Ceremony's page

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There's a TON of backstory (the late unpleasantness, Nualia's history, etc) that really help to shape the adventure, but if the players dont really ask around or do anything to discover this, how would they ever know about it? I think a lot of the backstory of the town is great --- one of my players backstory is they are FROM sandpoint, but how much would they know...??


Thank you!!!

In general, I find my game so far is enjoyable with my players until combat begins. While my players appear to be enjoying themselves, some fights drag on into "swing and miss" for 30 minutes territory and I'm not sure if there's a good or proven way to inject speed and excitement into the combat... It's a bit... dreary.

kinevon wrote:

Just as an FYI, for the first time they give the Goblin Warchanter's stat block, it does list the DC for all her spells, under Spells Known.

** spoiler omitted **

Noticed that after my post! :) <-- noob!


Iorthol wrote:

Zhayne got it right.

In your case, Warchanters are Bards, making them Charisma based spellcasters.

So add 10 + the goblin's Charisma + 1 (Because hideous laughter is a 1st level bard spell)

The goblins entire charisma or charisma modifier?

Hey guys,

Starting rise of the runelords. Im GMing and have some questions about spells. I see that goblin warchanters can cast "Hideous Laughter" that has a "Negate Effect" will save that the player can make.

How do I calculate that save... what does the player have to roll and how? How do I calculate that. I dont see any bonuses for casting or anything on this goblin. Thanks!


Uses: "Detect Motive..."

20 HP from my players Level 1 wolf companion:


WOLF lvl 1
HP 20 (15 rolled + 2 conmod+toughness)
medium size
Speed: 50ft
AC: 14 (10+2dexmod+2natural)

STR: 13
DEX: 15
CON: 15
INT: 2
WIS: 12
CHA: 6


BAB: +1
CMB: 2
CMD: 14

Bite (Trip) 1d6

Skills: +2
Swim +1
Stealth +1

Feat: +1


Also, Im DMing a level 1 paladin with over 20 AC... is this possible?! (I'm a new DM and we had a quick path today and I trusted the characters they brought for this "meet and greet" game.

Thank you !!!

Evilgm wrote:
In general the numbers are the pre-calculated total- no extra math required.

So the short sword +2 (1d4) isnt added to the goblins +1 BAB ?

Sorry I didnt mean Monster Card - I meant monster table. The stats on a monster.

We are playing and adventure path and creatures have short swords +2 (1d4) with BAB +1 etc...

ALSO - druid question. Im playing a game right now with a Druid with a Wolf companion. Do they both roll initiative? Do they both get to attack? Does the Druid need to roll to command the wolf?

Looking at several monster cards, some have BAB+1 or +2 but also have a weapon that may say: "Mastercraft Horsechopper +5 (1d8)" for example.

Does that mean they get +5 (weapon) and +1 (BAB) to their attack roll against player AC?

Looking at the chart, Im a little confused. It's +8 through -8 but Im unsure how to calculate if a fine creature were attacking gargantuan, or a medium attacking a large, or a large attacking a fine, etc? From both attacker and defender perspective?

These forums are incredible. I made coffee, walked the dogs, came back to my PC and here we are. Thank you!!!!!!

Question -

As a halfling bard I get roughly 7 skill points to rank up my skills every time I level, correct? I'm confused then by the "extra skill rank or hit point" for favored class... Can someone explain favored class? Of course the class I choose would be my favored class, so I'm sort of thrown off here...


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Benefit of the wizard is more spells over time, but limited versatility once you've left camp. I see. Thank you!

A wizard is a classic magic user that has to "learn spells" vs a sorcerer can just cast them? A bit confused.

What does that prep time and sorc casting look like comparatively in-game?

Quick question about levels and players.

Because there's so much content and much of it looks interesting, how do I allow my players to play an adventuer path they may have over-leveled? Can they?

Also, rise of the runelords is for 4 people, but i only have three players... can I do it?

Another question... maps, minis, etc. Is this necessary or can I play Pathfinder "theatre of the mind" style?

Either way is fine, just want to know if the rules lean toward either.

AH! That makes perfect sense. I'll keep this thread here as a general "Halp!" thread for myself and drop questions from time to time as I read through the core book which I bought Sunday afternoon.

Im ordering the beginner box today. :D

Thanks all!

Can someone explain the costs table here?

If the starting base is, say 10 - then wouldnt 7 be -3, not -4 ?
I think I'm misunderstanding the Ability Scores Costs table.

Thank you!


Thank you very much!

Hey guys.

I tried to play D&D as a kid but didnt have enough friends. Fast forward to now, I'm 36 and have a group of solid gamer friends online that live locally. One of them has a San Diego game going, and he suggested I try to GM an LA game.

NO IDEA WHERE TO START or what to buy.

I am a hardcore online gamer that's really into theory crafting and deep gameplay, so rulesets and numbers don't frighten me. I don't really want the "shallow end" version of the game, but I need to know where to start.
