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115 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I'm looking for a wondrous item that will lead the PCs to the adventure hook. I'd like to use something from published Pathfinder material (i.e. no GM fiat).

I don't want it to teleport them there, or fly them there, or otherwise transport them there. I don't want it to force them to go there against their will. I don't want it to tell them what they will find there, or give them any information about the destination other than the direction to head in order to get there. I don't want them to be able to change the destination, or be able to plot a return trip.

I'm thinking of something that acts like a GPS, i.e. pointing them in the direction of a fixed and predetermined locale.

Any suggestions?

If I cast Sands of Time on an adult creature, it advances to middle age and takes –1 to Str, Dex, and Con, and +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.

Can I do it again to bump it up to old? Can I do it a third time to make the creature venerable?

What happens if I do it again before the duration of the spell is over? Does the creature die of old age?

Specifically, if the target must do 1d8 damage to itself as a result of being confused, will Maximize and Empower cause this to become 12 points of damage?

The Extend metamagic feat will double the duration of a spell. Can you use two Extend feats to quadruple the duration?

While on the subject, is there any other way to stretch out the duration of a spell (other than Permanency)?

What, if anything, happens when a spellcaster uses the Veil spell to disguise her allies as enemies during combat?

For example, if the party encounters a band of orcs, combat ensues, and the spellcaster uses Veil to disguise the party as the orcs, does that impose any penalties on attack rolls? Would it count as concealment? Would there be any other reason why a spellcaster would want to do this?

One of our clerics has a domain that grants her domain spells that are normally limited to arcane spellcasters. She also has the Scribe Scroll feat.

If she scribes a scroll for one of her domain spells (in this case, teleport), and then gives the scroll to the party Magus, can the Magus learn the arcane version of the spell from the scroll?

It says that Dimensional Hop (the domain ability, not the spell) must be used in 5-foot increments. Does that mean that the cleric can only hop 5 feet per move action? Or does it mean that the cleric must hop some multiple of 5 feet (e.g. 25 feet)?

What is the penalty to Perception rolls when the character is asleep.

Say, for example, a party attempts to sneak up (using Stealth) on a sleeping guard.

And, while on the topic, what's the DC to hear the snoring of a character that is otherwise hidden from view. For example, if the guard is sleeping behind a crate or barrel or something.

One of my players insists that, since Scorpion Style was included in the core rulebook, and style feats were not introduced until Ultimate Combat, it means that, despite the descriptor "style" in the name, this is just a regular combat feat. As a result, a monk should be able to use it and a style feat at the same time (e.g. Dragon Style).

Does this argument hold water?

Is it possible to teleport into an occupied area without attracting attention by using Stealth?

Subject says it all.



Happy Hump Day. :)

I'm trying to design a trap, and I'm having some trouble interpreting the rules. I'm hoping you can help.

The trap in question is a cave with a weakened ceiling. It wasn't constructed by anyone; it's just there. When the PCs enter the area and make a disturbance (e.g. they make a lot of noise), the ceiling will collapse and do damage to them.

Instead of perception checks, like a normal trap, I'd like to call for knowledge (engineering) checks to notice the weakened ceiling.

The trigger for the trap will be noise. I'd like the room to make perception checks vs. the DC of the activities that the characters in the room undertake (as in the "Notice Someone/Something" table in the core rulebook under the Perception skill). Success means the trap is sprung.

The effect will be falling debris, which will do piercing (stalactites) and bludgeoning (rocks) damage to all characters in the room. There will be a Reflex save to halve the damage.

The trap will not reset itself. There is no means of disabling or bypassing the trap.

How do I calculate the CR and XP for this trap? Are there any other features I should consider? The Average Party Level right now is about 9, so I'd like this to be in the Challenging range, around 10.


Hi Folks,

One of my players wants to dig a tunnel into the enemy stronghold. He has a shovel, and he wants to dig a tunnel with a 3 foot radius (cross-sectional area = 27 square feet) that goes 70 feet down, then 210 feet in a straight direction, and then another 70 feet back up, which will bring them straight into a safe location within the enemy base. (70+210+70)x27 = 9,450 cubic feet of earth that he needs to move.

The rules for the shovel state that it can dig 2 cubic feet per minute, which means that it will take him 80 total hours of digging to complete his tunnel.

My questions to you:
1. Is this a correct reading of the rules?
2. Is there anything extra he needs to do to make a tunnel (e.g. shore it up with beams)? If so, how much time/cost would that take?
3. Is there any special knowledge he needs (e.g. Profession[miner]) in order to complete this project?
4. Is there anything else that needs to be taken into consideration?


According to the rules:

rules wrote:
You must successfully cast a conjuration (healing) spell on an ally after being hit by an attack of opportunity, or have the Battle, Chaplain, or Healed background.

So I take this to mean after you've been hit by an AOO, not the ally, correct?

And is it immediately after, or during the same turn, or battle, or session? The text implies it can be anytime after the hit, e.g. years later would still count.


rules wrote:
Completion Benefit: You automatically succeed at concentration checks for conjuration (healing) spells caused by taking damage.

I assume this means that if you have taken damage while casting a healing spell, then you automatically pass your concentration check, correct?


I find the rules for bleed damage a bit confusing, so I want to make sure I understand it before I play it.

A character has an attack that deals 1d4 bleed damage (in addition to normal damage).

On the character's first turn, she attacks and hits a target. After resolving normal damage, she rolls 1d4 and gets a 1. At the end of the round, the target takes 1 point of bleed damage.

The next round, the character attacks the same target and misses. At the end of the round, the target takes 1 point of bleed damage.

The next round, the character attacks the same target and hits. After resolving normal damage, she rolls 1d4 and gets a 3. At the end of the round, the target takes 3 points of bleed damage.

Is this correct?

Hi All,

I may be nuts, but I recall coming across an optional rule somewhere regarding the impact of the city on the heroes' campaign. Basically, as the city gets worse, things get harder for the heroes; as the city improves, things get easier. The idea is that the heroes' actions have consequences, e.g. if they fail to stop some supervillain or disaster.

I've searched through all of my sourcebooks, and for the life of me I can't find this one.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Could I maybe be thinking of a different rpg?


Hi All,

A few of my players want to try their hand at gambling. I have a couple of questions that I'm hoping you can help answer.

Regular play: The Profession (Gambler) skill allows you to earn 1/2 your check result in gold pieces per week of dedicated play. What if you're playing with marked cards or loaded dice, or regularly using things like Sleight of Hand, the Secret Stash deed, Mage Hand, etc.? How do these affect your result? How do you factor in the chance of getting caught?

Individual games: The Gamemastry Guide says that "luck should rule the day." It goes on to say that "cheating is the only way to change your luck in a game of chance. If someone at the table wants to cheat, Sleight of Hand is the most useful skill, but Disable Device might also be allowed. In addition, magic can be quite useful for cheating. Spells like mage hand, silent image, and modify memory can turn bad results into good results. Getting caught, however, can turn these good results into much, much worse outcomes." Again, how would cheating affect the result, and how do you factor in the chance of getting caught?


Hi All,

I'm looking over the Craft skill, and I have two questions:
1. Can you craft an item with the Broken condition to reduce the raw materials cost by 75%?
2. Per the rules: "If you fail by 5 or more, you ruin half the raw materials and have to pay half the original raw material cost again." For items that take multiple weeks to craft, is this half the total raw material cost, or half of the remaining raw materials (i.e. excluding progress you've made thus far)?


Other than choosing a class with a high wealth die (e.g. cavalier, fighter, paladin, ranger), rolling high on the wealth check, or taking the Rich Parents trait, is there any other way to start a 1st level character out with a little more gold?

Or is 900 gp pretty much the ceiling for 1st level characters?


One of the guys in my gaming group has been pestering me to run a mythic adventure. Ok, well fine, but before I dive into that one I'd like to run a published mythic adventure path.

Any suggestions on which is the best?


Hi All,

I'm looking for some GM advice.

One of our players is going to be out of town for several sessions. I need a good "in game" way to explain his absence and sudden reappearance when he returns. He's willing to play along with anything that his character would reasonably do. Any thoughts?

I was thinking maybe some sort of cursed item found in a monster treasure hoard (it just so happens the group just defeated a pair of desert drakes, and have not yet explored the hoard). It could trap his character in some quasi-portable form, so the rest of the part could bring him along and revive him when he gets back.

Any ideas?


Hi All,

I need some GM advice for my Pathfinder campaign.

My players are heading off on an especially dangerous quest. To help them along, I'd like to give them a magic item that will allow them to bring a limited number of their fallen comrades back to life, only without permanent negative levels. This could be equivalent to a Resurrection, Raise Dead, or even Reincarnate spell. Unfortunately, all three of those impose negative levels on the target, which is something I'd like to avoid.

I thought about a Ring of Three Wishes, but I don't want them to have carte blanche to order up whatever they like. I want this magic item to be only usable to bring back dead PCs, and only a limited number of times. Does anyone know of such an item, either in the core rules or from some 3rd party sourcebook?

Assuming the answer is "no," I'll have to create my own custom magic item. Something like the following:

Staff of Greater Reincarnation
Aura strong conjuration; CL 16th
Slot none; Price 115,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


A staff of greater reincarnation is made of polished mahogany shod in gold and carved with images of various animals. This staff allows use of the following spells:
•Reincarnate (2 charges)
•Greater Reincarnate (3 charges)
This spell functions like Reincarnate, except that the target does not suffer any negative levels.

Construction Requirements

Craft Staff, reincarnate; Cost 90,000 gp.



Hi All,

I'm looking for a cursed item that imposes a penalty on the owner's Reflex Save. Any ideas?

Of course, I could just make one, but I was wondering if something already exists.


Hi All,

I'm getting ready to run an adventure that I hope to turn into a campaign. I'd like to have a nearby town for PC R&R, and am looking for a good sourcebook. Any suggestions?

Ideally, the town would give enough info to bring certain areas to life, without bogging me down with too much detail. I really don't care about the town's history, or about the monster that lives at the end of the dungeon crawl beneath the sewers, or about rules for gambling. I don't need stats for every last NPC either. I'm okay with having a few weirdos stashed away in their respective homes or places of business. Mostly I'd like detail on the areas where the PCs are likely to spend the most time, i.e. the tavern / inn.

Thanks in advance!


I'm running Jade Regent. Can't seem to find any.


Hi All,

The ninja Master Trick 'Assassinate' says: "This attempt fails if the target recognizes the ninja as an enemy."

Could a ninja use Vanishing Trick to become invisible (and hence unrecognizable as an enemy), followed by Assassinate to immediately kill an opponent in combat? If so, are there any restrictions on this?


Hi All,

Does anyone know where I can get player handouts? I'm particularly eager to get a copy of Old Megus' map of the Brinestump Marsh from Jade Regent. If I can't find one, I suppose I could scan in the one from the adventure path and then go into MSPaint to remove all the notations. But it would be great if some kind soul out there could spare me the trouble.


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Hi All,

Does anyone know where I can get the player handouts for the Brinewall Legacy? I'm particularly eager to get a copy of Old Megus' map of the Brinestump Marsh. If I can't find one, I suppose I could scan in the one from the adventure path and then go into MSPaint to remove all the notations. But it would be great if some kind soul out there could spare me the trouble.


Hi all.

My normal gaming group is all gone for the summer except for myself and one other player. So I'm looking for a good 2-player (i.e. 1 PC + 1 GM) adventure module for Pathfinder (or 3.5e). Anyone know of any suitable ones?


Like Vampires or Derros, for example.

I'm thinking specifically:
- Daylight
- Discovery Torch
- Searing Light
- Sun Metal

Do these or any other spells harm creatures sensitive to sunlight?


When a dwarf casts Ancestral Gift and receives a weapon with the Spell Storing special ability, does the weapon come with a stored spell?


What happens if you roll a critical threat, but then when you go to confirm the critical, you roll a 1, HOWEVER your various bonuses added to the 1 exceed the target AC?

Is it a critical or not?

Hi Folks,

Is there a way that a cleric can spontaneously cast any un-prepared divine spell, like a sorcerer?

I can only think of two ways --

The first way would involve petitioning the GM to allow the use of an un-prepared spell for a hero point. This method could be used repetitively through the Hero's Fortune spell. However since this is not one of the standard effects for hero points (unless you kind of squint when you read the 'Recall' effect), this presupposes a generous GM.

The second would involve using the Miracle spell to duplicate an unprepared spell.

Any other ways?


Is that out of print? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

If it is, is there another sourcebook that has taken its place?


Hi Folks,

I'm wondering if there is any way for a cleric to cast a 'divine-ized' version of a non-divine spell, like Permanency or Create Demiplane (without using a magic item or multiclassing)?


If you find a lock of someone's hair, what spells can you cast with it?


Short of using "Wish" or "Divination," is there a spell that would allow the caster to examine an object and know something about its owner?


Hi All,

I've always played clerics (party pressure - long story) and am now about to play a fighter. What are some good combat tactics that I should keep in my hip pocket?

I'm thinking things like feinting, dirty tricks, etc. What's worked well for everyone?


Trying to get ready for Skull & Shackles.


Okay maybe not pirates but is there a sea-going adventure path?


Anyone know where I can find a miniature of a riding dog? One of my players is getting quite petulant about this.


So I was reading in the rulebook under "Magic Items" -> "Weapons". In the "Melee Weapon Special Abilities" table if you roll high enough (100 for a minor weapon, 96+ for a medium, or 90+ for a major weapon) you get to roll again twice.

That means that it's possible (though unlikely) to find a weapon that has two "Bane" special abilities. In fact, it's possible (though very unlikely) to find a weapon that has a bane against the same creature twice, resulting in +4 to hit and +4d6 damage.

So that got me thinking - is it possible to craft a magic weapon with multiple banes? Do you just pay the +1 bonus for each bane (i.e. [# of banes]^2 x 2,000 gp)?


Hi All,

Couple of Kingmaker questions:

1. Are there any limit to the number of districts that can coexist in the same city in Kingmaker?

2. Can you have more than one city in a hex?

Thanks in advance!

Hi All.

Some magic items say "Treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the {whatever} is worn."

Does that mean that following the 1st 24 hours you should treat it as a permanent ability bonus? Or that after 24 hours the item no longer works?

If the latter (which I suspect is the case), then how does one "recharge" the item?

Thanks in advance!

Dwarves are naturally proficient with warhammers. Does this proficiency extend to light hammers?

Thanks in advance.

Hi All,

Every so often one of my players will do something really in-character or really clever that merits some reward. So I'll give him/her a few XP.

Equally often one of my players will do something out-of-character or annoying that will merit some sort of punishment. So I'll deduct a few XP points to teach that player a lesson.

Are there any other ways to reward/punish roleplaying? I've heard about using plot twist cards as a reward. Any other ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Just wondering if anyone knows if there's a Wild West adventure in the works? I'd love to see something reminiscent of Deadlands, where cowboys fight demonic creatures.

Hi all. I'm looking over the new Ultimate Combat rules and that gunslinger class looks really interesting. I'm thinking of trying one out in an upcoming campaign.

In looking around the web, it seems like all the 28mm gunslinger miniatures are from the old west genre. I don't really want a cowboy marching across the battle map alongside paladins, rogues, clerics, etc. Is there a gunslinger mini out there with more of a fantasy look?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Are there any sources for additional cleric domains beyond the ones in the core rulebook?

The 'Character Excelerator' spreadsheet lists a bunch of new domains under the category names "LSJ," "Remarkable Races," and "BoDM." Any clue what these are?


Hi all. Forgive me if this quesiton has been posted before.

The party I'm GMing has captured a band of C-E brigands and has had them thrown in the local jail. One of my players, a L-G cleric with a heart of gold, is interested in redeeming their leader through a series of meetings & discussions regarding the merits of his religion, hope for a better future, etc.

So my question is... how do I handle this? The rules do not cover alignment change, other than through magical means. What skill check(s) are needed? What's the DC? How many days/weeks/months should it take? How much XP should I award the player if it's successful? How will the player know if it will never be successful, i.e. the villain is unredeemable?
