Lady Andaisin

Charlotte Tanessen's page

No posts. Alias of MIB.

Full Name

Charlotte Tanessen




Oracle (Dual Cursed)








Chaotic Good






Common, Infernal, Shadowtongue, Celestial, Undercommon, Halfling, Sylvan, Abyssal, Ignan

Strength 10
Dexterity 7
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 11
Charisma 19

About Charlotte Tanessen

Background Story

“I will not let my destiny be dictatored by tyranny, I choose to remain free!” - Charlotte Tanessen

Despite a life of luxury, Charlotte could never quite seem to fit into House Tanessen’s ideals due to her being rather physically clumsy and her rebellious behavior, perhaps it was due to the fact that she encountered a fey creature during her youth and that incident has changed her ever since.

On her 18th birthday, Charlotte recieved a vision that foretells her fate should she continue living her current life in House Tanessen: A forced marriage with an abusive husband and eventually die a slow and torturous death at the hands of the very man she would be wed to! Horrified upon learning this fate, her hands and forearms turned black as if her arms were plunged into a blazing fire and her skin permanently turned much paler as her eyes darkened! But along with these shocking curses came strange powers that she seem to instinctively be able to use. After managing to secretly practice some of her powers, she quietly gathered what she could from her home and left for a new life.

Determined to carve out her own destiny rather than let those in authority decide for her, Charlotte now seeks to help those that would have their freedom and liberties compromised as a follower of Milani, the goddess that she strongly believed to have granted her powers.

Appearance: A beautiful pale skinned raven haired gothic lady who usually wears black opera gloves to cover up her cursed hands. Even without wearing black opera gloves, she appears as if she adorns one in the form of her burnt hands and forearms!

Name Origin: Charlotte is a female given name, a female form of the male name Charles. It is of French origin meaning "free man" or "petite" (or in this case “free woman”).