Gunder Aergirsson's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

Wow, now that is an interesting debate. I especially kind of like the Spectral Hand Combo. It rocks !

Thanks again folks.



Liberty's Edge

Hi folks,

Thanks for your answers ! That was quick !

I agree with your answers as they are full of common sense. This is exactly how I had decided to proceed with thee magic goodies. I wanted to make sure I was not out of line.

Once more thanks ;o)


Liberty's Edge

Hi all,

I finally decided to give a try to 3.5. I had bought the game when first released but my buddies were far more interested in our Vampire Dark Age campaign than anything else. So the book were gathering dust on a shelf.

Finally, everybody agreed on launching our first campaign of D20 and we just finished the first book of Rise of the Runelords. English is not my native tongue so I have sometime questions popping up during our gaming session. I hope you guys can help me with my these issues.

1) One of my PCs, a cleric, just purchased a Wand of Cure Serious Wound. The DMG says that the PC only has to direct the wand in the general direction of the target and say the word of activation (all in all, a standard action with no attack of opportunity). I think it's ok for a wand of magic missile, but for a cure spell... is the cleric not supposed to touch the target for the Cure Serious Wound to be effective(as per the spell description) ?

2) Are magic bracers cumulable with a magic armor like a breastplate ?

Thanks for the help !



Liberty's Edge

Hi all,

It is indeed a good book and I definitely enjoy Golarion.

I do have a few question regarding this book though and maybe someone can help...

1) what are the new powers listed in the entry of each described country ? Feats ? Something else ? Let's say my PC is from Geb, do I get the Necromantic Resistance automatically or do I have to pay for it somehow ?

2) The Secret of Steel Shattering Spirit is cool (see p.85).. You gain a pool of ki points to shatter things, but how do you replenish the pool when you have used them up ? Medidation ? Sleep ? Someone knows ?

I do have another question. I am new to D&D 3.5 and I just started to play as a GM a couple of weeks ago. I have started AP1 Burnt offering and my PCs are about to enter the Catacombs of Wrath. Sinspawns are a plenty down there, but I have a question regarding their attacks : how many have they ? 2 or 3 attacks each round : 2 claw attacks + 1 bite attack or 1 claw and bite attack ?

Thanks for the help !