
Cheng MacCheng of Clan MacCheng's page

24 posts. Alias of baron arem heshvaun.

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Cause I am !!!

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Cause I am !!!!

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Hi All,

I have been fortunate to be invited to play in a Campaign with Pathfinder Author Greg Vaughn, who has killed so many of us in his award winning AP Contributions. Greg is a lovely fellow in real life, but loves to kill characters at conventions to humble we who think we know every trick in the book.

We start the Aegis of Empires Campaign this weekend and I need help with a Swashbuckler build. Go for broke. Anything in a Paizo rulebook is allowed.

Please feel free to add other Class Levels in the build and suggest archtypes, traits & feats.

I was going to Level dip in Paladin for Saves and Smite but Greg said thats the one class he can't see me play (he's right), advice for level dip and when they occur would be great.

I am on of the two Martial Classes and there is no real tank.

Here is what I have so far:

Race: Aasimar, Azata Blooded

Class: Swashbuckler 1

Rolled Stats 4d6 take best 3

ST: 11

DEX: 17 + 2 = 19

CON: 15

INT: 12

WIS: 12

CHA: 14 + 2 = 16

Once per day: Glitterdust

Starting Gold: 170 GP

Possible Feats: Steadfast Personality (??)

Going with a Scimitar (Saber) as the primary weapon

Happy Holidays, Cheers and thank you.

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Christopher Tolkien has passed away today at the age of 95. Thank you for all the work you did for your father's legacy, and for us.


The Road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.


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(I saw the movie just over a day ago, and I will give a more in depth review a week from now after further viewings.)


Not even innuendos, because no matter how vague I think I may be, I'm sure someone will pick up on it.

I was very fortunate to count myself as one of those who got to see an early viewing, and am very thankful to the kind and dear friend who got me the ticket.  Truly, I owe you a lot and remain moved by your loving gesture.

As anyone who has read my posts here knows I am a fan of Star Wars in every sense of the word, but given that, I still am not blind to the fact that some of what has come before  were ...  let’s say they were not as beloved as the Original Trilogy.

What I am trying to say is that I can be critical when it counts.  Do we not hold friends and loved ones to task when it is called for?

With that in mind I am attempting to ONLY compare this movie with the other two in the SEQUEL Trilogy, NOT with all films in the Greater SAGA.

While that’s a fair enough statement, it’s rather hard to mentally enforce, for we do remember the past, and no films could stand up to that level of scrutiny.


The audience I went with comprised mostly media and film industry folks.  You will be hard pressed to find a more jaded group of scum and villainy anywhere.

I am fairly sure there were more  than a few skeptics among the viewers. One I think YouTube blogger seated behind me even loudly mentioned a BIG spoiler, which was rather uncalled for and I called him out on it.

Then the lights dimmed, the decades old familiar music filled the room, the opening crawl started.

And there I was surrounded by some 800 adults, some wearing expensive evening attire, who despite themselves managed to reconnect with their wide eyed, opened mouthed, popcorn eating 6 year old selves again.

There were many a loud cheers throughout the whole film, there were a few "full applause" moments and those were well within the first hour alone.

I shed many a tear, and more than a handful of adults next to me did the same.


Simply put, because after many of my life’s stages of going to see Star Wars films, we once more, can look up on the silver screen and proclaim,


By the first few minutes of celluloid alone it is beautifully clear, JJ Abrams and his team have made thier attempt to create a fitting end to our multi-generation’s Space Opera that is compelling, exciting and larger than life. 

With all my heart I wish we still live in the days where we can proudly claim we once again have a movie that is well worthy an heir to the Originals.

But this film, as grand as it strives to be, on my first viewing, seems more of a shadow or echo of past glories. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a loving and cared for eyes wide spectacle, and I plan to see it at least three more times in the cinema.

There can be no doubt JJ Abrams made a film for the fans, and there maybe those who decry these story beats as simple fan service.   Well butter my popcorn and top off my root beer because that’s what I’m here for.

For those wondering, I can say that many unanswered questions (and even derisive complaints) are addressed in the narrative.  Certain issues that may have been wrought by the last film are tempered and smoothed out.

The first half of the film may seem a little jarring, the pacing of the story is a blitz and more rapid than a supped up speeder bike.  

Scene hastily cuts to another scene and Abrams & company assume the audience can keep up with each of the story twists and controversial turns, giving the viewers what they want right when they want it, at times BEFORE the audience realizes they wanted it.

Of course Carrie/Leia is honored, and C3PO gets a story arc, the new leads get to shine.

There is more than enough parts nostalgia, emotional investment for the characters and good natured humor thrown in the film experience help let you escape to a Galaxy far, far away.

As fans, we owe John Williams a Life Debt.   The musical score is BEAUTIFUL.   I could watch the whole movie sans dialogue and still be awestruck at the grandeur of the compositions.  John Williams unequivocally remains the uncontested Jedi Master.  He gets my vote for the first human we clone.

There are some DEEP cuts in the film,  I am happy to say that some Legends material are once again Canon, some dealing with The Force, the Jedi and the Sith.

Was it as good as The Empire Strikes Back?

Oh come on you scruffy looking nerf herder!

In a New York minute see if you can name me five pieces of art as profound and memorable as Episode V.


Avoid the rampant spoilers and naysayers, butter the popcorn, wear comfy clothes, hit the restroom, the sit down and SMILE.  

No need to be skeptical or have low expectations, try not to be hyper critical, leave your life's worries behind for two hours, and invite your six your old self along for the ride. 

Be a kid again.  Have a blast.

You owe it to yourself.  Meet the movie half way, the movie will Wookiee charge to meet you.

The Rise of Skywalker is FINALE of the all three Trilogies.  This is it.

Thank you George Lucas, Thank you JJ, Thank you Mark, Harrison and all the rest.

We miss you Peter M, Alec, Peter C, Kenny, and Carrie!

Thank you all for making me a fan of The Saga.

I’m going to find baby Yoda,  I need a hug.

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Has the Nuckelavee showed up in any of the APs? Maybe in Kingmaker? I have all the APs but don’t read those I have not played through, looking to use it an need ideas of how it comes into play.

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House of the Dragon, based on George R. R. Martin’s Fire & Blood

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Hello, I have all the books in the AP but don’t want to read them in case I get to play one day but do want to read how the Whispering Tyrant breaks free of Gallowspire.

Which issue of the AP does this happen?

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Variety Article

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James Bond 25 Title

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Possible Re-release of A New Hope ‘unaltered’

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Terminator VI

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If you came here to find out when the best bathroom breaks are, they are before the great Marvel logo and after the end credits.

Wow. Just wow. Man. We skipped the Spring and just hit Summer blockbuster season way early.

Kevin Feige, Joe and Anthony Russo have been masterful custodians of their iconic charge Stan Lee left them with. This is their astonishing love letter to the fans.

This is a modern EPIC in terms of sheer spectacle, visually and in story arc. And thankfully, “Endgame” is one of these summer hero-fests that revels in its present rather than looking to the future.

Go to the movie with expectations, and have those expectations ripped to girlie man shreds like Bruce Banner’s skinny jeans on Hulk’s worst time of the month. It’s been 11 long years since Robert Downey nailed it and truthfully uttered “I am Iron Man,” and we have had many heroes’ journeys since then, “Endgame” is that big of a payoff.

The main characters here, while heroic, are seen at their most human, weighing loss and life, in many ways mirroring their comic book page selves. They don’t stand apart from us, rather they are among the very best of us.

The film allows for meaningful character moments across the board: Robert Downey and Chris Evans shine like the all-stars they have always been, but the rest of the cast also do some of their superhero best. And yes, Hawkeye gets his screen time in this one. It’s akin to having small mini movies inside this larger epic. There are certainly character driven moments aplenty.

“Endgame” dives into the dark corners and lifts you up with cathartic comedy. Those fans who are looking for callbacks, fanboy/girl moments and Easter eggs from older movies will be quite happy and rewarded for doing their homework. There are a couple of scenes that feel like a Jack Kirby page brought to life.

So here’s a big THANK YOU to the show runners, directors, writers, cast and crew, and to my fellow fans. This IS the Marvel movie we have been waiting for.

And somewhere out there, Stan ‘The Man’ Lee is smiling broadly. His babies are in good hands. And have grown some.


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Be Excellent Friends

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Disney Closes $71.35 Billion Fox Deal

Which means

THIS True Believers! EXCELSIOR!

But we knew this day was coming.

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Movie’s Director picked

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They are Doomed.

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Your Tauntuan will freeze before the first marker!

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Series Details

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New Trailer

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Jon Favreau confirms that his live action Star Wars series takes place 7 years after Battle of Endor, between Return Of The Jedi and The Force Awakens. Will feature all new characters, using cutting edge tech a la The Jungle Book.

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After months of whispered rumors, the official announcement.

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Help Deadpool Fuk Cancer

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Dear Paizo,

Please help me enjoy the changes in Pathfinder 2.0 more than I have the events of The Last Jedi.

More The Empire Strikes Back, less The Phantom Menace. We cool?

That is all.

Be careful not to choke on your aspirations Director (of Game Design) Bulmahn.

May The Force Be With this playtest.

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Poster is out.

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You are a beholder, a sphere of many eyes, an eye tyrant, you are death.

By fate, fortune, ill luck or (Dark) gods’ design you are (as far as you know), the sole one of your kind in all Golarion, maybe in the world’s history. No DC Dungeonering will ever touch you.

What is your name?

What would you set out to do?

What are your goals, ambitions and plots? Oh my!

Where would you create your guild/nation/empire?

Who would you ally with?

What, if any, AP would you show up in?

Please feel free to elaborate.

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Life will find a way.

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Full disclosure, I was the opening bid.


If you can give this is a worthy cause. May we be the generation that staves off/cures/Single Reactor Ignitions autism.

Nicley done sir.

[I am sure we will be seeing the winner on the big screen come Episode IX]

Dark Archive

Hi all, I have access to the following campaigns,

Elemental Evil, Rage of Demons, Return to Ravenloft, Stormking's Thunder, Tales from the Yawning Portal, and Tyranny of Dragons.

I don't want to read them all as I would like to eventually want to play in one or two of them.

But I do want to either take story inspiration or run one of the campaigns.

For the DMs who may have run or read through the above, which story and plot arcs did you find intriguing and well written as to be satisfying and fulfilling to run for your players?

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So many sad bunnies

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The Iconic Fox practicing Evasion.

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Because the story of Batman vs Jack the Ripper just had to be told.

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Why so serious? In a word ... money.

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