Full Name |
Charles "Bronze" Berger |
Race |
Male Ork Street Sam. Phys 0/12 \\ Stun 0/10 |
Classes/Levels |
Perception 10d6, Init: 10, Init Passes: 3 |
About Charles "Bronze" Berger
== Info ==
Street Name: Bronze
Name: Charles "Chuck" Berger (deceaseed)
Movement: 10/25, Swim: 5
Career Karma: 10
Available Karma: 2
Street Cred: 1
Notoriety: 1
Public Awareness: 0
Ork Male Age 22
Height 2.2m (7' 3") Weight 152kg (335 lbs)
Composure: 5
Judge Intentions: 6
Lift/Carry: 18 (150 kg/100 kg)
Memory: 5
Nuyen: ¥56,000
== Attributes ==
BOD: 8
AGI: 5 (8)
REA: 4 (6)
STR: 7 (10)
CHA: 2
INT: 4
LOG: 2
WIL: 3
EDG: 1
MAG: 0
== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 0.41
Initiative: 8 (10)
IP: 1 (3)
Astral Initiative: 8
Astral IP: 3
Matrix Initiative: 9
Matrix IP: 3
Physical Damage Track: 12
Stun Damage Track: 10
== Active Skills ==
Animal Handling : 0 Pool: 3
Animal Training : 0 Pool: 3
Archery : 0 Pool: 7
Armorer : 0 Pool: 1
Artisan : 0 Pool: 3
Automatics : 0 Pool: 7
Blades : 0 Pool: 7
Climbing : 2 Pool: 12
Clubs : 0 Pool: 7
Computer : 0 Pool: 1
Con : 2 Pool: 4
Cybercombat : 0 Pool: 1
Data Search : 0 Pool: 1
Demolitions : 0 Pool: 1
Disguise : 3 Pool: 7
Diving : 0 Pool: 7
Dodge : 1 Pool: 6
Escape Artist : 0 Pool: 7
Etiquette : 2 Pool: 4
First Aid : 0 Pool: 1
Flight : 2 Pool: 12
Forgery : 0 Pool: 7
Gunnery : 0 Pool: 7
Gymnastics : 2 Pool: 10
Hacking : 0 Pool: 1
Heavy Weapons : 0 Pool: 7
Infiltration : 3 Pool: 11
Instruction : 0 Pool: 1
Intimidation : 0 Pool: 1
Leadership : 2 Pool: 4
Locksmith : 1 Pool: 9
Longarms : 6 Pool: 14
Navigation : 1 Pool: 5
Negotiation : 2 Pool: 4
Palming : 3 Pool: 11
Parachuting : 0 Pool: 7
Perception : 3 Pool: 8
Pilot Ground Craft : 1 Pool: 7
Pilot Watercraft : 0 Pool: 5
Pistols : 2 Pool: 10
Riding : 0 Pool: 5
Running : 2 Pool: 12
Shadowing : 3 Pool: 7
Survival : 1 Pool: 4
Swimming : 2 Pool: 12
Throwing Weapons : 1 Pool: 9
Tracking : 0 Pool: 3
Unarmed Combat : 4 Pool: 12
== Knowledge Skills ==
Area Knowledge: Seattle : 2 Pool: 7
Combat Tactics : 3 Pool: 5
English : N Pool: 0
Gangs : 3 Pool: 8
Or'zet : 1 Pool: 5
Police Procedures : 2 Pool: 4
Russian : 1 Pool: 5
Security Companies : 2 Pool: 4
Underworld : 2 Pool: 7
Vory : 2 Pool: 7
== Contacts ==
Ezra (Ork Black Market Weapons Dealer) (2, 1)
Vigo Boroski (Russian Fixer) (3, 2)
== Qualities ==
Bad Luck
Biocompatability (Cyberware)
High Pain Tolerance (Rating 1)
Low-Light Vision
Perceptive (+1 Bonus)
Prejudiced (Common, Outspoken) (Law Enforcement [Lone Star])
School of Hard Knocks
== Lifestyles ==
Low ("Renton Townhouse Basement") 1 months
== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Bone Lacing (Ceramic) [Alphaware: 0.86 essence]
Datajack [Alphaware: 0.07 essence]
Muscle Replacement Rating 3 [Alphaware: 2.1 essence]
Smartlink [Betaware: 0.06 essence]
Spur [Betaware: 0.18 essence]
Wired Reflexes Rating 2 [Alphaware: 2.1 essence]
Essence Hole [0.22 essence]
== Armor ==
Armor Jacket 8/6
+Fire Resistance 5
+Nonconductivity 5
Ballistic Mask 2/1
Form-Fitting Full-Body Suit6/2
Mortimer of London: Berwick Suit Jacket (Ensemble)5/3
Mortimer of London: Greatcoat Line6/5
+Chemical Protection 2
+Insulation 2
SecureTech PPP Armor (Ensemble)2/4
SWAT Armor 12/10
+Fire Resistance 4
SWAT Helmet 2/2
+Flare Compensation
+Gas Mask
+Image Link
+Low Light
== Weapons ==
Ares Desert Strike
+Imaging Scope
+Shock Pad
+Barrel Extension
Pool: 14 DV: 8P AP: -3 RC: 1
Ceramic Bone Lacing
Pool: 12 DV: 7P AP: - RC: 0
Defiance T-250, Short-Barrel
+Smartgun System, Internal
Pool: 16 DV: 5P AP: -1 RC: 0
Enfield AS-7
+Ammo Drum/Box
+Ammo Drum/Box
+Gas-Vent 3 System
+Shock Pad
+Smartgun System, External
+Spare Clips
+Spare Clips
+Laser Sight
Pool: 17 DV: 7P AP: -1 RC: 5
Fichetti Executive Action
+Smartgun System, Internal
+Spare Clips
+Spare Clips
Pool: 11 DV: 4P AP: - RC: 0
Grenade: Flash-Bang
Pool: 9 DV: 6S (10m Radius) AP: -3 RC: 0
Grenade: Fragmentation
Pool: 9 DV: 12P(f) (-1/m) AP: +5 RC: 0
Grenade: High Explosive
Pool: 9 DV: 10P (-2/m) AP: -2 RC: 0
Grenade: Incendiary
Pool: 9 DV: Special AP: - RC: 0
Grenade: Slick
Pool: 9 DV: Special AP: - RC: 0
Grenade: Smoke
Pool: 9 DV: (10m Radius) AP: - RC: 0
Grenade: Thermal Smoke
Pool: 9 DV: (10m Radius) AP: - RC: 0
Monofilament Chainsaw Rating 2
+DP Penalty
Pool: -2 DV: 5P AP: -2 RC: 0
Savalette Guardian
+Gas-Vent 3 System
+Spare Clips
+Spare Clips
+Smartgun System
Pool: 11 DV: 5P AP: -1 RC: 4
Pool: 7 DV: 8P AP: - RC: 0
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 12 DV: 5S AP: - RC: 0
== Commlink ==
Meta Link (1, 2, 1, 2) x2
+Disposable Commlink OS
Transys Avalon (4, 3, 3, 4)
+Sim Module (Hot)
+Iris Orb
+Satellite Link
== Gear ==
Ammo: APDS (Light Pistols) x60
Ammo: APDS (Heavy Pistols) x60
Ammo: APDS (Sniper Rifles) x60
Ammo: APDS (Shotguns) x120
Ammo: Flechette Rounds (Shotguns) x60
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Heavy Pistols) x60
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Light Pistols) x60
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Shotguns) x60
Autopicker Rating 6
Binoculars Rating 3
+Vision Magnification
Camera, Micro Rating 1
Certified Credstick, Standard x4
Climbing Gear
Concealable Holster
Contact Lenses Rating 3
+Flare Compensation
+Image Link
Datachip x10
Earbuds Rating 3
+Select Sound Filter Rating 1
+Spatial Recognizer
+Audio Enhancement Rating 1
Fake License (Fichetti Executive Action) Rating 5
Fake License (Ammo: Flechette Rounds) Rating 5
Fake License (Ammo: Stick-n-Shock) Rating 5
Fake License (Autopicker) Rating 5
Fake License (Lockpick Set) Rating 5
Fake License (Smartlink) Rating 5
Fake License (Defiance T-250, Short-Barrel) Rating 5
Fake License (Wired Reflexes) Rating 5
Fake License (Muscle Replacement) Rating 5
Fake SIN (Andrew Campbell) Rating 5
Gecko Tape Gloves
Glasses Rating 4
+Vision Enhancement Rating 3
+Vision Magnification
Grenade: Flash-Bang x6
Grenade: Fragmentation x6
Grenade: High Explosive x6
Grenade: Incendiary x6
Grenade: Slick x6
Grenade: Smoke x6
Grenade: Thermal Smoke x6
Jammer, Area Rating 5
Jammer, Directional Rating 6
Keycard Copier Rating 6
Light Stick
Lockpick Set x2
Maglock Passkey Rating 5
Maglock Sequencer Rating 5
Magnesium Torch
Medkit Rating 6
Medkit Rating 3
Medkit Supplies x5
Metal Restraints
Micro-Transceiver Rating 6
Monofilament Chainsaw
Plastic Restraints x20
Quick-Draw Holster
Rappelling Gloves
Security Tags x20
Sleeping Bag
Standard RFID Tags x20
Stealth Tags x20
Stimulant Patch Rating 6 x4
Survival Kit
Tag Eraser
Trauma Patch x2
White Noise Generator Rating 6
Wire Clippers
== Vehicles ==
Mercury Comet (Sedan)
+Additional Fuel Tank
+Smuggling Compartment, Normal
+Vehicle Sensor
== Karma Expenses ==
== Nuyen Expenses ==
== Description ==
Bronze is a large bodied ork, with well-defined muscles and athleticism, even before the 'ware. Now, he presents a physically imposing form, looming head and shoulders over even the tallest elves and humans, and looking eye-to-chin with most trolls. He carries himself with grace, moving too smoothly to be purely natural. He typically wears a battered synthleather jacket over plaid work shirt and dark grey or black cargo pants, with heavy soled boots tightly laced up to mid thigh. Unless expecting trouble, he doesn't typically carry more than a light pistol, tucked into a concealed holster at his right hip, and a simple knife tucked into his left boot. When it's time to go loud, though, he can pull out some serious firepower from the trunk of his nondescript Mercury, along with what appears to be Lone Star issued SWAT armor and helmet, with all insignia sliced off.
== Background ==
Born Charles "Chuck" Berger to ork parents James and Patricia Berger, Bronze grew up fast and hard on the outskirts of Redmond. His parents both worked two jobs, with James mopping floors and cleaning toilets for a local sanitation crew, while Patricia slung hash overnights and dished out noodles during the morning. They worked themselves to the bone so Chuck might have a better chance than they did, knowing full well that a 3rd generation ork faced an uphill battle in this world if he hoped to make an honest living.
Chuck worked just as hard, hustling for any odd job or task he could in the 'hood, and finally caught his big break. Just 4.5 years ago, he got accepted into the Lone Star Academy following a big "metahuman rights" publicity push. He was one of only 12 accepted, with only one other ork. Relying heavily on his natural strength and durability, he absorbed all the punishment and hatred slung his way and miraculously managed to graduate. Naturally, he got placed on the drek assignments, flagging traffic in Touristville, sitting on garbage trucks overturned, and the like. Not content to simply jam the poor ork up on the lousy jobs, one sergeant named Colton Mills decided he and his crew needed to clean up the force. A staunch Humanis Policlub follower, Mills managed to bring Patrolman Chuck into a "sting" assignment just over the line in Redmond. Not paranoid or suspocious enough yet, Chuck went along, in unifiorm as ordered, and walked directly into a nasty ambush.
Chuck took several slugs to the chest before he was dragged from his cruiser, beaten and almost lynched by his fellow officers. Only the timely intercession of a pair of Vory affiliated orks kept Chuck from losing his life, that day. The Vory thugs saw promise in the large, young, obviously tough ork, and patched him up before helping make sure the official report showed Chuck as dying in the line of duty. From that day on, he has harbored an intense, burning hatred of cops, especially Lone Star cops. Working his way up through the shadows for the past 3 odd years, he's traded away quite a bit of his metahumanity, all for the goal of getting his mitts on Colton Mills, now a Captain on the Lone Star force. One day, he'll get him, and on that day Captain Mills will learn what an angry cybered ork can really achieve.
== Concept ==
Tough-as-nails ex-cop ork street samurai, focusing on unarmed combat and shotguns.