About Chella HeartfireBorn in darkness and raised in despair, Chella has overcome her horrific childhood with the help of her ghostly half-sister and emerged with a boundless optimism disguised by her gruff-looking exterior.
Background: Chella grew up under the domineering thumb of her demon father, one of Baphomet's lieutenants. He dedicated her life to his patron, and permanently transformed her head to match her purpose. For a long time her role was punishing sinners at her master's direction-- he would take her to a variety of different planes, and she hated it. His favorite punishment was polymorphing her into a wild bull and having her trample the subject to death-- or to what would be death, in those places where souls could not die but instead suffer eternally. They lived in a dark demiplane somewhere deep in the outer realms, part of Carceri or Tartarus, but the master often traveled to Sigil to research his targets, and he always brought Chella with him (in chains).
She has an aasimar half-sister (Peri) who tracked her down and helped her finally defeat her father, but she was forced to sacrifice her own life in the process. Peri now exists as a formless spirit, bonded to Chella and helping her from beyond the veil. Chella also has a toad familiar who was once an archdevil, before he was cursed by her father with a baleful transformation spell. For several years now the three of them have lived on Sigil. They have survived by taking odd jobs and struggling to get by, hindered terribly by a loan that Chella was forced to take out immediately after securing her freedom. (She must pay what amounts to half of her income to the Helping Hands Company until the loan is completely paid off, which will likely never happen.) However, a recent job offer from The Organization might have turned her luck around! Description:
Chella is short for a human, perhaps 5'5", and is obviously incredibly strong-- muscles rippling under her simple clothes worn over what might be a particularly light suit of chain mail. Her head is not human at all, but a literal bull's head with sharp horns, and twice the size of a human head. She carries an enormous cudgel, banded in iron, that never leaves her side, and she wears a pouch of spellcasting components on her belt. Her voice is light and friendly, much at odds with her monstrous appearance, and her nature is kind and helpful, optimistic and forgiving. She has become very good at pretending to be dangerous and menacing over the years, but those who know her well have learned that she is soft at heart. Name: Chella Heartfire
Size Medium* (Large[*enlarge person])
Str 28*** (+9) (17[base]+6[enhancement]+3[levels]+2[race], +2[*size(enlarge person)], +8[*Inspired Rage +4, Song of the Beast +4], +4[*Amplified Rage])
HP 141* (78[15d8(8+14x5)]+60[CONx15]+3[familiar], +60[*Inspired Rage +30, Amplified Rage +30]), delayed damage pool (44) AC 33**** (10+8[STR]+9[armor]+3[deflection]+3[natural armor], -2[*Berserking], +2[*Greater Enhance Equipment], -1[*Inspired Rage], -1[*enlarge person])
Initiative -1 (-1[DEX]) Speed 30'* (30'[light armor], +10'[*charge, run, or withdraw (Fiendish Sprinter)]) Fortitude +18* (+9[base]+4[CON]+5[resistance], +4[*Inspired Rage +2, Amplified Rage +2])
BAB +11/+6/+1
Weapon (greatclub): "Beatstick," +1 furious impact training (Power Attack, Cornugon Smash) greatclub
• attack****: +21/+16/+11 (+11[BAB]+9[STR]+1[enhancement], -1[*enlarge person], +5[*Greater Enhance Equipment], +6/+8[*Inspired Rage +2, Song of the Beast +2, furious +2, Amplified Rage +2], -3[*Power Attack]) • damage******: 2d8+18 bludgeoning (2d8[base+impact]+13[STRx1.5]+4[Deadly Rhythm]+1[enhancement], +2d[*Encompassing Light], +1d[*enlarge person], +5[*Greater Enhance Equipment], +8/+11[*Inspired Rage +3, Song of the Beast +3, furious +2, Amplified Rage +3], +9[*Power Attack], +base x2[*Vital Strike]) • critical: 15-20/x2 Weapon (horns): +1 furious training (Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike) horn blades
• attack**** (primary): +21 (+11[BAB]+9[STR]+1[enhancement], -1[*enlarge person], +4[*Greater Enhance Equipment], +6/+8[*Inspired Rage +2, Song of the Beast +2, furious +2, Amplified Rage +2], -3[*Power Attack]) • attack**** (secondary): +16 (+6[BAB]+9[STR]+1[enhancement], -1[*enlarge person], +4[*Greater Enhance Equipment], +6/+8[*Inspired Rage +2, Song of the Beast +2, furious +2, Amplified Rage +2], -3[*Power Attack]) • damage****** (primary): 1d6+10 piercing/slashing (1d6[base]+9[STR]+1[enhancement], +2d[*Encompassing Light], +1d[*enlarge person], +4[*Greater Enhance Equipment], +8/+11[*Inspired Rage +3, Song of the Beast +3, furious +2, Amplified Rage +3], +9[*Power Attack], +base x2[*Vital Strike]) • damage****** (secondary): 1d6+5 piercing/slashing (1d6[base]+4[half STR]+1[enhancement], +2d[*Encompassing Light], +1d[*enlarge person], +4[*Greater Enhance Equipment], +4/+5[*Inspired Rage +1, Song of the Beast +1, furious +2, Amplified Rage +1], +3[*Power Attack], +base x2[*Vital Strike]) • critical: 20/x2 Weapon (war boomerang): War boomerang
• attack*: +10/+5/+0 (+11[BAB]-1[DEX], -1[*enlarge person]) • damage****: 1d6+9 bludgeoning (+9[STR], +2d[*Encompassing Light], +1d[*enlarge person], +4/+6[*Inspired Rage +2, Song of the Beast +2, Amplified Rage +2], +base x2[*Vital Strike]) • critical: 20/x2 • range: 30 Armor (chainmail):
celestial armor
• light armor • armor bonus: +9 (+6[base]+3[enhancement]) • max Dex/Str: +8* (+8[base], +1[*sash]) • ACP: -2* (-2[base], +1[*sash]) • weight: 20 lbs Half-orc pitborn tiefling (humanoid, human, native outsider, orc) Darkvision (60'), Fiendish Sprinter, Pass for Human (Half-Orc), Selfish Teleport, Thick Fur (replaces Scaled Skin) Favored Class Bonuses (skald) Increase the skald’s total number of raging song rounds per day by 1 (x15). Traits Community-Minded (Regional), Misbegotten (Drawback, has a bull's head), Optimistic Gambler (Campaign), Savant (percussion) (Social) Feats Basic Magic Training* (Warp) (from race), Life Conversion* (from casting tradition), Wild Casting* (from casting tradition); Deadly Horns (level 3); Amplified Rage* (from oaths); Craft Magic Arms and Armor* (skald 7), Leadership (level 7); Escape Route* (from oaths); Lingering Performance (level 11); Outflank* (from oaths); Battle Fanfare (level 15); Cornugon Smash* (from greatclub), Improved Vital Strike* (from tusk blades), Power Attack* (from greatclub), Vital Strike* (from tusk blades) Skills
Languages Abyssal, Common Skald (Belkzen War Drummer / Totemic Skald) 15 casting (Basic Magic Training), casting tradition, deadly rhythm (+4 damage, Improved Critical, Quick Draw), fearsome mien +7, martial tradition (exchanged proficiencies), raging song (52 rounds/day; Dirge of Doom, Inspired Rage +4/+4, Siege Drums, Song of Marching, Song of Strength, Song of the Fallen), spellcasting (CL 15), spell pool (x2); versatile performance x2 (percussion, sing), well-versed; rage powers x5 (Celestial Totem, Greater Celestial Totem, Increased Damage Reduction, Lesser Celestial Totem, Song of the Beast), totem (bull); totem empathy (charm animal 3/day); wild shape (beast shape iii as druid level-1) 2/day; DR (3/–) Casting Tradition (Spheres of Power):
Tormented Sorcerer
Magic Type: Arcane Casting Ability Modifier: Charisma Drawbacks: Consciousness Linked, Draining Casting, Galvanized, Magical Signs (aura of black fire, smell of brimstone), Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting Boons: Drawback Feats x2 (Life Conversion, Wild Casting), Overcharge Combat Talents (Spheres of Might):
Combat Training: Proficient (x7 talents from feats, x4 talents from martial tradition, x3 talents from oath boons)
Practitioner Ability Modifier: Charisma Beastmastery sphere
Berserker sphere (from martial tradition), Berserking, Brutal Strike Equipment sphere (from martial tradition)
Gladiator sphere, Boast (Prowess [boast]), Demoralization (Strike Fear [demoralization])
Guardian sphere (from martial tradition)
Warleader sphere, Shout[url] ([url=http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/warleader-sphere#toc3]Fierce Shout [shout]), Tactics (Aggressive Flanking [tactic])
Magic Talents (Spheres of Power):
CL +1, MSB +1, MSD 12, spell pool x1, talents x1
Warp* sphere (from race, Basic Magic Training), Teleport
Martial Tradition (Spheres of Might):
Enduring Strongman
Enduring Strongmen are raised in tough and brutal conditions, be they harsh climates or extraplanar hellscapes. They fight with exotic weapons made from the few resources they have available, such as rocks and sticks, and have learned to take damage as much as they deal it out. Bonus Talents: • Equipment: Tribal Training
• Battle Song of the People's Revolt (Stealth Synergy) • Music Beyond the Spheres • The Sea Is Now My Sky Oaths:
Oath of Offerings (7 OP); boons: Bonus Feats (3 OP), Bonus Talents (2 OP), Enhanced Abilities (2 OP) Spells:
Skald spells (CL 15)
cantrips: dancing lights, detect fiendish presence, ghost sound (DC 16), grasp, mending, message 1st (x7): feather fall, liberating command, moment of greatness, remove fear, saving finale, true skill 2nd (x7): gallant inspiration, heroism, mirror image, path of glory, shared training 3rd (x6): communal tongues, flexible fury, remove curse, see invisibility 4th (x5): break enchantment, echolocation, freedom of movement, primal scream 5th (x4): bard's escape, greater heroism, unshakable zeal Equipment/gear:
• "Beatstick," +1 furious impact training (Power Attack, Cornugon Smash) greatclub, crafted (36,305 gp)
• +1 furious training (Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike) tusk blades, crafted (16,350 gp) • amulet of natural armor +2, crafted (4,000 gp) • celestial armor, crafted (11,350 gp) • circlet of persuasion, crafted (2,250 gp) • cloak of resistance +5, crafted (12,500 gp) • feather step boots, crafted (1,000 gp) • earring of disguise, crafted (900 gp) • headband of vast intelligence +4, crafted (8,000 gp) • ring of protection +3 (18,000 gp) • sash of the war champion, crafted (2,000 gp) • skald's kit (no waterskin, canteen; 38 gp) • sleeves of many garments, crafted (100 gp) • traveler's any-tool, crafted (125 gp) • tree feather token x3, crafted (300 gp) • wand of endure elements 50/50 (750 gp) • wand of enlarge person 50/50 (750 gp) • wand of protection from evil 50/50 (750 gp) • wand of retrieve item 50/50 (4,500 gp) • war boomerang x2 (6 gp) 26 gp remaining -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Herbert
Str 1 (-4)
HP 40* (70[half master's hp]-30[CONx15], +60[*Inspired Rage +30, Amplified Rage +30]) AC 23* (10+1[DEX]+8[natural armor]+4[size], -1[*Inspired Rage])
Initiative +1
Fortitude +7* (+9[base]-2[CON], +4[*Inspired Rage +2, Amplified Rage +2])
BAB +11
Weapons none Armor none Toad low-light vision, scent Feats Amplified Rage* (from teammate), Escape Route* (from teammate), Lunge (retrained at level 8), Outflank* (from teammate) Skills Acrobatics 15+4, Climb 1+4, Diplomacy 15-3, Fly 15+12, Knowledge (arcana) 1+1, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1+1, Knowledge (local) 1+1, Knowledge (nature) 1+1, Knowledge (planes) 1+1, Knowledge (religion) 1+1, Linguistics 1+1, Perception 15+5, Perform (percussion) 15+0, Perform (sing) 15+0, Ride 15+1, Spellcraft 15+1, Stealth 1+12, Survival 15+2, Swim 6+4, Use Magic Device 15-3 Familiar (Valet) 15 able assistant, aide to all, deliver aid, deliver touch spells, empathic link, magical manipulation, natural armor adj +8, speak with master, spell resistance (SR 20), teammate, valet skills -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Peri Heartfire
Size Medium
Str 8 (-1) (8[base])
HP 78 (65[13d8(13x5)]+13[CONx13]) AC 10 (10[base])
Initiative +0 (0[DEX]) Speed 30' (30'[no armor]) Fortitude +5* (+4[base]+1[CON], +2[*vs death/necromancy])
BAB +9
Weapon (Bludgeon): Armor none
• attack (Beatstick): +15 (+9[BAB]+6[INT])
• damage (Beatstick): 1d10 bludgeoning (1d10[base]) • critical: 20/x2 Half-orc emberkin aasimar (humanoid, human, native outsider, orc) Deathless Spirit, Light Attuned, Scion of Humanity (half-orc), Skilled (Knowledge: Planes, Spellcraft), Darkvision (60'), Scion of Humanity (Half-Orc) Favored Class Bonuses (wraith) +1 skill, gain +1/4 sacred bonus on saves against effects that would end possession (x12). Feats Cantrips* (free for casters), Extra Magic Talent* (Light) (from race), Extra Magic Talent (level 1); Craft Wondrous Item (level 3); Craft Implement of Power (level 5); Extra Magic Talent (level 7); Silent Spell (level 9); Still Spell (level 11); Technologist (level 13) Skills
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal Wraith (Unbodied) 13 casting (Mid-Caster), casting tradition, haunt path (Path of the Poltergeist: improved path possession, path possession, path skill), permanent wraith, spell pool (2xlevel+INT), spirit rider, wraith haunts x6 (Benevolent Passenger, Ghost in the Machine, Ghostly Talent, Lengthened Control, Object Ride, Possess Armaments); possession (extraordinary abilities, supernatural abilities); manifest; greater possession Casting Tradition (Spheres of Power):
Celestial Wizard
Magic Type: Arcane Casting Ability Modifier: Intelligence Drawbacks: Consciousness Linked, Magical Signs (vessel shines with golden light), Somatic Casting x2, Verbal Casting Boons: +1 spell point per level gained in casting classes Magic Talents (Spheres of Power):
CL +9 (+12 Enhancement, +11 Life, +10 Light, +16 Telekinesis), MSB +1, MSD 12, spell pool x32, talents x9+6
Enhancement sphere, Enhance (Enhance Equipment)
Life sphere, Cure, Invigorate, Restore
Light* sphere (from race), Glow (Bright Light)
Telekinesis sphere, Telekinesis (Bludgeon, Catch, Hostile Lift, Sustained Force)
• headband of vast intelligence +2, crafted (2,000 gp)
• implement of Enhancement +3 (golden ring), crafted (9,000 gp) • implement of Life +2 (amulet), crafted (4,000 gp) • implement of Light +1 (circlet), crafted (1,000 gp) • implement of Telekinesis +3 (silver ring), crafted (9,000 gp) • wand of focus [Enhancement sphere, Enhancement: Bodily Enhancement drawback, Enhancement: Enhance Focus*] (1,000 gp) • wand of revelation [Light sphere, Light: Light Focus drawback, Light: Revelation*] (1,000 gp) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Action summary (Chella): Full round
• charge • full attack • Pouncing Teleport • withdraw Standard
Action summary (Herbert): Full round
• aide to all: aid three adjacent creatures • deliver aid: move, aid another, move Standard
Action summary (Peri):
• Bludgeon and maintain Telekinesis • Catch • Cure (1 spell point): heal 4d8+40 hp • Glow • Glow (Bright Light) • Glow (Encompassing Light, Glory): damage and reach like a huge creature • Hostile Lift • Invigorate: 20 temp hp, heal 20 nonlethal damage • Possession (1 spell point) • Restore (1 spell point) • Telekinesis Move