Thorn's End Guard

Celeador's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Marathon Voter. Organized Play Member. 229 posts (4,482 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 50 aliases.


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The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Death or Glory might work, and it stacks with the vital strike line.

Meta-wise, charge of the righteous is good since I expect us to face a lot of undead.

Btw, I made it to Houston! My home goods are being unpacked on Tuesday.

The Exchange Marathon Voter Season 6

The thing I like about this encounter is that it feels "cinematic" some of the others manage to do that as well, but this one feels like it could be out of a movie. I think that there are a few errors, but this one *feels* superstar in quality. It would be something players would have a lot of fun with. I could see them dodging falling beams on fire and pushing their way through smoke as they are assailed by zombies whose putrefied remains show exposed gears and wires. Major cool points... you got my vote!

The Exchange Marathon Voter Season 6

Something I like about this monster that I feel has been overlooked is the following that Kami subtypes have as an ability.

Merge with Ward (Su) As a standard action, a kami can merge its body and mind with its ward. When merged, the kami can observe the surrounding region with its senses as if it were using its own body, as well as via any senses its ward might have. It has no control over its ward, nor can it communicate or otherwise take any action other than to emerge from its ward as a standard action. A kami must be adjacent to its ward to merge with or emerge from it. If its ward is a creature, plant, or object, the kami can emerge mounted on the creature provided the kami’s body is at least one size category smaller than the creature. If its ward is a location, the kami may emerge at any point within that location

The fact that the Disirs aura works while it is in its war state makes for all sorts of interesting and fluid combats. This guy is a harrrasser and would be very challenging. I love the creative use of the ability and this guy has my vote.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Yea... one of the other contestants... the one with the fiddle was actually top 8 a few years ago. Turns out he was not eligible for RPGsuperstar. Go get em boss!

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Alternate? It looks like you made the final cut?

The Exchange Marathon Voter Season 6

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Congrats Mate, your a heck of a writer (I know from our pbp's) and I can't wait to see what you come up with for round 2.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Going to get a workout in. I'll see about getting a post up when I get home.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Al'cazar's background is all done.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

@Isroth: I see your using the Toppling + Magic Missile + Magical Lineage + Havoc of the Cyphermages combo. My wizard currently does the same thing via pearls of power. When you can cast multiple Missiles and each one has a chance to trip and your able to do it multiple times a day its very strong.

@Wilhem: He got it via his racial trait "Mystic Past Life"

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Wow, the wormwood is no joke! On other news I was brainstorm some names for when we get our own sip, what do guys think of "The Dauntless"? I also came up with "The Black Tide" and "The Crimson Eagle"

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Yea... I am actually liking warpriest quite a lot as I look at it. It seems to really straddle the line between cleric and fighter well.

Bonus Feats: At 1st level, 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter, a warpriest gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats. The warpriest must meet the prerequisites for these feats.

EDIT: The thing is though, it has to be a Combat feat, and Endurance is not combat nor is Fire Gods Blessing.

Channel Smite and would be good adding another 1d6 3/day and scaling for you since you channel negative energy.

Dazzling Display: Has good synergy if you were playing a Half-orc warpriest.

Improved Initiative +4 Init is always good.

Those are the three that I see as good right now. Combat Expertise opens up alot of other routes, though with your bonus as being larger for the purpose of trips and overruns I think that Power Attack at Level 3 is the way to go.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

*nod*, but you also get one at level 1 + a free story feat.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Mab, FYI your missing one feat. War priest gets weapon focus at 1st level as well as a second one.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Also Jubal, when you were running your math, the large size is 7 RP... Powerful build should really sit closer to 4-5 RP since reach is lost and that is worth 3 RP.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Igneous the Unyielding
Pyros the Iceburner
Jaggadar the Unburnt
Zephos the Firecaller

Just some names off the top of my head.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

And one final thought: If crusty was not ok with the half-giant, you could use the custom race builder to make one with the fire resistance, same stats and large quality for about the same price as an aasimar.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

As far as feat go, you gain Weapon Focus (Greatsword) as part of being a warpriest and a level 1 bonus feat. Good feats for this build would be Scribe Scroll (Think of it as Hammer Rune?) as well as Toughness (Since your AC will be poor), it also makes sense because Giants are supposed to be tough. The story feat should be Zeal since it improves your combat abilities. Thematically, for traits, your free trait should be one of the following three, but again its largely up to you. Personally however I would recommend: Desert Child (For additional bonus vs fire attacks.), Fire Gods Blessing (made for orc's but considering your religion and race I would allow it. Gives 1hp back each round you deal some form of fire damage. If you set something on fire, you gain 1HP back a round until it is extinguished. Or Scorching Weapons (Combat), allows you to empower upto two weapons as a swift action that deal 1 fire damage. If you took the trait Scorching Weapons and Fire Gods Blessing you would gain fast healing 1 in combat as long as you dealt damage each round. You would have to do a drawback however to make that work.

Anyhow, thats what I would go with. Since your character is supposed to be from the underground, I would suggest placing them near some sort of underground volcano. On page 9 over the "Spires of Xin-Shalast" adventure there is no less than 3 volcanos near the city of Xin-Shalast, so that is the area I would suggest. Anyhow, what do you think? Personally, if I wasn't going with my Bloodrageing Mage Killer of the Sidheridon Legion, I would totally go for this guy. I love the idea, and it fits the campaign to a T.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Jubal, you asked me in a PM for a character concept so I did some brainstorming. Here is what I would suggest that might the fit of the theme (assuming crusty is ok with it, but flavor wise I think it is perfect!).

Play a Half-Giant Warpriest of Zursvaater!

The Half-Giant is described in the SRD. It specifically says "Some myths claim that they were spawned from fire giants, while others say that they worked in volcanic forges. Regardless of the truth, half-giants are more resilient to heat, a trait that serves them well in the present, as they have a tendency to dwell in arid lands and deserts."


"Far back in their ancient history, half-giants were slaves to some form of king. Their stories vary from tribe to tribe, but their former status as slaves is one thread that is common in the lore of every half-giant tribe."

Ok, so if you see where I am going with this, the Runelord uses Firegiants as part of his army. Find a Firegiant from the 6th book of the Rise of the Runelords and tie your character to it.

Zursvaater makes perfect sense as he is the god of Firegiants and fits with the game. Your favored weapon would be a Greatsword, and you could wield one that is Large, doing 3d6 damage. Your Blessings include: Evil, Fire, Law, Trickery, War. Personally, I would choose Fire and Trickery. The copycat ability of Trickery is very solid and the Fire ability to make your melee attacks do STR 1+1/2 + 3d6 + 1d4 is powerful as befits a half-firegiant. Tie it into the runelord setting as well as the mass-murder bit and you are set. Anyhow, if you wanted to try something different, that is what I would do.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

@Crusty: Oh I would also like to take Thassilonian in place of Shoanti. I'll spend the necessary point in Linguistics if you like, or it could be deemed part of my characters whole brainwashing.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

@Jubal: Wow, heck of a generator roll!

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Two things! As I start digging into my character I had an idea. What if the group that my character belongs to "The Sihedron Legion" acted as a group of bodyguards for the Runelords magi? Each Legionare would be paired with a wizard, to protect and watch over, with the secret order that should he or she ever turn again Karazoug, the Legionare would kill them? What gives me this idea is how I am building my character. The bloodrager with the Arcane bloodline is practically made to be an arcane spellcaster killer. I am going to take the superstitious trait (reskinned with the name "Runebranded") giving me +1 vs all saves vs. Arcane spells. When I rage, the DC's to cast spells in areas I threaten also go up by +2. So that brings me to my three questions.

#1 @Lucent: Do you want to be paired off as a team starting? I could act as your legionare, installed as such to insure a secondary form of loyalty? I thought that my character having had his powers unlocked and trained within Xin-Shalast made far more sense.

#2 @Crusty: At the start of the campaign how much snow and winter weather has begun to overtake The Kingdom of Shalast? Also, as I have already made mention of, I want to see a connection between my character and Ungarato the sword of Gluttony, do you mind if I make mention of that in my background? Perhaps he had some sort of interaction with it while in Xin-Shalast?

#3 @Crusty: Going off my "mage-killer" idea, I wanted to talk about story feats for a moment. During my roll up, I got "Vengance" Would you be ok with me making that foe, Arcane spellcasters?

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Crusty, I can't say that I am finding any to the campaign traits fitting, how do you feel about me rekinning Bezerker of the Society, for something more appropriate for the Sidherion Legion?

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Thron, I have been thinking about my background and how we could tie it in. My character is going to have been originally from the Skoan-Quah (Skull Clan) who was raised in slavery with the return of the Runelord. In the past the Shoanti had been a thorn in the side of the runelords and one of Karzougs first consolidations of power was to capture and enslave as many of them as possible. My character as a member of the Skull Clan however is a direct descendent of Ungarato, the very same Shoanti Warlord who enslaved dragons and fought Runelord Goparlis to a standstill. Indeed some of that same power still flows though my characters veins, waiting to be unlocked. As Karzoug began to ponder how he might gain control of the other dormant Alara'hai, he turned his divinations towards finding descendants of the original bearers, capturing them and binding them to his will. Thus far the Runlord has been unsuccessful in empowering any such descendants to a degree that he is able to awaken their paired Sword of Sin, but the experiments have yielded fruits. The creation of a new, elite warrior. Dubbed The Sihedron Legion, each runescarred man or woman has been empowered by the Runelord to tap into their latent blood and bind them with runes that serve to ensure their loyalty to their new master.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Crusty, I'm going to change it up and go with a bloodrager with the arcane bloodline who's latent powers were drawn forth when the Runelord started experimenting with how to create a human super solider. I could see the Runelord using shoanti slaves as test subjects, cool with that?

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Table: Human Homeland 1d100 ⇒ 84
Table: Human Parents 1d100 ⇒ 83
Table: Human Siblings 1d100 ⇒ 62 1d2 ⇒ 1 siblings and 1d2 ⇒ 1 half-siblings (roll 1d100 ⇒ 30 to determine each one's race; 01—50: half-elf, 51—100: half-orc). You gain access to the Kin Guardian combat trait.
Relative Age of Sibling #1 1d100 ⇒ 82 Your sibling is younger than you.
Relative Age of Half-Sibling #1 1d100 ⇒ 57 Your sibling is younger than you.
Circumstance of Birth 1d100 ⇒ 94 Left to Die: When you were born you were left to die, but by some twist of circumstance you survived. You gain access to the Courageous combat trait, the Savage social trait, and the Arisen story feat.
Parents Profession 1d100 ⇒ 5 Slaves: You gain access to the Life of Toil social trait.
Major Childhood Event 1d100 ⇒ 97 The War: You grew up against the backdrop of a major military conflict that affected much of your childhood world. You became accustomed to a short food supply, living in occupied territory, and moving from place to place. Several of the people you knew in your childhood were lost in the war, including members of your family. You gain access to the Vagabond Child regional trait and the Deny the Reaper story feat.
Barbarian Backgrounds 1d100 ⇒ 2 Vengeance: When you were young, a great wrong was done to you, a loved one, your family, or your people. This experience tore you apart and reduced you to a being of primal emotions. Dreams of vengeance became your only promise of comfort. You gain access to the Axe to Grind combat trait, the Foeslayer story feat, and the Vengeance story feat.
Influential Associates 1d100 ⇒ 49 The Boss: You once gained employment under an organized and powerful individual with far- reaching influence. When the boss was present, everyone listened. This could have been a military commander, tribal chieftain, guild leader, or gang leader. From the boss, you learned how to make people listen, make them see reason, and keep them in line. You gain access to the Natural-Born Leader social trait.
Conflict: 1d20 ⇒ 3 Told a Lie: You deliberately made someone believe something that was not true to further your own goals. 1 CP
Conflict Subject: 1d20 ⇒ 20 Non-humanoid monster
Conflict Motivation: 1d10 ⇒ 3 Pressured or Manipulated 2 CP
No Guilt (+2 CP): Either guilt is for the weak, or you know you made the right decision. You might not openly brag about your part in the conflict, but you don't deny it when confronted either.

So I rolled again, all in all pretty cool character that would have been shaped by the war. I think I have an idea how to play this guy, but then again I like the other one too.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Personally, I think the Skald is *really* good. I am leaning towards a Shoanti Skald if Crusty is down with it, for no other reason then the playtest. The background however, dosen't seem to fit very well.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3


The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

I am thinking that the character would not be willing working under Karzoug, but via the Infiltrator he would be undercover working with the "bad guys" in order to eventually sabotage the Runelord from within, thoughts? It is totally inline with the Milani tennants to organize the rebellions against the despotic nations through guerrilla warfare. I see a *ton* of hooks that could be worked in here. Hell, the new nation under the Runelord would be a perfect breeding ground for the church.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Sweet! Ok then, I am going to go with a male inquisidor of Milani with the Liberation domain and archetype of Infiltrator.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Table: Human Homeland: 1d100 ⇒ 53: City or Metropolis: If you're a human, you gain access to the Civilized social trait and the Vagabond Child regional trait. If you're a half-elf, you gain access to the Civilized social trait and the Failed Apprentice race trait. If you're a half-orc, you gain access to the Brute race trait and the Vagabond Child regional trait.
Table: Human Parents: 1d100 ⇒ 21: Both of your parents are alive.
Table: Human Siblings: 1d100 ⇒ 86: 2d4 siblings. You gain access to the Kin Guardian combat trait.
Siblings: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4
Sibling #1 1d100 ⇒ 10: Your sibling is older than you.
Sibling #2 1d100 ⇒ 95: Your sibling is younger than you.
Sibling #3 1d100 ⇒ 9: Your sibling is older than you.
Sibling #4 1d100 ⇒ 40: Your sibling is older than you.
Table: Circumstance of Birth: 1d100 ⇒ 63: Middle-Class Birth: You were born to the middle class, which includes merchants, artisans, and tradespeople. You likely grew up in a good-sized settlement, and one of your parents is likely associated with a guild or other trade organization. As a free person, you don't experience the bondage of serfdom or peasantry, but you also lack the privilege of the nobility. You gain access to the Artisan social trait and the Merchant social trait.
Parents' Profession: 1d100 ⇒ 39: Thieves: You gain access to the Child of the Streets social trait.
Major Childhood Event: 1d100 ⇒ 16: Competition Champion: You distinguished yourself at an early age when you won a competition. This might have been a martial contest of arms, a showing of apprentice magicians, high stakes gambling, or something mundane like an eating championship. You gain access to the Influence social trait and the Champion story feat.
Table Adolescence And Training: Inquisidor: 1d100 ⇒ 90 The Path of Righteous Rage: Your faith does not manifest in calm prayer or serene meditation. You achieve the transcendent feeling of the divine when you are in the throes of battle for your deity. You gain access to the Indelible Ire combat trait.
Table: Influential Associates: 1d100 ⇒ 53 The Academic: One of your associates had such a lust for knowledge that she could never be satisfied with simple answers or obvious solutions. This desire for knowledge frequently exceeded her need for companionship, but you were the single exception. Through this association you developed a keen appreciation for numbers, geometry, logic, hard study, and problem solving. You gain access to the Mathematical Prodigy magic trait.
Conflicts: 1d20 ⇒ 6 Negligence: You caused someone else to suffer by your own inaction, disregard, or excessive recklessness. 2CP
Conflict Subject: 1d20 ⇒ 2: Merchant
Conflict Motivation: 1d10 ⇒ 8: Hatred or Malice 4 CP
Resolution: You Enjoyed It (+3 CP): Those who cling to petty morals have no understanding of what true freedom and power is. The fact is, you enjoyed your part in the conflict and would do it all over again if the opportunity presented itself. Many people know of your misdeed, and they also realize your complete lack of remorse.
TOTAL CP: 9: Chaotic Good
Deity: Milani
Romantic Relationships 1d20 ⇒ 17 Experience but No Substantial Relationships: You've had a fling or two, but have so far shied away from any ties or commitments.
Character Drawback: 1d100 ⇒ 45 Power: You long for the ability to influence the world around you, whether that's as small as a village or as large as a plane of reality. You gain access to the Power-Hungry drawback.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Hey guys! Crusty gave me the go ahead despite having to do one more absence. I will use the character generator and see what I come up with.

The Exchange

So on an off note Jelani, I gotta tell you. I just got done reading "Steelheart" and that made me think of this campaign. I mean, who doesn't want to play a character named "Nightwielder" "Firefight" or "Limelight"

Human + Racial Heritage (Fetchling) + Shadow Caller + Synthisis

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3


I am sorry to say it, but please list me as inactive in your games. I have found after a long deployment that I need to scale back on some of my pbp's and carrying two as a GM right my time is limited. I am sorry that I could not hang tough, but I think this is for the best.

The Exchange

Sadly, I did not. As you know from my other threads that I am in, my internet up to this point had been almost 0. It's strong now, but even with your extenstion I was not able to finish and it's a shame, because I am sure that this is going to be one hell of a game. If you do end up picking me, I'll be able to turn out something 100% solid, since Ali is about 80% done, but I totally understand about wanting to give first rights to the people that were able to put in the time and effort that this campaign deserves.

The Exchange

Good Luck All

The Exchange


As far as roles go for the campaign, I think that Kahnjar would fit best as a general. Slave legions? Oh yes...

Also, Crusty is running a game, where strength can be used in place of CHA for intimidate. How do you feel about this house rule?


The Exchange

DM Jelani wrote:
Khanjar Tarruk wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...
I read that as all the maneuvers in the flurry get to use his monk level as their BAB, not just the iterative ones. That would be out of line with every other ability in the game basically.

I can make the change as well.

The Exchange


The Exchange

16, 16, 14, 4, 12, 11, is a dam good point spread.

The Exchange

*nod* I did!

If I can rearrange the stats I might do that. The Manuver Master is the key imo to this build, as it will let me do two trips as a flurry of blows to any target within 15'.

The Exchange

STR: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 3) = 19 17
DEX: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3, 6) = 12 11
CON: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 5, 5) = 16 15
INT: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3, 6) = 20 17
WIS: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 1, 5) = 11 10
CHA: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 2, 2) = 9 8

Hrm, if I drop the Int to 14 that brings the point buy to 25 points leaving me at, unless you’re willing to let me keep it as is. Int doesn’t play too huge into my character, but I like the idea of an intelligent bruiser:

STR: 17
DEX: 11 + 2: 13
CON: 15 + 2: 17
INT: 17
WIS: 10
CHA: 8

So after some thought, I think that I will play a Hobgoblin Fighter (Lorewarden) 2 / Monk (Maneuver Master) 1. I think the use of a whip is appropriate considering the character is a Hobgoblin. I will take the racial "Pit Boss" ability.

Still kicking around backstories, but I think that the character might be a traitorous former Pathfinder turned Aspis Agent that spent some time in the Mwgani Expanse running or working the mining operations at the Aspis camp where they keep Ejukai slaves. All in all the idea is starting to come together.

I think the build would go like this:

Level 1: Fighter (Lorewarden) Weapon Focus, exotic weapon proficiency (whip)
Level 2: Monk (Manuver Master) Improved Trip
Level 3: Fighter (Lorewarden) whip mastery, power attack

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Hrm, I guess my post got eaten. I was reviwing the rules and just to be clear, if Mineko was to go with a group, she would not be able to use diplomacy to prevent unrest via additional actions, correct? I assume this would be the driving factor for why some people might want to hold down the fort, but I want to make sure I am on the same page.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3


Thanks for nominating me for the "tie breaker" I think that eventually if the group sees that Mineko shows good leadership that would eventually put me up for a rulership position when the kingdom is formally created. Rob, for my action on the shoreline, I think that Mineko would take time out to visit the remaining dwarves and try to bolster their attitude. She might drop some of her pretenses and once the ale had been handed out she would visit each of the campfires and use her leadership to tell the other survivors of the plans for the next day. In short she would try to be more hands on.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

I do intend for there to be back sliding. This was nearly a strech for Mineko's character, but I think it was one of the best moments I could forsee for her to break away from another speaking on her behalf.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

@Lucent: Boss, quick question for you. I took the Dynasty Founder (story) feat. For me to complete it, it states I must:

"Thwart all rivals to rulership over the chosen region, including at least one challenging foe."

So would I need to be the leader of this band of dwarves to finish off the feat and gain the Completion Benefit?

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Good Evening Guys,

Like Isaac, I am really looking forward to this game. Fanguar knows what type of game I was hoping for and I am glad that he agreed. The posts tend to be longer and more detailed, but occur less often. I tend to put up a post every two days. Tonight I'll bring Maeve down to a 20 point buy. Barnabas, how do you feel about partially charges wands? Also what sort of wealth do you want us to start with? Finally what is your take on the campaign traits? In the meantime, I am not going to post in the discussion thread because I like to see it open with a really nice intro post.

Also while I am considering things, how do you want to handle battle, initiative and the like? I feel that Hero Points aren't compatible with mythic rules, but how do you feel about scratching out VOV's touch of divinity, starting us out with a hero point and then later we lose it in exchange for becoming mythic?

I am going to edit Maeve's history as well. I like the idea that she was the grandchild of Vorlesh, but I want her father to have been a captured riftwarden and pick up the campaign trait.

Fanguar, do you have anything else you want to cover, like character sheets? Headers or posting style (dates, formatting and the like?)

As far as a party leader goes, I think it is important for us to have one. In pbp's the game can slow down and it helps to have one person make a call in the end. Often groups will take days or even a week to make a decision. I know that Pytros was made for the leader role and I know as a player he would do a good job.


The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Lucent, if you would be ever so kind as to gloss over my post for this round, I am very busy with packing and I don't want to hold us up. I'll be returning to full time posts starting on Friday, but until then I don't want to hold us up. As far as the NPC's go, I would be happy if they kept trying to gather supplies for our wayward band of dwarves.

EDIT: When I am on the road, often I cannot access googledoc's so I just ask you to be patient in that regard. I know we have spoken before about my situation and I appreciate your assistance by posting the blank maps.

The Exchange

Well, thats surprising. I had made a list of the players I figured were going to be picked. Not a single one from my list was on there.

Edit: Sorry, that post was not intended to come off snarky, I'm just very surprised and I guess that VoV was going for a different feel then I thought. Congratulations to all of the players selected.

The Exchange

*shrugs* I'm not worried about it. In every AP there are some parts that need to be rewritten or adjusted. No reason why this would be any different.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Well I don't know how you plan to start, but if you read my characters backstory, he comes from a tribe of humans who were known as the بأمين اللهب or Keepers of the Flame. His tribe collected the Songs of Shazathared. Eventually he was going to go the Eldritch Heritage route bringing him more inline with his fiery ancestry. His tribe was wiped out by a gnoll attack and he was last seen trying to gather the remaining songs so that the history of his people don't die out.

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