Charmmaster Magpie's page

32 posts. Organized Play character for DarkLightHitomi.

About Charmmaster Magpie

PF2 pfs playtest character, lvl 5 sorceress fey bloodline
pfs#: 84816-1501

Name: Magpie the Charm-master


Physical Traits:
Slender build, short stature, and youthful face belie her age of multiple centuries and with her mannerisms in how she walks and moves around, one can easily mistake her for an adolescent. She has med grey hair that is cut short and her skin is fairly dark in color.




RACE: Female Elf
Age: 307 yo (Adult)
Size: Medium Size, 5' 1" 115 lbs
Type: Humanoid (Elf)
Classes: Sorcerer 5
Background: Blacksmith
Faith: None
Alignment: LN
Home: None
Jobs: Blacksmith/Spellcasting services
Languages: Common, Elvan, Draconic


Str 12 (+1)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 10 (+0)
Int 16 (+3)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 14 (+2)

Senses; Low-light, Normal Perception trained +6

HP: 36 (5 * (Con 0 + 6)) + 6

AC: 19 (10, Dex 2, rank T, prof 5, item 2)
TAC: 19 (10, Dex 2, rank T, prof 5, item 2)

FRT: 5 (Con 0 (T))
REF: 7 (Dex 2 (T))
WIL: 6 (Wis 0 (E))

Class DC: 17 (10, lvl 5, key 2)

Hero Points: 1

Resonance Points: 7 (lvl 5 + cha 2)


Bonus Name ab-mod (rank) [armor] item
+07 Acrobatics 2 (T)[]
+09 Arcana 3 (E)
+06 Athletics 1 (T)[]
+09 Crafting 3 (E)
+07 Deception 2 (T)
+07 Diplomacy 2 (T)
-02 Intimidation 2 ( )
+08 Lore Smith3 (T)
-01 Lore 3 ( )
+05 Medicine 0 (T)
+05 Nature 0 (T)
-01 Occultism 3 ( )
-02 Performance 2 ( )
-04 Religion 0 ( )
-01 Society 3 ( )
+07 Stealth 2 (T)[]
+05 Survival 0 (T)
-01 Thievery 3 ( )[]

+06 Perception 0 (E)

Untrained = lvl-4
Trained = lvl
Expert = lvl+1
Master = lvl+2
Legend = lvl+3


Slots: -,4,4,3
Known: 5,4,4,3

Electric Arc (Lightning)
Detect Magic (No Charm)
Stabilize (Remedy)
Light (Speck)
Ghost Sound (Speck)

First Level
Heal (Remedy)
Create Water (Aqua)
Feather Fall (Gravitas)
Charm (Belle)

Second Level
Enlarge (Space)
Obscuring Mist (Aqua)
Spider Climb (Gravitas)
Hideous Laughter(Belle)

Third Level
Lightning Bolt (Lightning)
Haste (Temporal)
Enthrall (Belle)

Speck (0 Light, 0 Ghost Sound)
Lightning (0 Electric Arc, 3 Lightning Bolt)
Remedy (0 Stabilize, 1 Heal)
Belle (1 Charm, 2 Hideous Laughter, 3 Enthrall)
Aqua (1 Create Water, 2 Obscuring Mist)
Gravitas (1 Feather Fall, 2 Spider Climb)
Space (2 Enlarge)
Temporal (3 Haste)

Spell Points: 2 (cha)

Fearie Dust

Battle Medic: can patch up myself or others in combat.
Magical Crafting: - Can craft magic items, choose 4 lvl 2 or lower formulas


Class Feats,
1st - Familiar (Aerie)
4th - Steady Spellcasting (disrupted spellcasting only if taking 2*lvl dmg)

Skill Feats,
2nd - Magical Crafting
4th - Battle Medic

General feats,
3rd - Alertness, expert in perception and I remain alert to threats around me.


- Clothes, Fine
.1 Hand of the Mage
- Hat of Disguise
1/1 Lesser Staff of Fire/Minor Staff of Healing
.1 Bracers of Armor +2
- Ioun Stone, Dull Grey
2 Elven curve blade


.1 Bedroll
.2 Two grappling hooks
- Mirror
.3 Rations, three days
.1 Silk Rope
.3 Waterskins, three

- Compass
- Vials, six (whatever happened to steel vials anyway?)
- Ioun Torch

cost, bulk, quantity, item
30 --- 1 Hat of Disguise
7.2 --- 1 spellcasting spell service ; continual flame 7.2 (on one of my ioun stones)
.1 --- 1 pack: .1, -
.01 --- 1 bedroll: .01, .1bulk
.04 --- 1 belt pouch: .04, -
.2 --- 1 clothing, fine: .2,-
1 --- 1 compass, 1,-
.2 .2 2 grappling hook: .1,.1, two items
1 --- 1 mirror: 1,-
.15 .3 3 rations:.05,.1, three (three days)
1 .1 1 silk rope: 1,.1
.3 --- 6 vial: .05,-,six
.15 .3 3 waterskin:.05,.1,3

15.15 2.9 +2.2 bulk
5.1 total bulk

4.85 gp

carry cap: 5+str bulk
carry max: 10+str bulk


Current Chronicle: The Arclord's Envy

Name: Magpie
AKA: DarkLightHitomi
PFS: 84816-1501
XP: 0
Prestige: 0
Fame: 0
Day job:
Gold Earned:
Boons Used:
Scenarios Played:



Unconscious or dead

Money Aquired

Damage Dealt / taken

Attacks made / Hit
Skill Checks

Saves rolled, succeeded
Refl: 0 / 0
Fort: 0 / 0
Will: 0 / 0

Spells Cast

Fires Started:
Been Critted:

Places Visited

Knowledge Known
Stuff learned from prior knowledge checks, so further knowledge checks are not required.



Base creature must be a Tiny animal.

Familiars have,
-Minion trait (page 416)
--2 actions per round
--master spends one action to command verbally
--If left uncommanded, takes no actions except to defend itself or escape obvious harm
--If left unattended, act as it pleases, unless mindless in which it takes no actions.
-max of one familiar
-if it dies, replace after one week at zero cost
-Saves and AC use master's stats, not including conditionals
-Perception, Acrobatics, and Stealth are master's stats plus key ability
-Any other skill or attack roll is master's lvl -2 (feedback, if this represents Untrained status, then should it be -4 now?)
-Incapable of benefiting from ability modifiers or item bonuses. (Hopefully it can still be the target of items, such as letting a ioun stone rotate around it. Needs clarification.)
-Has HP = 4 * master's lvl
-Size Tiny
-Has low-light vision
-can empathically communicate with master up to 1 mile
-Does not normally understand nor speak any languages
-Has either land spd of 25, or swim spd of 25 (chosen at creation)
-can choose 2 abilities during master's daily prep. If the form inherently has one of the abilities, then it must always be chosen.

Other Feedback How is the familiar commanded if it doesn't understand language? How smart is the familiar? If it is as smart as a person, even a dumb person, how can it be incapable of at least learning to understand a language? Does the Speak a Language ability make it smarter in addition to granting speech so that it can understand as well, and then remove that when the ability altered? Why is the familiar even less capable than an animal of it's type?

Bird: Magpie (it's how Magpie got her name).
Static Abilities: Land Spd 25, Fly Spd 25
Default other ability: Speech


Level 1
Race: Elf
Race Feat: Elf Weapons
Open Ab: Str

BG: Blacksmith
BG Lore: Smithing
BG Skill: Specialty Crafting
Limited AB: Int
Open AB: Cha

Class: Sorceress
Bloodline: Fey

Initial skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Crafting, Medicine, Diplomacy, Stealth, Survival

Level 2
Skill Feat:Magical Crafting
Class Feat:Familiar

Level 3
General Feat:
Skill Increase:Crafting

Level 4
Skill Feat:Battle Medic
Class Feat:Steady Spellcasting

Level 5
Race Feat: Nimble
Skill Increase: Arcana
Ability Increase: Int, Cha, Con, Dex

As the update altered bloodlines to outright grant certain skills (in this case deception and nature), I altered my initial skill choice of nature to diplomacy and left nature as trained.
As I had remove armor proficiency due to doubling up uselessly, I changed the general feat to Alertness, which ups perception to expert.