Celebrindal68's page

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I'm trying to find why the Spectre goes from +6 to +9 for the CMB. All the source and guides I have show it as +6. Even the Errata site for the ruleset doesn't change it. Thanks (pg 152 note)

Rise... so Rise is in 4707 and Jade in 4711. The new Sandpoint setting says after Rise and before Jade, so I went with 4710.


ckdragons wrote:

Are you referring to RETURN of the Runelords? RotRL has been used to refer to RISE of the Runelords. :)

The devs design for timelines has always been the published year of an AP series matching the Golarian year equivalent. However, it's completely up to you if you want your campaign to match this design.

Rise of the Runelords was released in 2007, which as you indicated, is set in AR 4707.

Jade Reagent was released in 2011, and is set in AR 4711.

Return of the Runelords was released in 2018, and is set in AR 4718.

Hope this helps.

My apologies if I've missed this somewhere. But the best I can reckon is that the new settings release is set around 4710/11?

RoTRL is set in 4707. The history in the set (which should have included the year in my opinion), indicates that it is before the Jade AP. Jade is set around 4711.

Is that about right or have I missed something?

I had started my party out in the setting, and have recently decided to run the RoTRL. I just need to know how far back in time I'm sending them ;-)


Hi I tried to purchase some PDF's the other day and it kept hanging on order pending. I now see several pending transactions on both my Visa and MC. Since I was never able to actually get the PDF's I'm assuming those pending transactions will just disappear?

