Father Zantus

Chenor's page

3 posts. Alias of MCKhaos.


Of course darling. Standard discount for you, of course.

He taps on a datapad while he makes small talk with Trophy, generally seeking information about LaChezza's health, whereabouts, and interest in collaboration.

After about twenty minutes two large men and a young woman enter the office.

This is Trophy. Do what she says and you'll get the second half of your payment at the end of the day. Good luck, and don't catch any Giri. I think Kosto is on the hunt today.

I think the trade off is 1 cred right? Feel free to name and describe these three red shirts, or leave them anonymous if you prefer.

Dead meat love? I have plenty, you'll have to be more specific.

I'm not sure what you are asking for from him.

Chenor smiles as Trophy enters the ostentatious office. LaChezza, what do you see in this office that lets you know this is a man who has made a bit of wealth but wants you to think he has made a lot of wealth?

LaChezza, darling, is that you? I was hoping you would come in person. No matter, no matter. How can I help you today?

Chenor has 1 giri on you LaChezza? Why? What does he want from you?