
Cedric Stavian's page

37 posts. Alias of Smaug the Terrible.

Full Name

Cedric Stavian


Human (Talden)


Cavalier 1







Special Abilities



Lawful Good






Common, goblin



Strength 16
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 12
Charisma 14

About Cedric Stavian

Cedric's stats:

Init +2, Perception+1


AC 18 with shield 16 without, touch 12, flat footed 15 (4 armor, 2 shield, 2 DEX)

HP: 12

Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1 (+2 fear)

Speed 20ft (base 30ft)

Longsword +4 (+5 goblins) (1d8+3/19-20x2)
Lance +4 (+5 goblins) (1d8+4/x3) (1d8+4x2/x3) on charging horseback


Base Atk +1, CMB +4, CMD 16

Special Qualities
Order of the Sword

Mounted Combat
Ride By Attack

Diplomacy +6
Handle Animal +6
Ride +6
Sense Motive +5
Knowledge (nobility) +5
Profession (soldier) +5
Perception +2

Hide armor, long sword,lance,heavy steel shield

30gp, 0sp, 0cp

Courageous: Your childhood was brutal, yet you persevered primarily through force of will and faith that no matter how hard things might get, as long as you kept a level head you'd make it through. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against fear effects.

Your family's homestead was destroyed by giants, goblins, or ogres in the hinterlands beyond Magnimar's sphere of control, forcing you to relocate to the city. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against creatures of the giant and goblinoid subtypes. (Goblin)

Human favored class bonus into cavalier.

Asfaloth's stats:

Str 16
Dex 13
Con 15
Int 2
Wis 12
Cha 6

Init +1, Perception +1

AC 18, touch 12, flat footed 17 (2 armor, 1 DEX, 4 nat armor 1 deflection)

HP: 18

Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1

Speed 50ft (base 50ft)

Bite +4 (1d4+3/x2)
2x Hooves +4 (1d6+1)

Base Atk +1, CMB +3, CMD 14

Special qualities
Low-light vision
Combat Trained
attack 2, come, defend, down, guard, and heel

Light armor pro

Swim +7
Escape artist +5

Military Saddle


Cedric Stavian is an interesting young man. His family is direct blood of the current king of Taldor. He was brought up to think of Cheliax as a land of tyrants and killers as all Talden children are told. In his younger years his families house was destroyed by a roaming pack of goblins that were driven off by a single man, Lan Cornoth. Lan was a knight of the Talden army and he was once time one of the kings' royal guards. Cedric was so inspired by the bravery that Lan showed that he decided he was going to be a knight. Cedric left his family to train with Lan for 18 years. With these years spent training Cedric learned what it meant to be a gentleman, and a warrior. He also learned the hardships that faced the common folk. Lan was a traveling knight, going where the people needed him. Weather it be a pack of goblins or a lone troll, Lan would help the people for no price, only the items they forced him to take. Through this Cedric learned that it is not the money you receive that makes the job worth it, but rather the people you help. On Cedric's 24th birthday he was given a young steed to take care of and call his own. Cedric named the young colt Asfaloth and the two became insuperable. Finally after 2 more years Lan gave permission to Cedric to join the Talden army. After joining the army it was found out that Cedric was direct blood of the king. Not wanting the blood of the royal family spilled, Cedric was reassigned to the Varsian city of Magnimar to guard The Lord-Mayor's family as part of a ploy by Taldor to seem more favorable in the eyes of the nobles. Not knowing himself to be a pawn Cedric accepted his duty without argument. Upon reaching Magnimar and the house of The Lord-Mayor Varnagan Draston-Meir Cedric saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. The girl had hair that shone like the moon and eyes as blue as the sky. So enough Cedric found that this girl was daughter of The Lord-Mayor, her name is Telvana. Having a crush on this girl Cedric knew he must find a way to impress her. Possibly by participating in a quest, but what kind? Naturally the founding of a new town town would do it, leading a charge against the vile creatures that surely surround the new town might work even better. Cedric now begins his quest of joining the group sent to start this new village, who knows maybe they need a hero?


Cedric Stavian is a handsome man of 24, his hair is a deep black almost coal color. His handsome face could make him governor or even king one day. But his charm and clever ideas might do it first. He wears a purple tunic with a shield strapped to his back. A sword is sheathed by his hip and a spear in his hands. His horse is white as snow and loyal as a brother to him. Together they will fight the evils of the land and establish a name for themselves while doing so. But Cedric is more than happy to have someone else take the credit, unless it hurts his chances with Telvana.


Cedric is a charismatic person, always trying to look on the bright side of things. Even when situations are bad he will attempt to rally those around him. Also being a generous person he will go out of his way to help those in need even if it means risking his life. If anyone insults Taldor or The Lord-Governor for whom he works there might be trouble. Being Talden Cedric looks upon Cheiaxians with a cautious eye, never knowing if they are going to stab him in the back.