
Cheng MacCheng of Clan MacCheng's page

24 posts. Alias of baron arem heshvaun.


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It's time to play, HIGH DEX or Asian?!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I'm part Asian, in the by laws on the forum I am allowed to make Chinese food puns right?

Works for me grass smoker grasshopper.

Funny enough, I was just thinking of a very similar type of weapon and trying to remember the post apocalyptic Anime film I saw this from.

I was wielded by a scientist that hunted mutants.

I bet Freehold DM would know the name of that series.

Kryzbyn wrote:
So we have railguns and PPCs now. Battletech, anyone?



祝你顺利 !

13 people marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
There is also the Tian Xia curse based on this real world saying that goes like this:

"May Pathfinders take keen interest in your belongings."

James Jacobs wrote:
Katana-worship has even less to do with it.

This gives me an idea an Oracle.

James, I've got a ¥2000 yen spot with your name on it if you can get me the phone numbers of the two Oni ladies.


Tarrintino wrote:
SWEET PICTURES!!!! Cannot wait to play this Adventure Path!!!

The art is sweeter than the duck sauce you gajin white people use to debase my lord General Tso's poultry!


Kevin Mack wrote:
Bloody Ninjas


Crystal Frasier wrote:
You people are weird.

What gave us away?

Generic Villain wrote:
Next you'll be telling me you're going to Japan or some rubbish...

You will join the fold gaijin.

Also, try to have seven Domains, to represent the Seven Saintly Virtues.

doc the grey wrote:

Favored Weapon:

A sword held with the hilt upright and blade downward is also a symbol of The True Cross, and peace.

'Lunchtime painting get-together'...

Brilliant Sean!

Over here we just call them Mass Production Sweatshops, but maybe we'll try it your way and get all these international humanitarian organizations off our backs.


Congratulations all around !

The Blog wrote:

Rene Ayala

Arizona (Phoenix)
Michael Azzolino
California (San Fransico)

Some Asian captians as well ! Just in time for Tian Xia next year!

Vic Wertz wrote:
It has always said 16 ounces in the description...

Back in Dublin this was just called a 'robust' shot glass.

Moro wrote:
I'm going to print that out and use all three panels as the outside of my GM screen when we begin our new 2nd edition campaign next month.

I am quite jealous of that.

Moro how familiar are you with 2nd ed? Would you mind leaving an email?

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
I am getting a bit tired of the Asian love fest.

No one invited me to the Asian love fest !


seekerofshadowlight wrote:
We can use the same classes to cover every single culture anywhere but an Asian one? Really? Every other fighting culture on earth can be cover with the fighter but an Asian one can not?

Nevermind every fighting culture (on Earth or the Golarion equivalent) but in the very planes themselves.

Balor with Fighter levels; check.

Marlith with Rogue levels; check.

But on the other side of the coin:

Pit Fiend with Samurai and Ninja levels; check, check and shuuuweet!! ;)

I for one would not mind seeing Pathfinder's take on Samurai, on Spirit Folk, on the Yakuza, on Sumo wrestling, on Oni, on different martial arts styles, on the Manangal, or the Kapre, or Eastern Faiths, on Eastern philosophies, what 'masterwork' means in an Asian setting (it better not just be a +1 to hit is all I'm saying !) etc, etc ... you get the idea.

There were alternative classes in the game since 1st Eds Unearthed Arcana (even prior to that in OD&D where Druids and Rangers were among the non core classes), and those classes were taken in new directions with Oriental Adventures, so there is some well loved and respected pedigree to an Oriental flavored (and crunch) book.

It is unfortunate, but we do live in interseting times.

Yarr I be needin some time in the gym.

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
You don't get the "Mc" prefix on your name just for being the 1,000th customer at McDonalds. At least, that's not the only way.

Do tell.

James Jacobs wrote:
For me, the fascination is more or less due to Akira Kurosawa.

I think there could be more to it than that ... BUT even that statement alone can be telling. One could argue Kurosawa has a rather 'influential' following.

Well, if one counts Lucas, Spielberg, Coppola, Jackson and Tarantino influential at least.

Locke1520 wrote:
And Sarongs.

Fixed that for you.