
Celenton Esterc's page

20 posts. Alias of Evindyl.

Full Name

Celenton (Tonee) Esterc







Special Abilities

Spellcasting & Handsomeness










Handsome for Hire

Strength 0
Constitution -1

About Celenton Esterc

Celenton Esterc
Inventor 2

Perception +6; Low-Light Vision
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Azlanti, Thassilonian

Skills Acrobatics +2, Arcana +10, Athletics +0, Crafting +8, Deception +6, Diplomacy +6, Lore: Engineering +8, Lore: Pathfinder +10, Nature +6, Occultism +8, Religion +6, Society +8

Str +0, Dex +2, Con -1, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +2

Items Inventor Subterfuge Suit
AC 18; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +8
HP 20
Speed 35 feet

Shield Block Trigger While you have your shield raised, you would take physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) from an attack. You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield's Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

Collapse Armor (Inventor, Manipulate, Modification) Prerequisites armor innovation Requirements You’ve modified your armor innovation to collapse into a more compact form so you can don or remove it in an instant. If you’re wearing your innovation when you Collapse your Armor, you remove it instantly, and it compresses into its compact form, after which it latches onto your body, typically by attaching to a belt, bandolier, or other convenient carrying surface as a nondescript satchel. If your armor is stowed and carried on your person in its compact form when you take this action, it unfolds back into its armor form onto your body. In compact form, your armor innovation is easier to carry, with a Bulk 1 lower than the Bulk listed for it, to a minimum of light Bulk (carried armor normally has a Bulk 1 higher than listed in the armor entry).
Haphazard Repair (Inventor, Unstable) You quickly fix your innovation, at the cost of its stability. You Repair your innovation almost immediately. You don't have to place the innovation on a flat surface, but you do need to be adjacent to it (including holding or wearing it), as well as having a repair kit as normal.
Overdrive (Inventor, Manipulate) Frequency once per round Temporarily cranking the gizmos on your body into overdrive, you try to add greater power to your attacks. Attempt a Crafting check that has a standard DC for your level. Critical Success Your gizmos go into a state of incredible efficiency called critical overdrive, adding great power to your attacks. Your Strikes deal additional damage equal to your Intelligence modifier for 1 minute. After the Overdrive ends, your gizmos become unusable as they cool down or reset, and you can't use Overdrive for 1 minute. Success Your gizmos go into overdrive, adding power to your attacks. As critical success, except the additional damage is equal to half your Intelligence modifier. Failure Your gizmos whine concerningly and begin to smoke. Your Strikes deal 1 additional fire damage. Critical Failure Whoops! Something explodes. You take fire damage equal to half your level (rounded up), and you can’t use Overdrive again for 1d4 rounds as your gizmos reset. Special When under the effects of Overdrive, you can still use the Overdrive action. You can't extend your Overdrive's duration this way, but you can turn an overdrive into a critical overdrive if you critically succeed. A failure has no effect on your current Overdrive, and you end your Overdrive on a critical failure.
Explode (Fire, Inventor, Manipulate, Unstable) You intentionally take your innovation beyond normal safety limits, making it explode and damage nearby creatures without damaging the innovation... hopefully. The explosion deals 2d6 fire damage with a basic Reflex save to all creatures in a 5-foot emanation around you (if you're wearing or holding the innovation) or around your innovation (if your innovation is a minion). At 3rd level, and every level thereafter, increase your explosion's damage by 1d6. If you have the breakthrough innovation class feature, you can choose either a 5-foot or 10-foot emanation for the area when you use Explode; if you have the revolutionary innovation class feature, you can choose a 5-foot, 10-foot, or 15-foot emanation.
Primal Innate Spells DC 16, attack +6; Cantrips Prestidigitation
Arcane Innate Spells DC 16, attack +6; Cantrips Telekinetic Projectile
Additional Feats Aiuvarin, Inventor, Otherworldly Magic, Pathfinder Agent (Arcana), Quick Repair, Streetwise, Wildborn Magic
Additional Specials Innovation (Armor Innovation), Peerless Inventor

Notes: Make a note that he is HANDSOME