Cedric Atizado's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Jal Dorak wrote:
Classes - receive flat hp (to my knowledge)

I haven't rolled HPs for characters since 2ed. Hasn't really affected gameplay other than take away the randomness once every month or so when someone levels.

Jal Dorak wrote:
Criticals - all dice are maximized, no confirmation roll

Apparently some things (specific weapons, feats, magic) will allow you to roll dice on top of the max damage.

Jal Dorak wrote:
Saving Throws - might as well be a coin flip

We've seen some things affects saves (dwarf vs poisons, elf vs charm, etc). It's not a straight 50% in any case (10+ saves on a d20, which is 55%).

Or maybe WotC doesn't want to be associated with GenCon if LucasFilms is successful in its suit. Have any of you looked at the reasons for the lawsuit?

In any case, GenCon attracted 27,000 attendees last year according to its site.

PAX, a convention in Seattle and much closer to WotC HQ, attracted 37,000 and is just two weeks after GenCon.

No big loss to WotC if they move their marketing push to PAX (probably cheaper too)...though all those players expecting them at GenCon will surely be disappointed.

BTW, WotC isn't the only major company that is still up in the air with regards attendance at GenCon. This isn't an isolated incident.