
Cedox's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Scarab Sages

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Minna Hiltula wrote:

One of my favorite PFS moments is from way back in 2009.

IC: "What a horrid waste of life! No one deserves to die in this kind of weather!" (The PCs are standing in pouring rain.)
A few seconds later, OOC: "...does the guy's armor look expensive?"


There has also been an odd theme of hippopotamuses in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings in our local games. My druid frequently wildshapes into a behemoth hippopotamus in order to carry the party around, which is not the most conspicuous form up north, resulting in there now being several small villages in the eastern parts of that country with statues of four Pathfinders and a liger riding a huge hippopotamus. Later, we expanded this to the Trans-Varisian Hippo Express in Refuge of Time. The theme was continued by my roommate's halfling druid, whose pygmy hippopotamus was understood by locals in Trollheim to be "some sort of hairless dog".

I feel like both of these belong in a Terry Pratchett DiscWorld novel. :D