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I have played a lot of Pathfinder in my time and wondered something about this game. Acid Arrow was it designed to be used for Divine? You have a Divine caster on the card and it is used in the main game for Divine Casters? If not, I would love for it to be added to the reprint if possible. I think Divine is struggling for some attack spells out of the gate. I tried checking the forum but wasn't able to find any insight. Thank you to whoever can give some insight to my enigma.

Thazar wrote:
That adventure case is awesome. I have been having a heck of a time managing my sleeved cards by using the box as designed plus a tool box for what does not fit.

It is sad how great that sounds? I'm so looking forward to anything that helps with storage and organization. If it works with the sleeves for the cards you could potentially start sleeving the entire set. Yey! I'm just reminded of my old gaming days where you would sleeve your entire deck. Although, I'm a little to cheap to start on that kind of project.

Any good suggestions?

First thought: I have been playing the RotR game with one extra friend since I started this game and have noticed something. Do you guys find the setup time to be really slow? We usually take the decks or part of the deck, shuffle, and deal out the cards. Any ideas on how to make it faster?

Second thought: Has anyone found the wrong way to play the game? I usually find the way and I have been at gaming for quite a while. I figured it would be good to max out certain characters stats while playing, but in some instances I see that people diversify. I'm just wondering if most people have a reason or just trying out different ideas. I know that in traditional game play you would want to max out certain stats. For example, I see that most people hit up Dex and Cha with Lem. I see the Cha for the casting stat, but you are also relying on his weapon for some damage as well. I had a simple thought....why not use the ally darts on top of the class ability? I just see others use him as a damage dealer.

FYI, I'm really digging the forum. I usually spend my time reading what other people say than usual posting.

fine_young_misanthrope wrote:
My wife and I also play. She runs the druid, and I run the paladin. We have a great combo with those two. Cure makes life A LOT easier when both characters can heal themselves and the other player. Might be worth a try.

I just see the Paladin as a painful experience. No items just makes me cringe. I don't even mind the extra armors since they come in more handy, but it is still painful. I enjoy having items that help with check or defeat monsters/henchmen/villains.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I'll also say this, you might just personally not like the druid. (Or at least the RotR Lini version of a druid.) I don't think anyone expects every player to like every character. That is fine. If you don't like Lini, try a different character. Lem would seem a decent fit for you party. Or if you like Valeros, give Amiri a shot.

He makes a good point. I'm not a huge fan of Harsk, but like Lini. It's all about the play style.


I'm so jealous that I can't go to these events. Too bad you guys can't make it out to GA and come to a few events. We will show Paizo a good time.

Broken in deed. I was looking at his stats....and was amazed. I could easily tear up some locations with that build. I just wish I could get my hands on the card. Anyone got a free one?

Erixian wrote:

I believe that the intent is for you to play the base set first. I have always done so with my groups. Here is why I think that is the best way to go:

1) You get to learn your character. Chances are, if you are starting a new character, you will want this relatively low risk starting experience. You can feel out your character and decide how you want to shape it.

2) You get scenario rewards and boons from locations. This is huge. Adventure 1 would be difficult without acquiring some much needed boon upgrades. This helps you shape your character even more.

3) You learn your team composition. Unless you are playing solo, you will want to figure out how your group will play together. Different compositions will play very differently together. Once again, this is rather low risk, so you can take some time to learn.

4) Paizo is expanding the base set adventure for S&S. This tells me that the people at Paizo want you to start in the base set and move on from there. They are expanding it so that newer players have more low risk learning, so that when they set out on their adventures, they are prepared.

Just my thoughts.

I skip the Perils of the Coast. I find that time = money. Usually, I don't have much issues with the AP1. Although, I do find it a struggle a times. My group has played enough that we build our decks when we start with new characters. You learn what works best for the character and your play style and build off of it.

The only recommendation that I would change for the game is Potion of Healing. I think it should be a basic item that should be discarded. I just find that in most games every character should have a option to heal a little. Anyone who has played Pathfinder knows that you always have a bottle in the backpack in case of emergency.

Errata to Potion of Healing:

Discard instead of Banish.

Extra: I hope someone from the game creators sees this post and adds it in as a Errata.

I'm playing Sajan (buddy) and Harsk (myself) while replaying some old scenarios while I wait for the pack 4 to come in the mail. It's kind of hard to get the traction, but there's strengths to every party. Although, I did find the Valeros/Lem combo was really broken. I played that with a buddy and we stormed through the game. It didn't really take much. He's boosting me, and I'm boosting him on everything. I would think that Limi/Lem would be even worse since the add-ons would be 2d4 base with all the bonuses.

Note: I wouldn't change your characters if you really like them. You're playing the game for fun so find the kind of fun you're looking for. It is something I have learned over the past years in gaming and life.


Find what works best for you. Don't fray it up with the rest of the sheep. Reading creates leaders.

Firedale2002 wrote:
fine_young_misanthrope wrote:
CURE, CURE, CURE! Hands down my favorite, and, the best spell in the game. Keeps you in the fight, and, if your luck is crap that day, failing a scenario doesn't equal resetting your character. If you die, you have to start over. Cure will keep you alive!

Thus why, at the end of The Hook Mountain Massacre adventure, the most chosen spell card was Cure (taking 13.9% of total spell cards chosen).

So it seems at least the players that reported characters totally agree.

Cure is an awesome card and can allow characters to survive much longer leading to more successful adventures (since you don't have to stop exploring and run the timer out to keep from dying).

My only thought for the fantastic ideas above is the Darts. You get a chance to re-roll on any screw ups. I can't say how awesome a re-roll can be in a pinch. Just saying. It's not great on the damage, but pick what matters most.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Turns out goblins are squishy.

Very Squishy. Hopefully, Ranzak will learn not click that 11 box. I hope he figures out better options in his lifetime.

Juergen wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Dagger wrote:

For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Dexterity or Ranged + 1d4; you may additionally recharge this card to add another 1d4.

When playing another weapon, you may discard this card to add 1d4 to the combat check.
As i read your post i just noticed, that daggers have the "recharge to add 1d4" ability. Other weapons need to be discarded to get additional damage. That is a benefit i haven't noticed before. A lot of daggers and a big handsize might work.

I noticed that it works great for your deck if you think your hand is too stale. I played the Dagger with Harsk and it works out pretty well. It's good to have that recharge = 2D4+1. I don't think that is too bad and pretty good/fun.

ChaoticBlue wrote:
Zoltán Mészáros wrote:

Wand of Shield is a weak card, but not every card in the game is intended to be kept between scenairos. (similar to use once and banish allies)

When using only the already released characters Short Sword and Scimitar both weaker than the Longsword, but out of the three the Scimitar is not basic. It's an adventure game, not everything supposed to fit into the power curve.

I don't have it near me, but doesn't the Wand have the Arcane trait? Because then it's at least "good" for Seoni's autorecharge power.

As far as the scimitar is concerned it has the Finesse trait ,which is used with greater effect by the Swashbuckler coming with S&S ( I also wager to guess that a few of the class deck characters will have finesse as well, not to mention other skills that would be usefull like craft) , meaning that if you ran a new character through Runelords some (seemingly)lackluster boons might have new and impressive purpose.

I hope so.

isaic16 wrote:

The first few scenarios are often the hardest, as you're getting your decks off the ground and geared up. If you haven't already, I'd advise starting with the Perils of the Lost Coast base set adventure, which are a bit easier than Burnt Offerings, and will give you a chance to get your feet under you a bit more.

If you want to add a character, I would advice adding at least one per person, so that you still have equal playing time. Cedfaz had some good suggestions, which I agree with. I'd also recommend a melee character, particularly Valeros, since he helps other characters while also being a fairly powerful combatant in his own right.

You make some good suggestions as well.

isaic16 wrote:
csouth154 wrote:
Yeah, I think that sounds about right, Hawk. As far as why they exempt villains, I think it has more to do with not wanting to make the game too easy than it does with the closing thing. I would think that banishing all villains, however that happens, would be counted as win. Currently, the only way to banish a villain is to defeat them and then for it to be impossible for them to escape. If there were some other way to banish a villain, such as Disintegrate not excluding them, that would surely count as a win, right?
I'm pretty sure they worded disintegrate (and likely similar future cards) this way so they would never have to answer that question. Right now, in the rules, a banished villain would create some kind of time paradox, trapping your characters in that scenario forever!

I would just say instant win. Scenario explodes...every one gets free items, weapons, armor, and items.

Mike Selinker wrote:
Just to be extremely precise: The minimum result for the *roll* is 0, not the minimum for each die. So if you roll a 4, a 4, and a 1, and subtract 3 from each die, you get a result of 0, not 3.

Ugh. I just took my understand to a new level with this game.

OnkelZorni wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
I don't believe there is any situation where you can't summon what we ask you to summon.

There is at least one situation when this can happen (actually, it did happen to me a couple of days ago):

Scenario The Cult Exposed with six players.
All Skinsaw Cultist where in the location decks when I revealed the Skinsaw Ritual Barrier...didn't know what to do 'til reading FAQ an then I just banished the card....

You should just run around screaming "Combo Breaker"!


Something else that is confusing and bewildering to the players.

foo bar 939 wrote:


My friend and I just started PACG and are having a blast, however we are finding it to be very difficult (we are on the 3rd scenario of Burnt Offerings now).

We are playing as Ezren & Merseil, but I was wondering what would be a good other character that we could add? Maybe a cleric to heal or something?

Second question: How likely should it be that your character will either die and/or fail missions throughout the course of the game? Like I said, it seems really hard a times!

I know your pain. My suggestion would be to add LEM and give him some cures. You can build him as a healer plus he can give general buffs to all your roles. Although, I will make a quick list:

Druid : Has great roles for everything. She can do pretty much anything.
Cleric: Healing machine and great undead killer.
Bard : Great buffer and can be built many ways. I found that using him as buff/healing may be of use to you.

Remember, you can build your decks the way you want when you start. I would just make sure you're using Basic cards.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
MikMik wrote:

I have just finished the final adventure with Lem, the Charlatan.

I have loved him, and he has only failed me once, in the penultimate scenario, where he was forced to banish his Snakeskin Tunic.

Not certain whether I should retire him or not for Skull & Shackles, but he has served me well through the entire "Rise of the Runelords" campaign.

There will be a new version of Lem for S&S. The Bard, Fighter, Rogue and Druid (with add-on) will be carried over to S&S but changed a bit.

I kind of felt that Lem was a boss in ROTR. He was pure buff and made other people very effective at what they were doing. I can think of a few easy pairings to do some major damage. Oh the fun memories.

Thanks for sharing. They were good reads. Although, I'm not sure I would want to play their stories except for the War priest. It was outstanding.

agraham2410 wrote:
For our group its Ring of Protection as it mops up a lot of minor damage especialy those that happen before and after encounters

You will find that you will see a lot of small damage here and there. It's a great way to get around it. I'm a fan on the crown since most of my characters are not that great at Charisma and it comes around quite a bit.

agraham2410 wrote:
For our group its Ring of Protection as it mops up a lot of minor damage especaly those that happen before and after encounters

You will find that you will see a lot of small damage here and there. It's a great way to get around it. I'm a fan on the crown since most of my characters are not that great at Charisma and it comes around quite a bit.

Mike Selinker wrote:
For goblins, proficiency is something that happens to other people.

Such a clever quote.

It looks pretty promising. I wonder if the character progression will change in this environment. Will it be any different?

You could just make the print out of the character sheets and mark away. It's pretty easy to use and free to download.

Here's the link:

Character Sheets

I hope this helps. I enjoy having the feel of a character sheet since it reminds me of the pen and paper days.

Zoltán Mészáros wrote:

Believe me, Paizo makes a very good business with Amazon, otherwise they wouldn't sell their products through them. So why the hate?

For me since I dont have Amazon Prime and I live in Hungary the cheapest option is BookDepository with their free shipping.

Would Paizo earn more money if I would purchase directly from them ? Well, hardly. They would have a bigger margin, but I would buy products slower, and maybe I would skip more products.

Also, it's business. You can be sure that successfull companies like Paizo and Amazon knows what's good for them, you shouldn't worry about it. As a customer you should care about what is good for you - lower prices, faster delivery, promos etc.

I completely agree with him. Paizo will make a profit if Amazon resells their product for them. It only affects Amazon. Well played, Zoltan.

I would be good either way. Although, I would lean more towards the pdf since I'm cheap.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mike Selinker wrote:

I’ve now read (and sometimes commented on) more than 1100 boardgamegeek.com threads and 400 paizo.com threads about the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. There are some themes running through those threads that I’d like to address, and then some major clarifications I’d like to issue. These are my opinions, and no one else’s. But first a caveat.

The very posting of these comments will incense some people. Board game designers are supposed to produce elegant works of perfection that need no clarifications, no errata, no commentary at all. We’re unique that way: trading card game players expect reams of floor rules, RPG players expect game masters will gloss over problems, and computer game players expect frequent downloadable patches. I like that high expectation of board game designers, as it keeps people like me on their guard for anything that might go wrong. Even when we do something as far off the beaten path as this game, those standards should be what we aim for.

My goal with this is to make sure that everyone is having fun playing my game the way it’s supposed to be played. I made some mistakes that got in the way of that, and you can call me out for it. As long as you’re observing Wheaton’s Law, I can handle whatever criticisms you have, and I can adapt to make sure we do things better.

In the first printing of the PACG, there are so far 15 unique cards (out of about 700) that have functional, non-cosmetic problems. That’s too much for my team’s taste, but perfection is always elusive. The more significant issues come in the rulebook, where we’ve learned that I made some assumptions I should not have made. The appearance of the same questions over and over makes me realize that some critical sentences were left out of the rulebook. These are high-level, 10,000-foot-view things about getting your mind right when you’re playing the game. These concepts exist in the rulebook, but nowhere near as clear as they should be. This game is incredibly...

I have read the messages on the board posts from the past few months. Is it just me or seem a little extreme that we have to point these things out? I felt like a lot of the rules you listed were self explanatory. I'm sure there are exceptions to everything. It's life and it happens. I'm not even sure if you read this anymore. I feel bad that you have to clarify things to such a extreme degree. Anyway, thank you for putting the time into this game. It's a great way to get my friends to play a semi-pen and paper game that doesn't take too much explaining after playing Pathfinder Role-Playing game.

There seems to be a lot of hate for Amazon. I'm kind of grateful that they list it for such a low price. It really helps my wallet.

Orbis Orboros wrote:

I certainly don't see playing Kyra as a way of making the game easier; if anything, I think it's the other way around! Kyra is one of the worst characters in the game in my opinion (I know several of you disagree with me). Her healing power is expensive, costing both an explore AND making you discard a card. Her anti-undead ability is situational and is less likely than not to help you with a fight. She only gets three spells with which to make use of her awesome divine stat, and even then she's the hearler, so people want her to heal; since cure is strictly better than her ability, it's at least tempting to put cures in those limited slots. Her weapon stat is a mere d6+2 which is very poor indeed, and even if you want to build her for that, she only gets two (maybe three, it's been awhile) weapons and they're not her favorite card type.

Oh, and she has armors. Always a minus, in my book.

Even if you can argue enough of that to say that she's not in the dregs of the barrel, she's certainly not at the top and playing without her will not make your game easier.

Playing with no characters at all using any cures might, but that's another matter.

Honest, but true evaluation. My buddy complains about her power at times.

Orbis Orboros wrote:
This thread is old enough that when I saw it on the recent list, I thought it was a new thread with new details. Disappointment reared its ugly head.

It doesn't change the fact that we will be spending our money to buy it in June. lol. Good times.

Pixel Hunter wrote:
So if a diplomacy check is easier for you, you can succeed at that check to avoid taking damage, but she goes back into the location deck.

Actually, the card would be defeated. She's no longer a obstacle. You persuaded her that you would help and she goes to the box to hang out.

Good question, though.

Tyler Beck wrote:

Darn, the forum ate my response.

Yes, you can use the reveal power from the card AND the reveal power from Lini's character power with the Cat as your animal ally.

Note that you could also use Lini's reveal power (powering it with the Cat) and then use a discard power from that same card, as long as you did it in that order.

Having a second animal ally to reveal to activate her power makes no difference in the case that you're asking about.

It's a good little combo when it happens.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Myriana's Diplomacy check to defeat requiring the magic trait is just like Iesha Foxglove's, who you might have encountered during Foul Misgivings in the Skinsaw Murders (adventure 2).

But, while Iesha is a villain and so only encountered during that particular scenario, Myriana is a monster, so she can be encountered in future adventures as well, which means Seelah will have had an opportunity to take her Crusader role and pick up the power "Add 1d8 with the Magic trait to your check to defeat a bane with the Undead trait." So she'd be able to add the magic trait to her diplomacy check too, just like Kyra. But since neither Kyra nor Seelah have the Diplomacy skill, they'd both be rolling 1d4 + 1d8 to against a difficulty of 10.

Quite a interesting find you made.

Brainwave wrote:

Each character can play one card of each type (that's appropriate) to assist with any given check.

In terms of being able to help if they are at the same or different location, that completely depends on the card or ability being used.

The wording on the cards is very important when you are trying to determine what cards can be played to help other people. For example, the spell Scorching Ray says "For YOUR combat check, discard this card to roll your..." so a card like that can only be used for your own combat check.

On the other hand, the ally Shalelu Andosana says "Recharge this card to add 1d4 to a ranged combat check." Since it just says "a ranged combat check", rather than your combat check, you can use that to help anyone (assuming they are making a ranged combat check).

Then the Grizzled Mercenary ally says "Bury this card to add 1d8 to a combat check at your location" so a card like that could help anyone at your same location.

Blessings are generally usable by anyone to help with a check, but yes you can only add 1 per check per character.

You can even find spells that help as well during your games. The easiest one I know that is definite is AID. Divine spells that adds a d6 to your rolls. I would make sure to read the cars thoroughly because you can come up with some sweet synergy with cards.

QuantumNinja wrote:
Ok, but that still doesn't address the issue of whether or not I can play Strength immediately when I encounter a card. I get that it probably is not the intent to be able to play Strength then, but I don't see anything in the rulebook that specifically prevents me from doing this.

Basically, you need to cast the Strength spell before you start exploring. It shouldn't be a big issue because you can get cards that scan ahead in the deck plus you get to see the location information. You just need to see what the odds of encountering something that needs strength. I would say most of the time the odds are in your favor.

Fourpaws wrote:

Having just opened Fortress of the Stonegiants I would say the Eagle. At first glance it is a card with limited Scouting-ability that can't cycle itself:

** spoiler omitted **

Then, not five minutes later, I realized, that this might be the optimal Ally for Lini. since it get put on the top of your deck you could use it after explorations and draw it back at the end of the turn to keep an Animal-Ally available.
Since I havn't played yet so it could still disapoint but at least I will give it a chance.

Good suggestion. I like it.

Mechalibur wrote:
Brainwave wrote:
I'm starting to wonder if there's a correlation between people who think the game is too easy and Seoni. After 2 skill feats and 2 power feats she rolls a d12+d6+6 for combat anytime she wants just for discarding a card by using her innate power. If you have a Harsk who's spent 2 feats in his helper ability, that's d12+d6+d4+8! for what I consider to be a fairly low cost and not dependent on having certain cards out. Now admittedly there isn't much else she can do except kill stuff and make charisma rolls but still... Wow.

Well, she's got enough items, blessings, and allies to help out the rest of the group as well. My Seoni has an emphasis on scouting, with a magic spyglass, Shalelu, and Scrying. She can also give a nice boost to other players' checks with Incendiary Cloud, Wand of Ennervation, and Poog. And with her current power, whenever she plays a blessing of Pharasma, she gives someone a d12 instead of their normal die. So I feel like she can be useful at more things than blowing up her encounters :)

Can't wait to see what the Wand of Treasure Finding does.

You guys are blowing my mind. You find ways to run the characters a lot differently that I would try to take them.

What I heard:
Basically, I hear that you can make her a buff character and put all your spells into buffs. You could convert those cards into the basic blast feature as your attack feature, just in case. Interesting.... You can find other ways to buff your attack ability, but it doesn't require that much.

Does my idea sound right?

Fourpaws wrote:

For Stategies:
Divine Gace
Don't be afraid to use your bonus d6. 40% of your Cards will be recharged and with the Spell upgrade you can easily get half your Deck rechargeble. As soon as you have a solid hand it will cut out the ballast and turn into a 100% recharge cycle.

Detect Evil
The Bonus Scouting is really powerfull. While I don't agree to use it every Round it helps you to cut your exploration Time down quite a bit.
I tend to use it in certain Locations (Garrison/ Shrine), to get an advantage over the Blessings Deck, or when I feel confident in the Equipment of my group.
Plus since you use it at the Start (or End) of your Turn you can move away, if the Top-Card is an early unwanted Villain.
I tend to use it more in bigger Group Games than Solo Games for the simple reason that you have to make the most out of every turn in bigger Games.

Building your Deck:
I feel getting magical Armor (not necessarily Shields) is the most important thing for Seelah, even if they are only light and if you...

So it sounds like you will only spend card feats on just Spells and Blessings so you can get the full effect out of your deck? Interesting way to play the character. Your idea makes it sounds like it would be more manageable that way. The way most people play this character is like the Inquisitor more than a Paladin. "She works like that concept as well".

csouth154 wrote:
It's very hard to go wrong by choosing weapon as your favored card type with Lem. He only has one in his deck. If you don't pick weapon as his favorite, and that weapon is near the bottom of his deck, it could be a long time before you get it in your hand.

I loved using this setup with Lem. He was a boosting animal especially if you get the ally dart +1 along with singing boost. You guys have some great ideas.

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
Andrew K wrote:
I can honestly say that power has given me some really fun fights. There's nothing like finding the villain in the last deck, and recharging 6 blessings while with Valeros and at a different location than Harsk :)
What's really amusing is when your group's Sajan has about half filled up with Blessings of Lamashtus - so their Villan smashing move can be imagined as being done to some quite horrfic prayers to a dark goddess...

I never realized with that character you could get the right blessings and could be doing some sick damage with the right type of blessings. Your melee counts as strength based checks so you can really go to town. I'm just thinking "wow"/"wat". (Insert meme picture here)

I see the light.

If you think along the lines of what is more usable you would stick with Cure, right? You can use Cure in any instance while you are limited with Mass Cure. (I'm thinking along the lines of utility.)

Alright, I see it. They are counting the fire as being created and not magical once the property is on the blade. (My mind thinks that it's crazy but it's the only way I can try to put in perspective.) Thanks for the heads up. (You would only apply properties if the card says so, right?)

HungryJoe wrote:

I think it is easy to get caught up in the story and like Cedfaz pointed out it makes sense that Mass Cure could be played when you were alone but it would be slightly wasteful. Personally I believe we are over thinking this. Going back to the core guidelines:

"Cards do what they say"
Mass Cure says "Reveal this card and choose another character at your location..."

"Cards don't do what they don't say"
Mass cure doesn't say "Reveal this card, you may choose another character at your location..."

I believe that as written Mass Cure clearly states a command to choose another character and not an option. Consider your character alone at a location with the Mass Cure spell. In this instance whether or not the card is telling you to do something impossible is actually dependent on if you decided to play Mass Cure. If you follow what the card says then you wouldn't reveal the card and the card would never tell you to do something impossible. For the card to actually tell you to do something impossible you have to first make a conscious decision to go outside the rules.

Finally "Allow for Abstractions"
Just because it makes sense to some people that mass cure could be played when you were alone doesn't necessarily mean that was the intent. We have to assume the intent was what is stated on the card until Mike or Vic or someone else official tells us differently.

My only reason against your final statement is you would need 2 different cards in your deck for the purpose of healing. I have Cure for healing myself or someone else. I have Mass Cure for healing someone else (required) and myself. I think it defeats the purpose of the card being a higher level spell.

I look forward to see the expansion on some details. It's going to be pretty sweet.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Just to follow up in agreement with everything Brainwave said.

2. Here is a link to a sequence that explains exactly how Lini's power works.

3. You have to add whatever you get to you hand. You can discard anything you don't want to keep in your hand when you reset your hand.

6. Totally agree, but just want to highlight that some cards do say things like "add 1d6 with the magic trait", so since the powers on that card instruct you to add the trait, the check would then have the trait.

7. Yes. It just says random location, not random open location, so any location is possible.

Spectre wrote:

If undefeated, you move to a random location.[/qoute]

I respectfully disagree with #6. You are casting a spell which has the Magic Property on the spell. The card boosts the weapon which isn't magic. Although, the spell is magic and has been included in the attack. Hence forth, magic was used in combat and the monster dies. (Still thinking from a Pathfinder perspective.)

HungryJoe wrote:
I love that mental picture. The thought of Valeros just standing in front of a Hill Giant switching belts until the Hill Giant spontaneously combusts...

Could we make that a promo card?

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Anyone whose strength die was less than a d8 would be better off revealing the Shock Longbow + 1 instead of the Longbow. That would include Harsk, Lem, Lini and Sajan, among others. Those 4 though would be likely to want to use a weapon that was dexterity based.

Valeros would also really like the Shock Longbow + 1 because he can recharge it to roll 1d10 + 2d8 + 1. And of course if he becomes Weapon Master that becomes 2d10 + 1d8 + 4.

Oh snap.