Samaritha Beldusk

Celina Miyal's page

3 posts. Alias of Marius Johansen.


DM Hamied wrote:

Darth Prefect - Celina Miyal, Half-Elf (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)

Celina's class is Bard, this should be added here please. :-)

Some more information regarding Celina:


Standing 5'8" tall, Celina possesses an athletic, graceful build, yet blends it with attractive curves that has drawn the attention of young men - and a few women - for several years already. While working at the Rusty Dragon, she likes to wear a simple, black dress that clings to her figure in all the right places, but when dressed for adventure, she is much more practical in her outfit; beneath her plain traveler's outfit, she wears a shirt of chainmail, and along her body she has almost half a dozen daggers strapped in various places, each one within easy reach for her nimble fingers. At her belt hangs a sheathed scimitar, the curved blade ready to be drawn at a moment's notice. Though she is divided in her worship, holding Calistria, Desna, and Shelyn all high in her heart, she wears a silver holy symbol of Calistria around her neck, a gift given her by her maternal grandmother during her time spent in Kyonin.

Concept/character progression:

Celina will be primarily a melee-based fighter, specializing in the use of her scimitar. Her spells will be a blend of combat enhancers, party support/healing, and utility, with a very few mind-affecting spells for our opponents. She's most likely to multiclass into Fighter eventually, taking the Weapon Master archetype, though Bard will still be her 'primary' class. Her roles in the party will be as a secondary warrior/utility caster in combat and as a 'face' type character in social encounters.

I'd like to submit Celina for this campaign, please. Her sheet has already been posted to the profile, but in short, she is a half-elven Bard with the Dervish Dancer archetype from Ultimate Combat. Her background, spoilered below, should make it quite clear which campaign trait she has and which NPC she is connected to. . .


Though she was born in Sandpoint, Celina spent most of her life away from the small town, only recently returning there. When her human father died in an accident, leaving the four-year-old Celina with no immediate family left in town except for an uncle too young and irresponsible to raise a child, she was sent to live with her mother, who had chosen to return to Kyonin after giving birth to her half-human daughter. Her mother, however, was uncaring and spent little time on Celina, which made the young half-elf feel unwanted. When she turned seventeen, she decided she'd had enough - the few memories she had of Sandpoint in her childhood were certainly more appealing than what her life was like in Kyonin. She was given a fair amount of gold to pay for her passage back to Varisia, and she arrived in Sandpoint a week before her eighteenth birthday.

At first, she lived with her uncle who by now had a family of his own, but she immediately decided to find a place to work. She wound up as a barmaid at the Rusty Dragon, and working close to Ameiko Kaijitsu she found herself inexplicably drawn to the other girl. When her shifts were over, she'd make up excuses to spend time with Ameiko, and though she has finally, at twenty-one years of age, come to realize that her feelings for Ameiko are of a romantic nature, Celina is too shy and nervous around her to figure out how to make her feelings known. Over the last three years, Ameiko has trained Celina in the ways of the Bard, though Celina's natural talent for dance has lead her to a different style of performance - and combat - than her mentor and secret crush. . .

OOC: In response to the question of how the character would take to travel; Celina has no particularly strong attachment to Sandpoint, though she feels a connection with Ameiko she hasn't felt with anyone else before. Because of this, she'd have no objections to traveling across the world with Ameiko and the caravan - she'd know that if she let Ameiko go off without her, she'd always regret not going and seeing where things might have gone for them. . . assuming she can work up the nerve to actually talk about her feelings with Ameiko, anyway. ;-)

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to answer them as quickly as possible. :-)