![]() Although the ground is muddy, Volidrian can tell whoever was here made some attempt to cover their tracks. But that is no match for his scouting ability. He believes there were two people who made a brief inspection of the building’s exterior and then left - their tracks blend in with those of the other traffic heading into town. ![]()
![]() Dr. Savarre looks concerned. ”That anyone knows to look for you here bodes ill - for ourselves and for anyone we are in contact with. I believe we have worn out our welcome in Mordentshire, lest we risk drawing the attention of the Crimson Court. We should leave as soon as we are rested and Tybalt is able to travel.” ![]()
![]() As you approach the boarding house where you have been staying, Res and Irikar observe footprints in the mud. This area is generally quiet, and these tracks do not look like mere passersby. One or more people were here recently, evidently looking into the windows and searching around the house’s exterior. ![]()
![]() You begin the ride back to Mordentshire, traveling around roads thick with mud from the evening’s heavy showers. There is a closeness in the air - the humidity that follows a heavy rain. As the temperature drops, a light fog begins to settle over the night landscape. (Can I get Perception checks please?) ![]()
![]() Tybalt's thrashing intensifies as the two consciousnesses within him struggle for control. He becomes difficult to restrain, but the party manages to keep his bindings intact. Outside, the storm rages. Tybalt's bestial groans are punctuated by crashes of thunder from outside. Father Grimsby raises his voice as he recites his incantations. They reach a crescendo as Tybalt cries out - ratlike features passing across the bard's fact. But Tybalt's mortal nature wins out, and he collapses, exhausted, in his natural form. "It is done," Father Grimsby says, seeking the support of a nearby chair. ![]()
![]() As afternoon passes to evening, storm clouds gather, and you hear rumbles of thunder in the distance. Father Grimsby sets about preparing his ritual. He instructs the party to bind and restrain Tybalt. He prepares a poultice of herbs which he grinds with a few drops of the water from the spring. He incants words of blessing upon the materials in front of him. Outside, the wind howls as rain lashes the decaying chapel. Father Grimsby begins the rite, calling upon divine energy to expel the curse plaguing Tybalt. Tybalt can feel a feral bestial energy within him struggling to emerge. He thrashes and tenses uncontrollably, struggling against his bonds. Tybalt: I need a Fortitude Save and a Will Save. ![]()
![]() Father Grimsby, catching up behind Dr. Savarre, says gravely, "It is no easy ritual to undertake. We must wait for nightfall. Your friends, too, shall have a part to play. It is important that you be held still, for the ritual itself may trigger transformation. And my strength is not what it was." "As the magics are cast upon you, Tybalt, you will feel the bestial nature stir. There is a beast within which strives always to seize control. You must resist. You must remember what is good and true, a life beyond the bestial hunger. If we are successful, the curse will be driven out." He goes on, "I shall say the blessings upon this water, and ensure the sanctification of this chapel remains intact." Dr. Savarre observes this exchange with a severe expression. As the elderly priest concludes, the doctor's expression turns to a smile. "See? you have nothing to worry about. You are in the best of hands!" ![]()
![]() Leandro can roll a new Fortitude save (DC 16) to recover a negative level. Having recovered some of your strength, you return to the chapel to meet with Father Grimsby. In the light of day, the roads feel far less forbidding, and the incessant rain seems to have abated for now - although clouds gather on the horizon. As you approach the church, Dr. Savarre comes out readily to greet you, with Father Gimsby trailing behind in his slow gait. Dr. Savarre speaks first. "Ah, you have returned! Surely whatever haunts the forgotten places of Mordent is no challenge for the likes of you. Did you emerge more-or-less unscathed?" ![]()
![]() You ride back through the darkened forest. Eerie sounds and dark shapes stir in the undergrowth along the forest road, but the haunting shapes stay at bay as you ride past. The ride is unnerving, but in time you find yourself back on the outskirts of Mordentshire and back to your boardinghouse to rest for what remains of the night (and no doubt most of the morning as well). It is mid afternoon by the time you have sufficiently rested to regain your daily preparations, and Father Grimsby is expecting your return in a few hours. ![]()
![]() Not wasting any time, the party makes its way out of the convent. The bell tower remains mercifully quiet as you pass - it is likely the haunting remains suppressed from your previous encounter. Back out in the woods, you find your horses where they had been tied, and you begin the ride back the way you came. Status:
Res appears to have *lesser restoration* prepared. Is the party using it? ![]()
![]() Irikar Will: 1d20 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 6 + 4 = 25 Irikar sends another electric blast at the Mother Superior. Touch: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
The blast pierces the Mother Superior, and her eyes go wide as she disappears into the ether. Only the Mournful Sister remains. Tybalt is up. ![]()
![]() Mother Superior save vs Res: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Mother Superior save vs Leandro: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
The Mother Superior is a strong presence, and seems to shake some of the channeled energy, while the Mournful Sister seems to ignore it altogether. However, the combined assault tears into the Rageful sister. She screeches and dissipates into oblivion. The Mournful Sister turns her attention to Res. She approaches, and reaches out her icy hand at the cleric. Touch: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 Irikar, Volidrian, and Dr. Tovanarish still need to make DC 14 Will saves vs Frightened. If they are within 10' of Leandro, they get +4. If not, they get +2 from Inspire Courage (these do not stack with each other). Irikar (DC 14 Will)
![]() All three of Volidrian’s arrows pierce the Mother Superior’s spectral form. To the southeast, the stirring of the nearby debris intensifies. With a screech, the figure of a third sister, her nearly skeletal face twisted with rage, comes into being. In that moment, she appears to be little more than bones and tattered cloth as she shakes her bony fists. She then vanished from sight once again. (The entire party must make a DC 14 Will save. This is a fear effect, so Inspire Courage +2 helps, and Leandro may have some bonuses to confer as well. Those who fail the save are frightened.) (The rageful sister’s last known location is marked on the map.) (Inspire courage +2) Res
![]() The Mother Superior screeches and rushes at Leandro. She reaches out a ghostly hand and tries to touch him. Melee touch: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
(Note: Inspire Courage is up) ![]()
![]() The weeping sister glides toward Volidrian. She reaches out a ghostly hand and attempts to connect with him. Touch: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 I think that actually hits his flatfooted touch AC. If so... Cold damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
![]() As the party retrieves the canteen from where it is affixed the rope, a rattling, rapping sound begins to emanate from the nearby colonnade, rapidly becoming quicker and louder as various bits of debris begin shaking along the stone floor. Across the courtyard, the transparent figure of a young nun weeps quietly upon a bench. No sooner have these two effects begun to manifest then a horrid apparition wearing the habit of a Mother Superior comes floating through one of the western doors, letting out a horrible screech. Your various familiars are clearly agitated by the presence of this spirit. (Unnatural aura - but it would have no effect on familiars. From a flavor perspective, their animal natures would not want to be near this thing, but they are enhanced beyond being mere animals.) Roll Initiative Rageful Sister: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
The rattling objects are mostly in the southeast portion of the colonnade. Rageful Sister Knowledge (Religion) DC 14:
The rattling sounds and disturbed debris suggest the presence of a poltergeist. These restless spirits are naturally invisible, and use their powers of telekinesis to hurl objects at their foes. Mournful Sister Knowledge (Religion) DC 16:
The sad sister appears to be a creature known as a haunt (not to be confused with the hazards known as haunts). They are known to possess those who intrude upon their domains. Mother Superior Knowledge (Religion) DC 17: This is clearly a spectre. They can drain energy with a touch. ![]()
![]() Res Fort: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 Res manages to quickly shake the ongoing effect of the monk's poison, although he remains weakened. (He still has 1 Con damage until it is restored or wears off with rest.) The party is able to tie a canteen to a rope and lower it into the well. The canteen is not ideally suited to the job, and it is a slow and tedious process, but you are eventually able to haul it up and find it contains clear water from the base of the well. ![]()
![]() The divine blast from Leandro spreads over his surroundings, and the visage of the monk dissolves into nothingness. Dr. Tovanarish, you can save your spell. Leandro's channel (plus Res's earlier) did sufficient positive damage to quell the haunt. Res will need to continue making Fortitude saves each round, however. This functions as the *poison* spell, so it could last up to 6 rounds, or until you make a DC 17 fort save, whichever comes first. ![]()
![]() Con damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1 Res will continue taking Con damage for 6 rounds, but will make a save each round to shake off the effect. Res's channeled energy seems to make the haunt shudder, but its presence remains. Tybalt, Irikar, Dr. Tovanarish, Leandro, and Volidrian may act. Dr. Tovanarish - when you act, also let me know whether you plan to drink willingly or resist (assuming the haunt gets another turn). If you plan to resist, feel free to roll your Will save in advance. ![]()
![]() Tybalt, meanwhile, finds that the well appears to be quite deep; he cannot see the surface of the water - if there is any - down below. A rope dangles into the well. If it once supported a bucket, the receptacle is no longer attached: the rope is frayed to a length of about 5 feet. This does not count as Tybalt’s turn. You may act this round as well. ![]()
![]() Res drinks from the cup and almost immediately feels spasms of pain wrack his body. The shrouded monk shakes his head, as if this were some failure on the part of Res. It begins moving toward Dr. Tovanarish. (Res needs to make a Fortitude save - DC 17) For purposes of tracking this effect, I’m putting you all in rounds. Res drinking counted as the monk’s turn. Everyone else (including Res) may act before another PC is offered a drink. Knowledge (Religion) DC 17: This monk is just an apparition associated with a haunting in this courtyard. Attacking the figure would do nothing - unless those attacks deal positive energy, as usual for haunts. ![]()
![]() Tybalt feels compelled to drink from the cup. As he does so, he notes a sweet-tasting liquid that seems to invigorate him. Tybalt gains temporary hit points, as per false life. They will go away after 3 hours. Temporary HP: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 The monk then turns, as if deciding which visitor he will approach next. ![]()
![]() As you begin looking about the courtyard, the hooded figure of a monk wearing plain brown robes strides into view. He keeps his head bent, and clasps a wooden chalice between his hands. He moves gracefully, not even disturbing the fallen leaves beneath his feet. He glides to Tybalt and offers the bard his chalice. Tybalt needs a Will save ![]()
![]() The door does not appear to be trapped. While the charred wood has warped with the passage of time, Res is able to get it open. Beyond, you see a broad courtyard. A colonnaded walkway surrounds a garden of sickly and desiccated plants. Forgotten statues stand watch over crumbling benches and worn mosaic floors. In the center of the courtyard stands a broad tree, withered leaves hanging from its gnarled, dead limbs. Beneath the tree you see an old stone well. Several other doors lead off of the colonnade in all directions. ![]()
![]() Your search of the chapel does not reveal much besides charred timbers and battered pews, although your efforts do reveal a small lockbox with a broken lock stashed beneath a stone bench. The box contains 40 gold pieces. Further within the chapel, the eastern wall has crumbled into the stagnant pond you beheld outside. Two doors stand intact along the western wall. Further in, a door in the northwest portion of the chamber lies in splinters, apparently leading to more chambers beyond. ![]()
![]() Irikar’s electric bolt fries the undead creature on the left. It collapses in a smoldering ruin. Meanwhile, Volidrian’s volley strikes the creature twice with brutal precision. The arrows pierce the creature in the chest and throat. It twitches and collapses on the floor. Out of combat Volidrian did 34 damage. Yeesh. ![]()
![]() The fiery undead move on Leandro. Yellow Attack 1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Yellow Attack 2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Red Attack 1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Red Attack 2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Their skeletal hands, wreathed in flame, flail at the paladin, but his sturdy defenses keep their worst attacks at bay. Only one of the swipes seems to injure Leandro. The party is up! ![]()
![]() Volidrian's arrow finds its target, striking one of the phantoms. One of the phantoms unleashes a blast of fire at Leandro, the other at Tybalt. Touch Attack vs Leandro: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
![]() With the haunt suppressed, no one is falling up for the time being. But I get not trusting that. I am just handwaving you through, to keep things moving a little. You are able to easily pull open the charred door. Beyond, you see a spacious sanctuary, ruined by fire. Charred timbers have fallen atop blackened pews, and the stone walls are covered in soot and dust. Much of the ceiling has collapsed, but the chamber is passable. (Where you see pews or debris, those squares are difficult terrain.) Two figures, cloaked in flames, prowl among the burned debris. They turn in alarm as the door is opened. Roll Initiative Knowledge (Religion) DC 17: These are fire phantoms - undead risen from a fiery calamity. They are corporeal. They are immune to fire, but vulnerable to cold. Most of their abilities channel fire, and they can detonate themselves in a powerful blast if they are near the point of being destroyed. ![]()
![]() You had tied two ropes together. Even with your looping and the knot to connect them, you have 85-90 feet. Plenty to climb back down. There is no indication of the nature of this haunt from an auditory or visual inspection. In time, Leandro is able to climb down and rejoin the rest of the party, although you now have two ropes tied together and looped over a rafter 60 feet above the ground.