, a silent hand. As such, his job was to see without being seen and kill without being caught. When other clans needed someone killed in secret, it was the Shaarat'khesh that were called, the tar'khesh who answered the call.
Chetiin was called upon to aid a group of chaat'oor in a quest to aid Darguun. During the quest, he was subject to many strange magical effects. These caused his eyes and skin to change colors and his appearance was aged prematurely, although he is as spry as ever. Their quest was to return an artifact, the Rod of Kings, to the lhesh of Darguun. As a reward, he was given a very nice dagger as a symbol of the lhesh's gratitude, and he and his colleagues who undertook the quest were given the special trust to help guide the lhesh's decisions in matters pertaining to Darguun's future.
Chetiin could not have known the effect it would have on the lhesh. The Rod had a mind-warping effect on its previous owner, but that owner had it for thousands of years. The lhesh, however, succumbed to the effect within a week. He began issuing destructive orders, taking the nation back to what it had been before he united the clans. Chetiin did the only thing he was good at: killing. With a poisoned bolt, he weakened the lhesh, and then descended for the killing blow. Although he managed to land the killing blow, Chetiin was injured grievously. Although the others saw only an assassin, Chetiin did what he did out of muut.
After the assassination, Chetiin had to flee. The killing was not a contract, and it would bring great trouble upon the heads of his clan and bring the country into chaos for a time. Chetiin, despite a broken arm, fled the throne room out the window and fell several stories into a pool of water. He passed through the stables and set them ablaze and freed all the mounts to throw them off of his trail. Little did they know, he was hiding under a pile of wet straw and manure. The next day, while the city was closed for mourning, Chetiin snuck out of the walls and fled Darguun.
He did what he felt he had to do, but he could no longer return. Not for a long time.
Dhakaani Dictionary