Ulfen Raider

Cennedi's page

Organized Play Member. 32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Silver Crusade

Prehensile hair... thoughts?

I kinda think it would be neat to see a ninja, monk, or ranger, and grab a level of witch just for prehensile hair. make the character a white haired tian female and... well some of you may get where I am going with this.


BTW which would you choose? Ninja? Monk? Ranger? other?

Silver Crusade

I do not know if this has been mentioned before and I apologise if i am beating a dead horse but shouldnt the spear be a one handed weapon? I have made it so in my campaign but am curious as to why the designers would make a weapon rule that is so counter to reality.

Greek hoplight spears were around 8 or 9 feet long making them equate to the PF longspear. Most ancient cultures produced troops that used spear and shield, from the persians of the bronze age right up to the norse raiders of the dark ages.

Perhaps allow the spear and longspear to be used as a martial one hand weapon?