Avimar Sorrinash

Chase P Reaves's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts (12 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Silver Crusade

So I'm running the emerald spire and I'm not used to giving out EXP so does the EXP from enemy's go to everyone or is it divided by how many player's there are?
For example if a creature was worth 500 EXP and I had 5 players would each player recieve 500 EXP or 100 EXP since it be divided 5 ways?

If anyone can let me know that would be great I'm still new to the whole EXP thing since I'm used to running modules or books that tell me when they level up.

Silver Crusade

I think that the Shaman should start out with being proficient with light steel shields since Oracles are able to use most shields. Id also like to know what any other Pathfinder players playing a Shaman would want to see be changed about the shaman.

Silver Crusade

I wanted to build a good effect alchemist and can't figure out or find any good feats to take for the alchemist, any suggestions or ideas. Also I was in a public game and a players Alchemist was able to drink a extract and spit it back in the vile, what is that is it a feat,ability or trait? If anyone can help please comment

Silver Crusade

I just need a some help but would a level one character be able to survive a game with level 3-4 enemy's ? I know it's a dumb question but since I'm new no games of level one are being held at the place I go to if anyone can help that be great

Silver Crusade

I'm very new to Pathfinder and I mean very very new , last week played my first game as a pregen character and didn't do to bad, atleast I hope so. I just need some simple advice and help, like What games as a level one should I look to play in like what level enemy's , iv signed up for the next week to play in a game if enemy levels 3-4 on the lower teir is this ok? Will it be to difficult?. Also I was looking to invest into a book since I have none which would be the best for a new player? As a cleric that wishes to buff and heal my companions what should I go after as a cleric, and last but not least any advice for contacting game hosts? If anyone can help then that's great and if not can you point me in a direction to get help.