Churgri of Vapula

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The eidolon :


If you or your eidolon is affected by anything that

would change a creature’s actions, it affects your shared

The prone condition :

You’re lying on the ground. You are flat-footed and take a –2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls. The only move actions you can use while you’re prone are Crawl and Stand. Standing up ends the prone condition. You can Take Cover while prone to hunker down and gain cover against ranged attacks, even if you don’t have an object to get behind, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to AC against ranged attacks (but you remain flat-footed).

Does that mean that if the eidolon is prone, the only move actions the summoner can take are Crawl and Stand unless he makes his eidolon stand up?

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I have a few questions about the caustoject, caustolance and the Biohacker.
So, first, the descriptions :

Much of the design of this pistol-like weapon is based off the biological systems of the disintegration lash class of small arms, though a caustoject’s more traditional appearance is in stark contrast to its techno-organic inspiration. Caustojects create an injectable field that transforms ordinary matter into an acidic compound, disintegrating their targets from the inside. Syringes can be loaded into these weapons, allowing other materials to be quickly injected instead of an acidic discharge (in which case only the injection effect occurs—no acid damage is dealt).

Drawing upon the same design and inspirations as the caustoject, this larger weapon is designed to resemble an assault rifle rather than a pistol. As with its smaller cousin, a caustolance uses its battery to generate an acidic field to inject directly into its targets, but it can also handle and discharge other substances that are poured into a special tank that is attached to the weapon’s barrel.

Medication Mastery:
You can quickly turn the compounds and catalysts in your custom microlab into medicinals. You can create an analgesic, an antitoxin, or a sedative with an item level no higher than your biohacker level. If you are an instinctive biohacker, you can also make excitants and stimulants. If you are a studious biohacker, you can also make antiemetics and coagulants. These medicinals are highly unstable and cannot be stored for later use or used by anyone else. You can add one of these medicinals to any attack you make with an injection weapon as part of the action to make the attack or attacks, but you can’t add a biohack of any kind to the same attack. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your key ability score, and you regain all expended uses of this ability (up to your maximum) when you take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points.

Here's my questions :
1. Do the caustolance do damage when injecting something? The text seems to indicate that it works as the caustoject, but I'm not sure about that.
2. Can I inject a poison and a biohack at the same time with an injection weapon? The text of the Biohack class feature says "any attack" so I supose it works? (I ask this question because I think it's relevant to the next question)
3. Do the caustolance and caustoject do damage when injecting a biohack without injecting something else? Personally, I would say yes if the answer of #2 is yes since it would means that the biohack doesn't count as something using the injection property of the weapon, thus not disabling the damage.
4. Same as #2, but with medicinals made with the Medication Mastery theorem.
5. Same as #3, but with medicinals made with the Medication Mastery theorem.
6. Can I use the Medication Mastery theorem with an attack that use a medicinal not made with the theorem? The idea is to use two medicinals at the same time.
7. Why Spark Of Ingenuity can't be used with biohack given by Fields of Study?
8. Can I load multiple substances in the caustoject in advance?
9. Same as #8, but with the others injections weapons in general.
10. Do the conserving weapon fusion prevent the waste of a biohack when missing a range attack?
11. The glove needler is a small arms that has a range of "reach ft". Do I make range attack rolls with it? Does it provoke attacks of opportunity?
12. What happens if I try to use a biohack with a blast attack as the one given by the blasting weapon fusion?
13. Same as #12, but with poisons, drugs, medicinals, serums, etc.
14. Can I stack the effect of a basic inhibitor and the effect of a unique inhibitor given by a field of study? Personally, I would say yes since it is only stated that the basic inhibitor can't stack with itself and that the minor inhibitor can't stack with the basic inhibitor, but I want to be sure...
15. Is there any way to make the poisons less expensive?
16. Can I use poisons with explosive ammo?

I think it's all the questions I have so far.
Thank in advance for your replies.

Is it possible to combine two Improbable Elixir and make then permanent?

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I was thinking about making a feral hunter for one of my games and I was wondering if there was any official ruling about whenever a level 1 feral hunter got one or two animal aspects.

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I just bought Ultimate Wilderness and I've found that there is no mention saying that the Sylvan Trickster (p.77) can consider his level as witch level for their hexes which means that the DC and the duration of the majority of the hexes do not scale at all.
I also saw that the Divine Scourge achetype for the cleric has the same flaw, but the divine scourge has a more limited selection of hex which force them to pick hex that would be very weak without considering their level as witch level for their hexes. It makes me think it might just be an oversight...

Do you think it's resonnable to allow the Sylvan Trickster to consider his level as witch level for his hexes?